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Letter from the President…

Renee Tubbs (Phone 440-843-6142; email:

Fall has finally arrived! The air is crisp and leaves are starting to change. What a great time of the year to share the outdoors and the wonder of nature with your children. Remember to take the time and share these experiences with them ‘Straight From the Heart..’ So make some homemade fun and jump right into those piles of leaves you spent two hours raking. It is amazing how children remember these simple times.

Speaking of fun, the outings committee has put together another month of fun-filled activities. Thank you for your hard work yet again. I know I have enjoyed many outings so far and my family and I look forward to them. It is great to talk to old friends and get to know new ones.

Donna Santabarbara sure had us moving around at the last meeting. Thanks for helping us get to know some new members. It was wonderful to spend time walking around and learning something new about our members. Hopefully, we can continue to do that on our own. We have so many new members and I know that they are all going to add something special to this PTA.

It will be fun to sit back and enjoy each others company as we work on our craft after the next meeting.

The Fall party is approaching quickly. These events are family-oriented and always prove to be a lot of fun. Kim and her team have a holwin’ good time planned. I hope to see many of you there.

We are always in need of extra help and have some positions still open. Please see me if you have a special talent you would like to share. Please consider volunteering for a position. We all get back what we put in. You can call me or talk to me at the meeting.

Shannon Weber and I will be representing our PTA at the Ohio PTA Convention. We are looking forward to wealth of information that will be available and look forward to sharing it with you.

The Parma Council of PTA’s is offering the workshops below. If you are interested in them or would like more information, please see me. They are very informative and may help you with your current position or one you may like to hold in the future. Please see me if you have any questions regarding these workshops.

Dates to Remember

Oct. 18-20 Ohio PTA Convention Columbus

Oct. 21 School Board Meeting 7:00pm Greenbriar

Oct. 26 Make a Difference Day

Nov. 4-8 Learning Express Fundraiser

Nov. 4 School Board Meeting 7:00pm BMR

Nov. 5 Election Day

Nov. 13 Parma Council of PTA’s Exc. Bd. Mtg. 9:30am BMR

Nov. 14 Board of Education work Session 7:00pm BMR

Nov. 18 School Board Meeting 7:00pm BMR

Nov. 19 Program- Dr. Ray Guarendi 7:00PM Normandy

1st Vice President

Donna Santabarbara (Phone 216-573-7360; email:

Brenda De Luca, Assistant (Phone 216-573-1007;email:

Well from birthdays to Halloween.  We want to thank everyone for playing our
game last month and congratulate our winners of the BirthdayExpress Party
Paks. (Shannon, this is the exact spelling that the company uses.)
Happy Halloween!  This is a great time for all of our little ones.  This
month we will be creating our terra cotta turkeys for the next harvest
holiday.  We will take care of our business agenda first and then create our
craft.  If you missed the last meeting, we asked everyone to prepay for
their turkey ($4 each) so please call Brenda with your order.
(216-573-1007)This way, Jean will have enough product on hand to complete
our order.  The items needed from home are a hot glue gun and a paint brush.
  You may want to bring an extension cord too so multiple people can plug
into one cord and make turkeys at the same table. If you don't have the
desire to design the craft, please feel free to stay and socialize with us
and enjoy the refreshments.
Next month, we will be having our Founders Night Dinner celebrating our 75th
anniversary. We will be using the lottery system to pick items to bring for
our meal to share so that we do not have all one type of food. If you cannot
be at our October meeting, please bring your favorite dish to share in
November.  Do not forget that we will start 30 minutes earlier, at 6:30 p.m.
on the 26th of November because we are serving dinner. We will also have
Cyndee Bratz, President of the Parma Council of PTA's, speak to us next
month on the benefits of PTA.  Please come this month with your questions so
that she can better prepare for us.
We look forward to seeing you at 7:00 p.m. at Hillside Jr. High school on
the 22nd of October.

2nd Vice President

Shellie Rockwell (Phone 440-842-3230; email:


Cookie Dough Money is due at October Meeting. Please finalize your orders by then. Any volunteers to help deliver the orders the Monday before Thanksgiving would be appreciated.

Entertainment Book money is due no later than the November meeting. If you are unable to sell the book you took, please return it so it can be redistributed to another member or so it can be sold at the Election Day Bake Sale.

