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TOW the how you doins
TOW the how you doins

[We hear Joey’s voice telling us a brief overview of what happened during TOW Chandler’s shirt. They we go to the scene we left off on, Chandler and Monica sleeping in Monica’s bed. Monica’s eyes open.]

Monica: Chandler?

Chandler: *yawn* Good Morning.

Monica: Good Morning. Thinking: Wait a second...this must be a dream. A very good dream.

Chandler: [thinking to himself] This must be a dream. But usually when I dream about this she doesn’t say it’s a dream. Hmm...

Monica: [She kisses him] Wait a second, [she starts to panic] when I dream I don’t usually recognize I am dreaming...oh my. It couldn’t’s must be a dream...maybe all those lessons from Phoebe about controlling my dreams are paying off.

Chandler: What, what about you not recognizing something’s a dream?

Monica: Nothing...pinch me

Chandler: What?

Monica: please.

Chandler: Ok...[he pinches her]

Monica: Ow! [pinches him back] Wait...that means...

Chandler: That hurt, but that could only mean....

Chandler & Monica: [Together] I’M NOT DREAMING!


[We see Joey and Rachel in the guy’s apartment]

Rachel: I wish Monica would get up so she could clean up in there...

Joey: Yeah, ‘cause I’m sure as hell not going too

Rachel: Me either, but she’s going to make us I know it, Monica always wakes up around now if she has had a lot to drink the night before.

Joey: Where’s Chandler? He’s going to try to duck out of clean up duty! What a jerk.

Rachel: Joey, the party was for him...

Joey: Oh yeah! Well I’m going to wake him! He can watch us clean, then Monica will get mad at him for just watching and make him help. He’s not getting out of this one! Chandler!! Wake up!!! Chandler?

Rachel: Let’s open the door a crack and make sure he’s not in a coma or something.

Joey: Right. [They peek into Chandler’s room, they see he is not there.]

Joey: Where is he?

Rachel: I bet he left early just to avoid cleaning up! What a jerk!

Joey: Yeah!

Rachel: Wait a second...I’m thinking...

Joey: What?

Rachel: You know how we were giving Chandler and Monica a hard time about the shirt and all...

Joey: Uh huh.

Rachel: Well, they were the last one’s there, we all went to bed...if they were drunk I wonder if they...

Joey: No Way

Rachel: Nah!

Joey: Hey, let’s go get a cup of coffee, if Chandler skipped out then we better too.

[They leave]

[We see Joey and Rachel in the Central Perk. Phoebe enters.]

Phoebe: Guys!

Rachel: Hey Pheebs

Phoebe: Guess what?

Rachel: What?

Phoebe: Well, ok, so you know how once in a while the ice cream place has tose contests about, like finding another flavor...

Joey&Rachel: Uh huh

Phoebe: Well one of those started today and I am going to Win!

Rachel: Pheebs, those contests are very hard. You have to be a chef to win, or a cute little kid...

Phoebe: Well, yeah, but I have the next best thing...

Rachel: Dare I ask

Phoebe: Ross!

Joey: Phoebe, the closest Ross has been to cooking is being related to Monica.

Phoebe: But, no that’s not see the trick to these contests is to come up with a flavor by experimenting. So I figure anyone can do that...

Rachel: Yeah...well Ross doesn’t quite make the anyone category.

[Ross enters]

Ross: Phoebe, I just bought 20 boxes of Ice Cream cones! This is going to be so fun!

[Rachel looks at Phoebe]

Phoebe: Yeah, ok, you can say, "I told you so now." Come on Ross, let’s go and start...

Ross: This is so cool! I love Ice Cream! I always wanted to enter this when I was a kid!

Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, ok....not to loud though.

[We fade out, and fade into Monica’s room. Monica and Chandler are now on opposite sides of the bed staring at each other.]

Monica: I don’t know how this could have happened!

Chandler: Happy Birthday to me!

Monica: Chandler, this is serious.

Chandler: Sorry, well, ok so it happened, it’s not that bad is it?

Monica: Well no, but I mean, this is sort of sudden, we haven’t even been on a date...and oh my...

Chandler: Monica, no one else know’s and no one else is gonna know or find out so as long as this is a secret it’s ok right?

Monica: I guess...but what do we do now?

Chandler: [He kisses her]

Monica: That works.

Chandler: So I mean, what do you think, should we give us a chance?

Monica: What do you think?

Chandler: I believe I asked you first this time...

Monica: Oh...uh...well I don’t know.

Chandler: You don’t? Oh.

Monica: I mean, I don’t know if it would work...

Chandler: It might.

Monica: Our friendship would never be the same.

Chandler: It would be better.

