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"Every adventure begins with a first step, tried but true, even here." - Alice

Bio of Me

Sketches By Bruce


My Fav Quotes

Vamp Quotes

Owen Tribute

Sailor Scouts


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May this small candle guid you on your journey

"Greetings. Welcome to my cavern, my haven, the place in which i dwell. Within my house you will find the above linx. If you have any personal comments, suggestions, etc, please leave them in my Guest Book as you exit. Becareful what you write, things do tend to come back and bite people in the ass, or neck. Also if you place your cursor over most pictures you stumble upon a text message may pop up. Farewell & tread lightly." ~gangrelvamp~

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Quotes of the Weeks

"I feel there is something unexplored about women that only a woman can explore." - Georgia O'Keefe from the novel girlfriends

"There are two kinds of women: those who want power in the world, and those who want power in bed." - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis from the novel girlfriends

"Being a woman means finding the source of our power and identity, not in the bedroom or boardroom, but in living each day out of the richness of our feminine creativity and passion." - girlfriends

"I can sometimes resist temptation, but never mischief." - Joyce Rebeta-Burditt from the novel girlfriends

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"Well tomorrow I will start my training as Associate Manager at work. FINALLY I'M MOVING UP IN THE WORLD!!! Well at least until she comes back from having her baby. Nothing too exciting going on here other than that. Finally put up some NEW Quotes of the Weeks!! Oh well back to sleep." ~gv~


"Hair stylists have definate aggression issues. I just got my hair chopped off today (finally, it needed it really bad). First let me explain the washing: my head was shoved underneath scalding hot water, then twisted around while she "worked in" the shampoo. Then she constantly hit my recently pierced ear & tugging on it (i'm surprised it wasn't bleeding). The same was with the conditioner. Then came the combing my long, thick, WET hair with a tiny toothed comb. Let me tell you, I thought she was going to rip off my entire ear. And of course she couldn't help but rip on my piercing. I'm surprised she didn't pull it out of my ear all together. During the actual cutting process she stretched my neck around and EXTREMELY tilted my head to each side. Once the cutting part was done she HAD to BLOW DRY IT!!! My hair hates the dryer. All it does is frizz all to hell. She put some goop in it so it wouldn't as bad & that kinda worked. But she insisted on keeping the blow dryer in one spot for like a minute & my scalp was probably all red. Then she asked me what I thought but I can't see shit without my glasses so she FINALLY gave them to me and at first I didn't like it, I remind myself of a mushroom-head, but now after.... **checks clock & thinks** 2 1/2 hours it's growing on me a little bit at a time. I'd go back again, even after all that, but I'd take out all of my earrings first!!" ~gv~


Meet Henry "Hey Momma, I guess pink elephants don't have to run up trees, they can just fly right up!!(inside joke **hiccup**)" ~gv~


"Well, well, well. It sure has been a while. I kinda miss this. My own little world. I recently found out that my friend's 2 yr-old son died on Sunday (03-07-04). My heart simply broke. The funeral is tomorrow (03-11-04). It just makes you really think. I'm glad I'm not religious(I do practice Wicca though) or else I'd be blaming 'God' and all. But accidents do just happen sometimes. It's nobody's fault. It's quite sad but some things just aren't meant to be." ~gv~


"I finally decided that since I have the convience of time I should begin revamping my site (pardon the pun). I shall let you all know when everything is basically complete, then willi work out the tiny details. This may take a while but that's my problem." ~gv~

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"If you would like to linx my page please use the graphic above."

"Thank you very much. Please leave a note in the Guest Book if you would like me to linx you as well. I would also enjoy seeing other web sites." ~gv~

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