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Beautiful Women~Philadelphia Flyers~Music/Mp3s~Univ. of Notre Dame~Dave Matthews Band~Frank Lloyd Wright~Dedicated to Firefighting

The Finer Things In Life

The Finer Things In Life

Welcome to my website {formerly "Philadelphia Flyers Rule"}. I started her sometime between 2/99 and 3/99. Originally my site was just bull, i only created the site with the intention of erasing it once i learned how to be a webmaster, but its surprising influx of visitors promptly convinced me to keep the site running, and even though ive moved away from the women pics, and concentrated more on the other finer things, i will still continue to give the viewers what they want.

My site recognizes and appreciates the finer things in life: Beautiful Women, the Philadelphia Flyers, Firefighting, Music, the University of Notre Dame and her Fighting Irish, the Dave Matthews Band, Frank Lloyd Wright, and whatever else i decide to add. Feel free to vote on the four quizzes here and sign the guestbook. All e-mail you send me, comments, questions, and suggestions, whether criticism or praise, is highly appreciated. Thanks. ~Colin

The Finer Things in Life:

Philadelphia Flyers


Univ. of Notre Dame

Dave Matthews Band

Frank Lloyd Wright

Fire Related:


Dedicated to Fire Fighting

Tragedy in Worcester MA

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Previous Updates

7.13.00~I added a temp section just below these updates about one of my visitors, Joe Stup. Check it out, its sad and funny at the same time. thanks again joe. ~Colin

7.3.00~I admit that ive been kinda busy, but i promise ill work on it in my spare time. In the meanwhile, happy 4th to everyone. Its a big day for me cause as a volunteer firefighter, we participate in several local parades and we have to make our trucks look big and beatiful. ~Colin

6.15.00~All the work is done on the Anna Kournikova pages which now total 8 pages, and the other girls will recieve a similar renovation starting with Ali Landry. ~Colin

6.10.00~Ok, im doing some very tedious and heavy renovations, and its confusing and time consuming but when im done it'll kick ass. Just be trust that if something is wrong on these pages, its being renovated and will be fixed someday. Thanks for your cooperation. ~Colin

6.2.00~Anna Kournikova page redone, and ill be adding more pages to her section soon. ~Colin

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For My Pal Joe:

On Monday i recieved a simple guestbook signature from a Mr. Joe Stup:

Your an a**hole!

And since everyone knows how much i enjoy email from my visitors i was quite eager to write back but little joey forgot to leave his email address, probably because he's so used to sending anonymous emails to the men in the gay chatroom. Since i was just so anxious to write back to my fan, joe, i decided to post my little return email on here so that both of the people that come to this site can see it. For you Joe:


i really appreciate your guestbook signature. it is now completely obvious to me that you are extremely cool. not only did you have the time to write someone an email about your insignificant thoughts about their personality, rather than just leave their homepage, but you came up with something quite sagacious and piquant (look those two up joe, and you might want to look up the word "sarcasm" too). but joe, im such an a**hole, i really am, you hit it right on the head. im sure you are not as pathetic as you seem joe, so i hope that you find something better to do with your time. thanks for visiting The Finer Things In Life.


p.s. by the way joey, your is actually spelled you're. they call that a contraction. its shorter than saying "you are an a**hole," which you are joe.

Joe, im glad you had the balls to leave your real email address. next time just move along on your endless search for free gay porn. thanks for the email.


Joe strikes again with something even more clever than before:


seriously joe, i appreciate that you came back to the site, but get a life man, this is just sad

New Links and Downloads:


This is one of my favorite sites to visit, it offers the best magazine for the average literate male. Sexy yet classy photo shoots of beautiful women in seductive poses and skimpy clothing. Info, guy stuff, interviews, fashion, sex tips, jokes, its basically a British version of Maxim. Enjoy.


This is hilarious, it's a small program with a short download time, and did i mention it's friggen hilarious? I suggest you download it, watch it and delete it, it's worth the short download time. ~Colin

Download Frog Blender

If you downloaded it and you liked it, or you didn't download it but you would rather view it online, please, i beg of you, visit this site, you will be laughing your ass off. You can honestly sit there for a good hour and enjoy hilarious, quick-loading videos, but hey, just remember to come back, also, tell me what you thought if you do visit, thanks. ~Colin


~~You can find the newest quizlet here~~

First Quizlet Results
9.7.99 (J.Lopez)

Second Quizlet Results
12.22.99 (A.Baggett)

The newest quizlet will be ending soon so cast your vote

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Sites to Visit:
FHM magazine
The Simpsons Archive
Dave Matthews Band (official)
Philadelphia Flyers (official)
University of Notre Dame (official)
McKinley Fire Company #1
Some Funny Star Wars Parody Videos

My Newest Additions:

Anna Kournikova- page 1
Anna Kournikova- page 2
Anna Kournikova- page 3
Anna Kournikova- page 4
Anna Kournikova- page 5
Anna Kournikova- page 6
Anna Kournikova- orange
Anna Kournikova- videos

Coming Soon:

Ali Landry- complete renovation (before 25,000 hits)
Britney Spears- complete renovation (before 27,500 hits)

12,593 visitors in 1999
10,000th on 11.20.99
20,000th on 5.5.00

page last updated: 9.30.00