BOWL-A-RAMA tickets are selling quickly. The adult-only BOWL-A-RAMA is going to be at the Red Circle Bar and Lanes on State Rd. on Fri., Nov. 15th from 9:30 p.m. to midnight. If you’re interested in bowling, the tickets are being sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Bowling tickets are $15.00 and include two-games of bowling, bowling shoes, one door prize ticket, food and non-alcoholic beverages. Non-bowling tickets are $5.00 and include one door-prize ticket, food and non-alcoholic beverages. During this event, we will be selling $2.00 and $5.00 sideboard tickets, additional door prize tickets as well as instant bingo tickets. Instead of providing t-shirts that may only be worn for one-night, the committee thought it would be great if each lane -"team" - dressed alike in a theme: beach shirts, all of one color, patriotic, sports teams, etc. A prize will be given to the team with the most spirit! There will also be prizes for the top overall team and the lowest overall team. LANE SPONSORS ARE STILL NEEDED! Lane sponsors are $50.00 and will be displayed on the lane during the event. If you have any donations for the BOWL-A-RAMA, please let one of the committee members know. Or if you need a personalized letter to receive a donation with our Tax I.D. number, Shellie Rockwell will be glad to get that to you as soon as possible. If you’re interested in helping with this event, the next committee meeting will be at the Red Circle Bar and Lanes on Fri., Nov. 1st at 8:15-8:30 p.m. This committee consists of: Heather Thoman, Nancy Haverdill, Michelle Kaminski, Pam Murach, Kim Logan and Shellie Rockwell.

ELECTION DAY BAKE SALE sign ups will be done at the Oct. Meeting. The Bake Sale will be Tues., Nov. 5th at Dentzler Elementary School. If you cannot sign up to work at the bake sale, then please sign up to bake. Even a dozen cookies would be appreciated.

Are you overwhelmed with the sell this, do that? Well don’t be! Most of this craziness ends soon. By the end of November 2002, most of our fundraising is completed except for the Grocery Raffle in the Spring.

Thanks for all of your help. Every member in this group is important and appreciated!

3rd Vice President

Kelly Dzurisin (Phone 440-885-3361; email:


10/21/02 1:00pm Elmwood Park – Meet at the park

10/22/02 12:30pm Mom & Me - $5.00 per child

10/24/02 10:45am Mom & Me - $5.00 per child

10/24/02 2:00pm Lydia’s Strudel Shop – Free

10/26/02 11:30am Ringling Bros. & Barnum &Bailey Circus – $15.75

10/28/02 11:00am Parma Care Center – Dress in Costume

10/31/02 11:00am Parma Senior Center – Halloween Party

11/06/02 10:00am Wood & Ivory Studio – Free

11/06/02 11:00am Wood & Ivory Studio – Free

11/07/02 1:00pm Wood & Ivory Studio – Free

11/11/02 10:00am Normandy Cosmetology – Free

11/11/02 12:30am Normandy Cosmetology – Free

11/18/02 1:15pm Rocky River Nature Center – Free

11/21/02 10:00am Rocky River Nature Center – Free

11/30/02 TBA SANTA’S Workshop

Please note that you must sign up for these outings at the meeting.



Fall Party Report For Oct. Newsletter

Kim Logan


The Fall "Halloween" Party is Fri., Oct. 25th from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Green Valley Elementary School. Admission cost is $2.00 per family. Plus each family is being asked to sign up to bring either an appetizer or dessert AND each family is asked to bring ONE BAG OF CANDY TO THE PARTY. Signups will be available at the OCTOBER MEETING. Pizza will also be served.


If you wish to come please sign up as soon as possible so preparations can be made so each child has a wonderful time! Any questions, please contact KIM LOGAN AT at 440-888-6511.


Tot -Night:  We are still in need of volunteers to
help the night of the workshop.  If you can help one
or both nights we would greatly appreciate it.
Tot-Night will be held November 13th and 14th, if you
are intrested in helping out please call Brenda DeLuca
at 216-573-1007 or Donna Santabarbara at 216-573-7360.

For all families that have signed up to participate in
the tot-night workshop we will need one photo of each
of your children (child), please no group pictures of
your family. The picture can be a regular size
photograph but we need the shot of your child's face
not to be any larger than a 50 cent piece. (we do not
want the picture to be a huge close up shot of your
child's face)    If you have any questions about the
type of picture needed please contact Brenda DeLuca at


October Book Review

A Favorite for Pre School Age Children

Over the Moon, by Rachel Vale

This was a favorite of my 3-year-old son. We read it every night before bed the entire three weeks it was on loan from the library! The book was a play on the favorite nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle, Diddle…" But in this story, the cow was having difficulty jumping OVER the moon and Hiram Diddle Diddle, the producer of the play, was getting ready to call in the stunt cow!

