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StressLess™ Management

When emotions become a downward spiral & you feel caught up in them, gently start to bring yourself into your body by paying attention to your breath.
Notice the cool oxygen coming in, the warm air flowing out; and allow the diaphragm to move on its own without forcing it. Be aware of the lungs expanding and contracting with each breath,
as the stress and emotions start to gently release themselves & then start to notice the calm & evenness of your being. Then take three cleansing breaths to release the last of the stress and bring yourself into the room by focusing on specific colors of the primary color wheel
&/or objects that have significance in order to reorient you into the present moment.

When feeling off-center, visualize your body being pulled by the earth's gravity and think of yourself as a tree with your feet as roots to "ground' yourself. Focus also on your stomach area to find your center.
This will also bring about a sense of calm.

Meditation can ease the built-up pressure surrounding your given situation. Through breath, visualization and cognitive applications, you can ground yourself into present existence and facilitate better concentration through these life situations, applying these techniques while going through those moments in your life that present challenge.


The Autogenic Method

The mind and the body and the spirit are ONE and have the ability to function interdependently. Holistic practitioners know that each human being has the innate capacity for self-healing. Many therapies aim to address it by herbs & homoeopathy or by hands-on bodywork, of many differing kinds.

How can we learn to activate our own self-healing? Is it possible for this healing capacity to work at our own command and directive? Can we take charge of our own health and manage our own stress on a daily basis, and even begin to prevent the likelihood of serious illness? YES!

Autogenic Therapy is a method of mental, meditative-type exercises, which bring about profound relaxation in mind and body. The word ‘autogenic’ means ‘self-generating’. First, this is facilitated by the client; autogenic exercises are applied by the self to the self. There is no ‘middle-man’ in the shape of a therapist except in the role of guide and support in the initial teaching of the method. Second, the result of practicing the exercises is entirely spontaneous and unpredictable: the system of rebalance knows exactly what is required and will bring it about if left alone to do so.

First, find a quiet place and the sit in a comfortable chair.
Place your hands on your lap and uncross your legs.
Allow yourself 15 minutes of shifting your active concentration from daily conerns and worries to passive concentration on the sensations in your own body. Your focus is on just letting go and relaxing.
Notice your breath and allow it to rise and fall in a regular cycle rythmic & calm. Each time you exhale, feel youself letting go of all concerns. You feel the tension leave as the relaxation begins to take its place.
When you find your thoughts are wandering, bring your attention back to your body - focus on the physical sensation of its warmth and weight.
Now, slowly & deliberately, repeat the following words for yourself:

My right arm is heavy; my right arm is heavy
My left arm is heavy; my left arm is heavy
My arms are heavy and warm; my arms are heavy & warm
My arms are heavy and warm; warmth is is flowing into my hands
My arms are heavy and warm; warmth is is flowing into my hands
My legs are heavy; my legs are heavy
My legs are heavy and warm; my legs are heavy and warm
My breathing is calmregular; my breathing is calm & regular
My body breathes me; my body breathes me
My breathing is calm & regular; I am at peace
My breathing is calm & regular; I am at peace
I am at peace; I am at peace.

In the 1920s, a German neuro-psychiatrist - Dr Johannes Schultz, became intrigued by the physiological implications of a person in a deeply relaxed state while under hypnosis or when going to sleep. Taking the observations of researchers into the hypnotic state (Vogt and Brodmann), Schultz constructed a set of simple auto-suggestions, incorporating those observations.
Over time these were developed into the Six Standard Exercises: heaviness in the limbs, then warmth, focusing on the heartbeat or pulse, breathing, an idea of warmth in the abdomen, and coolness in the forehead. If these are the perceived sensation of mind and body in a deeply relaxed state, Schultz simply made a conscious exercise of that perception. Autogenic Therapy is a concept of auto-suggestion but it is not self-hypnosis.
As Schultz developed the exercises and used them more widely among his acquaintances, colleagues and family, not to mention his patients, his results showed the extraordinary power of mind and body influencing self-healing processes.

Some Helpful Suggestions

Visualization for Wellness:A healing technique for those diagnosed with dis-ease/ill-ness

First, relax yourself.

Sit a lay comfortably and close your eyes. Breath in, breath out...breath in, breath out.

