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HeY! I'm Hilary... aka HiL, Hilers, HiLs, HiLz, Hilerishernesses, Hilerishness, etc. I dont feel like putting many pictures in here anymore but one day if I get bored I'll scan some and put some on. Dana fixed my page up a bit.. THANKS HUN!

SHOUTOUTS TO MY PALS! (note: if you dont know whta i'm talknig about.. you dont want to know.)

Shanners- Where's Rinaldo?! I wanna show him my toolbox! OH NO! I just lit off a firecracker in my hand! oh my it's not good! Ya know when you're done with the toilet paper and the tube that's left... well it kinda looked like that! Dana- dont drink Delaware Water! next time you wont get the squeeky cot! haha! poor daners! one more word.. ok 2... jamaica.. kolby.. that sums up some good crap! Sammers- THE MONKEES! "daydream believer" and all the rest of our cool monkee songs! stupid brits and their bluebirds! Jimmy Lotz and Jared- POOTIE TANG 3! you gotta play volleyball at 5 in the morning it's only normal! "you're almost there, pootie!" and everyone else i dont feel like writing EVERY little inside joke out right now...

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