Monica: And...its you...

Chandler: Is that bad?

Monica: No, I like you, yes, ok we can give it a chance, I think it would be good, ‘cause I kinda like you

Chandler: Really?

Monica: Yes, your cute.

Chandler: And your hot

Monica: [she laughs softly]

Chandler: What?

Monica: You didn’t know what to say....

Chandler I did to

Monica: You said hot

Chandler: It came out wrong...

Monica: I think it’s cute that you didn’t know what to say to me...

Chandler: Really? Do you?. [She kisses him and we fade out]


[We fade into a scene with Joey and Rachel at Central Perk. Joey see’s a hot girl at a table.]

Joey: Wow! Look at her.

Rachel: Yeah Joe, she looks nice...go say hi

Joey: I’m gone [He walks over there, the girl is sipping coffee.]

Joey: How you doin’?

Girl: Excuse me?

Joey: I said How you doin??

Girl: Oh you think I’m going to fall for some cheap pick up line? Just because I’m Blond and a girl! Huh? You sexist PIG!!! [She throws coffee on his face. Joey looks upset and goes back to the couch where Rachel is sitting, watching the whole thing.]

Rachel: How did it go?

Joey: It didn’t work! It didn’t work!

Rachel: Joey you’re not going to get every girl with that...

Joey: But it always works! Always. Why didn’t it work on her?

Rachel: Come on Joey, so it didn’t work on one girl, so what, it usually work right?

Joey: Usually? Usually? I’m not a usually guy! I always get the girl! Always.

Rachel: Maybe you should try some new material

Joey: Yeah! That’s it, but what?

Rachel: I don’t know? Ask Ros-no, oh ask Chand-No, uh...I guess you just have to think about it.

Joey: I never have to think about it! It always come naturally to me. Oh wait, I know. I’ll take a bath!

Rachel: Why? Because you are covered with coffee and are beginning to get sticky?

Joey: No, rubber ducky always helps me think. [He and Rachel leave, we see Phoebe and Ross in Ross’s apartment]

Phoebe: Hey Ross, how about adding chocolate chips?

Ross: No! I mean no, how about some, fruit...yes frozen fruit!

Phoebe: Oh, I kinda had in mind something fruity yet chocolatey...

Ross: No! I mean I think that we shouldn’t mix them, Pheebs can you get those chunks of fruit I cut up...

Phoebe: Ok Ross...if we are going to do this then you have to stop being so controlling! This is a team effort! Now I say we add tea to it, and then oh! Some chocolate!!!

Ross: Well, ok.

Phoebe: There. Let’s put it in tupperware with the others, in the cooler. I thin we should go over to Monica’s and use her freezer. This freezer is packed. And, oh they can sample the flavors and tell us what they like!

Ross: Ok. [We fade out and fade in to a scene with Chandler and Monica on the couch. He is wearing his clothes which are wrinkled, and she is in a bathrobe]

Ross: *Knock* Monica open up! I got into the building but you have this door locked!

Phoebe: We can’t get it, I know you want these free samples!!

Monica: Oh God it’s Phoebe.

Chandler: And Ross!

Ross: Monica open up!

Monica: Hide hide!

Chandler: Where where???

Monica: My room, and close the door!

Ross: Monica!!

Monica: Uh...Just a minute Ross I’m getting out of the shower! [Monica runs into the bathroom and turn of the faucet, she throws her hair into it and get it wet. She get a towel and put it over her head.]

Monica: Coming! [She opens the door]

Ross: Oh, sorry Mon.

Monica: No it’s fine, let me go put some clothes on.

Ross: Nice Bathrobe by the way..hey isn’t that you good robe? The one you wear know...

Monica:, no I got a new good bathrobe, it’s uh, silk, yeah silk...uh excuse me

Phoebe: Ok, I’ll get Joey and Chandler

Monica: NO!, uh Chandler went somewhere...

Phoebe: oh

Monica: Stop questening me! I don’t know where!!! I don’t keep track of where Chandler is!

Phoebe: Uh...ok

Monica: Ok I’m going to get dressed now

Ross: Oh hey before you do can I go in and get that cook book you said I could borrow, I need it.

Monica: Now???

Ross: Yes...Pheebs and I have another ingredient that we have to add and I forgot what the recipe said when I looked at the book when we were here...we have to add this before you guys taste our stuff.

Monica: OK Ross! You can go in my room!!! My ROOM! So go on in...nothing’s in there....nope, not in my ROOM! [We see a shot of a panicked Chandler, he circles the room making faces. He tries under the bed but he can’t fit. He runs into the closet just as Ross enters the room.

Ross: Monica it’s not on your night table, is it in the closet?