Visualize your unwellness in whatever form is appropriate for you.

Use a TV or movie screen or picture any way you like. You must attempt to visualize the illness with all of your senses

Picture a cure taking place as vividly as you can. Do not be afraid to make it bizarre

Incorporate in the image both the body's own healing abilty (Example: white blood cells* don't make too many!).

Clean away all debris & unwanted waste. Use a big fire hose or visualize another method of clearing it out of your system. Picture the area of being cleared - free from the disease.

Picture yourself completely healed; free from the illness and performing normal activities/and productive life. See yourself happy and healthy.

Give yourself congradulations & positive reinforcement for assisting in the expeditiousness of your cure.

Now, bring yourself back up by counting from 10 to 1 and then open your eyes.

This process is to be repeated frequently. The more intense the illness, the more frequently the process of visualization. In the evening before going to sleep is a very good time to program the mind/body for wellness, this way you can also utilize your dreams for the healing process.

*Lymphocytes, Metamyelocytes, Myelocytes, Basophils, Eosinophils, Monocytes, Neutrophils (A drop of blood can contain anywhere from 7,000 to 25,000 white blood cells at a time. If an invading infection fights back and persists, that number will significantly increase)

Inner Body Search

Begin by finding a quiet place to relax

This first attempt just get into the idea of exploring inside your body.

Focus on your breath. Imagine getting into your own underwater vessel which has a large dome window at the front so you can see everything, then begin to visualize yourself shrinking in size.

Enter into the body through a tear duct or sweat gland - any small opening.

Now, direct your vessel directly to the dis-eased area.

Imagine that your vessel has a laser or arms that you control from the command post. Aim this laser or use these arm to get directly at the dis-ease and imagine/visualize it dissolving away, or returning to optimal health with the assistance of the arms.

When you have finished, come out of your body the same way you went in, and return to normal size.

Imagine your body healed and healthier than it has ever been before. Bring yourself back to the room and breath normal, then when your ready, open your eyes.

Desire a Cure

Believe Healing Is Possible

Expect a Cure

The HEARTBEAT© Connection is a method that I created was discovered during a time when I needed to strengthen my Being while there was unloving behavior coming from my partner. I gave to myself nurturing so that I could take care my infant son. This came to me instinctively and surprisingly, not only comforted me, it filled me with love -releasing the 'pain' and made a strong connection to my Higher Source - The feelings flowed through me so powerfully that I radiated this love through me to share with others.

The HEARTBEAT© Connection

Heart release work & regeneration through breath is a technique used for emotional release for health & wellness not only for your heart, it is also for your Mind, Body & Spirit.

I first introduced this method of healing to the public atThe Holiday Inn (in transition before it became The Best Western), New Hope PA - Holistic Fair, organized by Annie Hart (who was associated with Mary Thunder at that time), given as a lecture/presentation & healing exercise of mine - - along with other participating New Age healing Professionals - Sonia Swartley, Stash Serafin - with additional psychics & healers around the beginning of 1990. I did not give it a name back then, as I did not know what to call it at that time.... Steven Thayer and I talked about my healing method and how his is similar with his method also contacting 'angels'called IET....
HEARTBEAT© is Healing Emotions And Regeneration Through Breath Exercises Accessing Toxins (Through Touch)

To release residual feelings and center yourself, this method also fills up the heart and chest area & generates self-love that radiates outward to share with others - so try this out for yourselves and notice the results.
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Make a connection to your emotional body by placing your left hand horizontally on your chest at an angle with the fingers of the hand in straight alignment & together, aiming at the right shoulder with the palm base very near the 4th Chakra or breastbone area around your heart center; this will energize your immune system by recharging the thymus gland located in your body underneath where your hand is being placed.
Place your right hand on your 2nd Chakra; placing your thumb horizontally directly below your navel, otherwise known as your Tantien. Notice your breath, and feel what emotions start to stir while making this connection. Allow them to pass over you or express if needed.
You want your abdomen to expand - to fill up first as in yoga breathing - bring that breath slowly up into your chest to where your hand is. It will feel like cool air. Give one full cleansing breath, then do not expand as much as you have allowed your lower quadrant.
Continue this full & expansive intake of oxygen & let this breath circulate throughout the body (while keeping your hands in place), dispelling toxins & releasing fears that have been held in the chest area by past reactive shallow breathing. This will nourish your blood, brain & heartflow which will effect your whole body.
Release any unwanted, old emotions & patterns (which will surface during this excercise) that no longer serve you while breathing in new prana to revitalize; this will effect you at your cellular level.
During this breathing process, you will be reprogramming old tapes and sending new thought patterns to your conscious mind with new & positive messages of LOVE*