I hope your family enjoys this book as much as ours did… now I am off to Borders to order it for our families collection

Heather Thoman

New Members Coffee

Shannon Weber

Heidi Wessel

Jamie Crano

November 7, 2002 at 7pm at the Sword and Shield Room in Normandy High School

Invitations will be sent to new member.

All are welcome

Jamie Crano

Recording Secretary

Early Childhood PTA – Normandy Cluster

Unit Meeting

Tuesday, September 24, 2002


Call to Order: 7:25 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Inspirational Message: Michele Stimetz

Special Guest: Connie from Co-op Preschool on Ridge Road, we will be having two outings Mom and Me classes on October 22nd and 24th, it will be orange week, this will give you information about our program.

Minutes: The minutes of the August 27th Unit Meeting were published in the September issue of The Tricycle. Are there any corrections? The minutes are approved.

Treasurer: Karen Kolosionek – Extra copies of the Treasurer’s Report will be available at the next meeting. Disbursements were $***.**, Receipts were $***.**, and balance on hand as of 9/30/02 was $****.** .

President: Renee Tubbs – Thank everyone for coming new and old members. Thank everyone for their hard work getting this year started. There are many positions still available, I will be passing around the position sign-up sheet, everyone must volunteer for two committees. Below is a listing of the upcoming Parma Council of PTA Workshops. I have a suggestion box in the back, feel free to comment on anything. I will be passing a envelope around for the Jason Repka fund, he is the Parma boy who drowned in Strongsville.

1st Vice: Donna Santabarbara (Assistant Brenda DeLuca) – Welcome to our Birthday Bash this month. Thank you for sitting at your birthday month, everyone got a key chain gift. I apologize for last month, we ran out of time to do our bingo game. Tonight we have party packages from Birthday Express, we will have a game sheet to fill out for twenty minutes, then it will serve as a raffle ticket. Next month is craft night, please bring glue gun and paint brush. The craft is at the front table, they will be $4 each, a name tag placement for Thanksgiving, I need to know how many you would like to make, I am passing around a form, please indicate the number and turn in with payment. Please be patient as I go over the booklet again for new members, everyone should have their new yellow booklet. This is your PTA handbook, please bring to every meeting, there will be raffle with your number on the back. In the pocket there is a Moms’ Night Out reservation sheet, this will be explained in the months ahead. Also, the Tax Exempt form, this is to be used when making purchases for the group, stores will not charge you tax. Our Tax Exempt is on file at some of the area stores, i.e. Marcs, Giant Eagle, OfficeMax. The Officer Roster is listed, call any officer if you have questions. There are still Chairman and Committee job openings. Look over the Treasurer Tips, Disbursement Form, and Payment voucher, examples are in the back pocket of your folder. The Parma City School District Calendar is in there for members with school age children. Parma Council PTA Schedule has date changes: Regular Meeting for November 20th should be the 19th. The Standing Rules will be changed. For new members, it is important to record volunteer hours, there is a sheet explaining this in your folder.

Next month there will be a question list for the Parma PTA President who will speak at our November meeting.

This will be a pot-luck dinner, it will begin at 6:30 pm. Next month we will draw categories, as to what you should bring, i.e. main dish, appetizer, etc. Each month we will have a raffle for the number on your yellow folder.

2nd Vice: Shellie Rockwell – See Fundraising Facts sheet on front table. Entertainment Books are here, each member is required to sell one. They will be sold for $25, there is just one version of the Cleveland book. Akron books are available too, for $28, let me know by October 15th, if you want an Akron book. The money is due at the November meeting. We have tickets tonight for Friday, November 15th we will be hosting a Bowl-A-Rama at Red Circle Bowling Lanes at 9:30pm. This is an adult only function. The price has been lowered to $15 per participant (each member will sell two tickets) they will get 2 games of bowling, shoes, food, soft drink and one door prize ticket. $5 per non-bowler. Still looking for lane sponsors, or any food donation, door prize donation, or other donations, sponsor sheets are available from The Bowl-A-Rama Committee. If you’d like to join this committee our next meeting will be at Dirty Nelly’s Pub on Friday, October 4th, at 8-8:30 pm. We are having a Bake Sale on Election day at Dentzler Elementary, please plan to bake that day, there will be a sign-up sheet to work at the next meeting. Cookie dough order forms are available tonight. Our supplier, Cookie Cupboard Gourmet Dough was kind enough to supply a sample tray for tonight’s meeting. Money for these orders will be due by the October meeting. This is not mandatory, but the PTA makes $2.50 per item sold. I’m looking to recruit people to deliver the tubs of dough. Additional note, about the Bowl-A-Rama, make sure your tickets go with the lane you want to be in.

Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Karen Kolosionek/Pam Armbruster – Every time you give us money, there should be a voucher with it. Indicate what the money is for, i.e. membership dues, outings.

Recording Secretary: Jamie Crano – Minutes will be in the newsletter.

Corresponding Secretary: Shannon Weber – Please fill out Volunteer Hours. Newsletter articles must be submitted by the second Tuesday of the month. All officers, chairman and committee should submit important information for the newsletter or any commentaries or thoughts are welcome. E-mail to me (SWEBER269@aol). Bring me self addressed stamped envelopes to receive the newsletter. Or I have stamps and envelopes available. If you want the newsletter e-mail, see me.

Member Involvement Committee: Shannon Weber, Jamie Crano, Heidi Wessel – There are still openings for committee members. See us if you have any questions, problems or concerns. I will collect your nametag and have them at the front table every meeting. There will be a New Member Tea on Thursday night, November 7th. At Normandy High School. Invitations will be sent to new members. You are required to serve on two committees, i.e. bake sale, fall party, etc. and attend four meetings, as far as fund raising you are required to sell one entertainment book and two other, i.e. Bowl-a-Rama, cookie dough, etc.

Council Delegates: Joanna Lint & Cheryl Meriwether – We are selling notepads for a fundraiser and will be selling calendars. The council is a having a promotion the week of November 4th at the Learning Express store, with your PTA card, a 10% discount, and 10% goes to the council. Also, with your PTA card at Borders, September 19-21, a 25% discount. November 19th Council Program – Dr. Ray Guarendi at Normandy. We also collect pop tabs.

Also, there is a family Reading Program at all Parma Libraries, sign up started the week of September 16th.

Elementary School Delegates: Donna Santabarbara (GreenValley) – Dinner Outback Stackhouse on October 10th, $12.50 per adult, $6.50 for children. See me to get your tickets, this supports our playground fund.

Fall Party Committee: Kim Logan, Shellie Rockwell –The Fall Party will be Friday, October 25th at 6:30 till 9 pm at Green Valley Elementary. The cost is $2 per family and bring a bag of Halloween Candy. There will be two crafts including, pumpkin photo frame, pumpkin cookies. There will be 3 games. Have kids dress in costume. I am passing around a sign up sheet to bring dessert or appetizer.

Historian: Shellie Rockwell – Please send me doubles or negatives of pictures when you go to events. I am buying disposable cameras to give to those who go on the outings.

Membership: Lisa Amato – If you received your membership card today, write our tax exempt number on the back for easy reference. I have distributed an updated member list, if there are any mistakes, please let me know. We need members to sit at the table for our group at the Health Fair at Parmatown on September 28th, just 2-3 people for a couple of hours. Please post PTA information sheet at your preschool, church, doctor office, etc.

Playgroups: Karen Snouffer – There are sign-up sheets for playgroups at the front table. Please indicate age of your children and available time. I will coordinate times as much as possible.

Sunshine Committee: Diana Borsuk – Please let us know if you hear of any news.

Tot Workshop: Brenda DeLuca, Donna Santabarbara – In November the children will make presents for their parents for Christmas. The entire family comes, parents wait outside. The present will go home with them, or picked up at the November meeting. A sheet for sign-up is being passed around for dates November 13th or November 14th.

3rd Vice: Debbie Nolan for Kelly Dzurisin (Assistants: Laura Friedel, Debbie Nolan, Lisa Amato) – We welcome any outing suggestion, please write down on a piece of paper and hand to one of us. Outing Sheets are at the front table. The address for Rosby Farms is 42 East Schaft Road, Brooklyn Heights. Bartels Pet Clinic is full on October 4th, also Malley’s Candy Tour is full for both dates. For the bowling outing, you pay at the bowling lanes, as well as at Walsh Family Hayride, you pay there. Please bring a bag of candy to the Parma Care Center Outing, we are trying to get a donation of craft supplies to make a craft for the children to pass out to the residents. I will be e-mailing outing listing. Please fill out outing voucher form and hand in with payment.



September 25 Chairman Workshops 7:00PM Valley Forge

September 25 Parliamentary Procedure 7:30PM Valley Forge

October 9 Finance/Audit Workshop 1:00PM BMR

October 18-20 Ohio PTA Convention Columbus

Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 22nd, at Hillside Jr. High

Adjournment: 8:30 p.m.