Monica: Uh...[She enters the room] Uh..No! No it isn’t...I’ll find it later.

Ross: Monica, you never loose stuff!

Monica: Uh...I’m really tired and I have a migrane! [Rachel and Joey enter]

Rachel: Where’s Chandler? Joey needs help with girls...

Phoebe: Chandler, help with girls...*laugh*

Ross: I can help...

Phoebe: Where is Chandler?

Ross: I can help...

Rachel: Well let’s see then, two divorces, and Chandler, married a lesbian, and Chandler. I’d go with Chandler.

Ross: Chandler couldn’t give advice on relationships if his life depended on it! The only time he has committed to anything is when he was with Janice!!!

Monica: Ok guys, enough about Chandler. Come on! What did you guys all come her for anyway!!!

Ross: Samples

Phoebe: Uh...we ran out of freezer space for these samples for our contest, so we’re gonna just slowly put these samples in here...

Joey: Rachel forced me to come.

Rachel: I live here.

Monica: Ok, I’m getting dressed! Just go about you business please! [She goes into her room and slams the door. She opens the closet door and the light is on in there. Chandler hands her an outfit.

Chandler: I personally like this dress on you...

Monica: Thank you. You can come you know.

Chandler: That could be difficult, I am molded into the shape of this closet. [Monica pulls him out and they kiss]

Monica: I have to get this on and get out there, they’re going to wonder what happened to me...

Chandler *kissing her* Let them wonder...

Monica: No I have to go...[We see everyone else out side her room. Rachel, Joey and Phoebe are on the couch and Ross is in the chair.]

Rachel: Hey, has anyone noticed something funny going on with Monica?

All: Yeah

Joey: Hey you don’t thin she took us to seriously before, and actually did sleep with Chandler do you?

Phoebe, Rachel & Joey: Nah

Ross: What?

Rachel: We were just teasing them and all...nothing big...

Ross: Oh

[They all nervously look around]

Rachel: Where’s Chandler?

Phoebe: I was wondering that

Joey: Me too

Ross: Wait, do you guy notice something?

All: What?

Ross: This place is a mess, still!

Phoebe: Oh my God Monica didn’t clean it!

Rachel: Uh...

[There is silence, and Monica bursts out of her room, perky.]

Monica: Ok Everyone, so Ross here’s your book....and sure you guys can help your selves to our freezer space, anything for my friends.

Phoebe: Oh, are you currently on medication?

Monica: Why would you say that?

Rachel: Are you ok?

Joey: Why is this place still a mess?

Phoebe: You seem perkey?

Ross: Where’s Chandler?

Monica: Yes, because I’m not doing all this myself, yes, and I don’t know who are you the FBI?

Ross: Uh...Mon. Maybe we should come back later?

Monica: Ok.

Rachel: Joey and I are

Rachel, Joey, Phoebe, Ross: [Very quickly as they are running for the door] Bye!

[We see all four of them in the hall]

Rachel: Talk about bad moods...I’m not even that bad when I get dumped!

Joey: Something really weird is going on...[we hear a click]

[Phoebe tries the door]

Phoebe: She locked it! It’s locked!

Rachel: What? No it’s just stuck! [She tries it and it doesn’t open]

Ross: Step aside you guys, let a real gladiator try it! [He, also is unsucessful ]

Joey: Why did she lock the door?

Rachel: Maybe she has a guy in there!

Ross: Ew...I don’t want to think about some guy and my sister!

Phoebe: Well we have to get in and find out! Our samples are in there! You guys can’t try them now!!

Rachel: Oh...too bad...

Joey: And I was looking forward to it...

Joey: Hey Phoebe, what;s up baby?!


Joey: Argh! It didn’t work, the Joey dating system as we know it is gone, done for, over!!!

Phoebe: What? Oh no Joey. No, you can’t give up now! There are tons of girls out there that you haven’t even met...If you give up this now then who will the guy who has a lot of girls..huh? Who can take you place...Ross...Chandler? No, far from it!

Ross: ok let’s not get to carried away with this!

Joey: Yeah! Pheebs is right! I’m the stud!

Phoebe: Say it again, say, "I’m the stud."

Joey: I’m the stud!!

Phoebe: I can be successful with girls!!

Joey: I can be successful with girls!!

Phoebe: I LOVE girls, I am obsessed!

Joey: I LOVE girls, I am obsessed!

Phoebe: [to other customers] Ok..uh you know I’m not actually gay right? Ok... I can commit!

Joey: Whoa there, I’m not Chandler, you can stop right there!

Phoebe: K.

[We see Chandler and Monica]

Monica: The door is locked!

Chandler: *kiss*

Monica: I so wanted to get rid of them!