(changing negative memory/patterns is essential to healing)

- your cells will vibrate at a new level, increasing energy to your whole system and lightening the body/mind (while continuing to effortlessly breathing in and out in the above manner). This reduces stress and bring a sense of overall wellbeing and peace of mind. This technique also grounds you, connects you to your body, and brings about a sense of clarity combined with renewed inner strength.

Part of this healing process includes the introduction of 'White Light' to cleanse and clear the subtle body with activating the Chakras and strengthening these 7 Centers or Energy Wheels. Each one corelates to the endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves, so that you will feel this lightening of the physical body, which is available for demonstration and teaching by contacting me.

Any duplication or any similarity of method being promoted is not to be confused with HEARTBEAT CONNECTION the parent creation.
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**To learn more about this technique in detail and specific instructions on reprogramming the mind with positive messages (not mentioned here), or for certification in this technique, call 267-221-7160

You can start the process by reading below the 10 ways on
How to Love Yourself by Louise Hay
Enjoy the gift!

1) STOP ALL CRITICISM- Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to critcize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticise yourself, your changes are negative - when you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.
2) DON'T SCARE YOURSELF- Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives your pleasure (her's is yellow roses) and immedieately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.
3) BE GENTLE AND KIND AND PATIENT- Be gentle with yourself, be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself as your learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as your would someone you really loved.
4) BE KIND TO YOUR MIND- Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts; gently change your thoughts.
5) PRAISE YOURSELF- Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.
6) SUPPORT YOURSELF- Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.
7) BE LOVING TO YOUR NEGATIVES - Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill these needs. So lovingly replace the old negative patterns.
8)LEARN ABOUT NUTRITION- What kinds of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about excercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in.
9) MIRROR WORK- Look into your eyes often. Express the growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself (while) looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents (as you) look into the mirror. Forgive them too. At least once a day say, "I love you", I really love you!"
10) DO IT NOW- Don't wait until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship - Begin it now-do the best you can.

StressLess Reduction Visualization

Find a quiet place to sit and relax for ten minutes or indulge for half an hour.

Loosen any tight, restrictive clothing and sit comfortably in a chair, with your hands on your lap. Read this through & visualize. Now close your eyes.

Imagine you are taking a walk in the forest. The path leads you deep into the heart of the woods. You can smell the earth and feel the ground beneath you. You can hear birds calling as you walk deeper.
In the distance you can see a patch of light and you can hear water flowing there. You walk towards it. You come into an opening where light is shining strongest and ahead of you you see a cove where you find the waterfall. You take off your shoes and walk through the shallow end towards the rocks where the water is coming down off the high ledges.
You cautiously get closer to the stream of water and excitedly venture out into the middle of the waterall and stand under it.
The water gently pounds on your head. Feel it as the water cascades down and knead your shoulders, running down your back - working the calves of your legs splashing onto the rocks at your feet.
Pounding gently at all parts of your body you are massaged into a blissful state of relaxation and mental release and you feel freedom.
Take yourself back now to the waters edge, put your shoes back on and walk towards the beginning where you started, to the room you are now in.
Slowly open your eyes.

Just a little taste of heaven!

Presented at Holistic Fairs throughout Bucks County &

International Womans Show 1994
"Stress Break"
The Pennsylvania Convention Center

and also at
Shawnee at Highpoint at Chalfont
The Breath Awareness Center

Perfect for Corporations or small businesses who need to keep stress to a minimum when working in the office.
Also any MOMMIES group who are looking to destress or other Professional groups who are looking to keep their business
in peak mental, emotional and physical health. Previous Presentations:

~The Pennsylvania Convention Center~
International Womans Show 1994
"Stress Break"
~Shawnee at Highpoint~
in Chalfont
~The Breath Awareness Center~

Call for rates 267-221-7160