Chandler: Oh yes! I have never looked forward to seeing you more!!

Monica: Yeah! [They start to kiss, Chandler sits on the couch and Monica still kissing him beside him. She starts to unbutton his shirt and he tries to unbutton hers.]

Chandler: I HATE buttons!

Monica: Just Kiss me!

Chandler: ok [they continue to kiss]

[We fade out]

[We fade into Central Perk. Monica and Chandler enter, everyone else is already there]

Monica: Hi

Chandler: Hi kids

Rachel: So...where were you guys last night?

I came back to the apartment and you two were gone...

Joey: Hehe

Chandler: We went to a bar, and both met dates...

Monica: [quickly] and slept with them...[she realizes that this was not the best thing to say]


Rachel: Well Pheebs, do ya want to go?

Phoebe: Uh no I’m fine!

Rachel: Do you want to get details from Monica?

Phoebe: Oh yes I want to do that uh huh!

[Chandler shoots Monica a worried glance. She looks at him reassuringly.]

[The girls leave. We see the girl in the girls appartment]

Rachel: So who was he?

Phoebe: And how was he?

Monica: He is the cutest most amazing guy!

Rachel & Phoebe: Woo hoo!

Monica: It’s like, I dunno

Rachel: On a scale, like Richard being a 9, how was this guy?

Monica: Into the 12's.

Phoebe: Wow! So I guess you guys hit it off huh?

Monica: [dreamily] Yeah

Rachel: What’s his name?

Phoebe: And where does he live?

Monica: Oh, uh...I think I’ll wait to bring him public until I see works out...yeah!

Rachel: Ooooh! A secret boyfriend.

Monica: yeah, kinda

[We fade out and into the Central Perk where the guys are sitting]

Joey: So how was she?

Ross: And who was she?

Chandler: Very good, and I don’t know too much about her.

Joey: Niiice!

Ross; So on a scale, Janice or Rachel’s Boss being a 7 or so, what was the mystery girl

Chandler: I’d say into the 12's

Ross: Wow! I have to hand it to you man! So introduce me to her!

Chandler: Uh...that would be a lot weirder then you think.

Joey: Does she have a friend?

Chandler: Well...

[we fade out and into the boys apartment, Chandler is there, Joey enters]

Joey: Hey!

Chandler: Sssh! She’s asleep in my room.

Joey: The mystery girl? Oh OH can I see!

Chandler: No. I have to run to Rachel’s to get my wine, so I trust you...DON"T LOOK!

Joey: You can trust me...

[Chandler leave, Joey runs to Chandler’s closed door. He gets there and contemplates for a minute.]

Joey: He’ll never know...I mean I can lie to him...he’ll never find out...I can keep a secret.

[Joey opens the door and see’s Monica on the bed. He makes on of those classic Joey faces]


[This wakes up Monica]

Monica: Joey!!! I was...uh....

[Chandler runs in.]

Chandler: JOEY!!! You promised!!!

Joey: Never trust me!!! You should know by now!

Chandler: Man...

Joey: You’re sleeping with Monica??? Oh My God! What’s the mystery girl gonna say?

Monica: Joey, I am the mystery girl!

Joey: OH MY GOD!

Chandler: You have to never to tell anyone until we tell them? If Ross found out it would be the end...and I really like Monica...a lot! [He sits down on the side of the bed. He leans down and kisses her cheek]

Monica: I really like him too...can you help us Joey?

Joey: Uh...uh...Yes of course! [Audience claps] You two look so darn cute!

[Monica and Chandler smile. They kiss, Joey slips out.]



[We see Phoebe and Ross in at the top of a line. They have a long line behind them, the people at the counter are tasting their ice cream flavor.]

Phoebe: So?

Ross: So?

Judge 1 : It’s interesting.

Phoebe: Interesting good, or interesting bad?

Judge 2: I’m leaning towards good, so what do you call it?

Phoebe: Oh! We call in Lime-Chocolate-Tuna-Fruit!

[The judges run for the trash and spit it out.]

Judge 1: Don’t call us, we’ll call you!

Phoebe: Ok!

Ross: Pheebs, that means we didn’t get it!

Phoebe: Oh no, [she walks back up to the table, and pushes the next person out of the way.] Ok Mr. Judge, I don’t think you realize how much trouble we went through. All those dishes all these people had to do...that wastes water BIG time! All the containers...all the electricity we used to power all the freezer space! All the arguments!

Judge 2: Arguments build Character lady! And I suggest you get lost.

Ross: Uh oh.

[Phoebe takes the big bowl of their melted ice cream and dumps it over the judge’s head. The audience claps]

Phoebe: Now did you get a better taste?

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