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(A Report on Dr. Konstantin Korotkov's Workshop)

Dr. K. Korotkov is a highly regarded international scientist, visiting form St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Korotkov, a Professor in St. Petersburg State Technical University, has a doctorate in physics and has lectured in physics and biophysics internationally. His technique, known as the Gas Discharge Visualisation technique - (GDV), uses state of the art computer, electronic and optic technology in the analysis of glow characteristics of living organisms, including plants, seeds, blood samples and microbiological cultures.

Luminous discharge around the objects was first recorded in 1777 by a German physicist G.C. Lihtenberg. Since then this effect have been studied by a number of prominent scientists including Nicola Tesla. This effect was named after Semyon Kirlian and his wife Valentina who initiated its research in 1939 - research, that lasted all their life. Dr. Korotkov personally met with Semyon Kirlian 20 years ago in the Russian city of Krasnodar. During that time religion and spiritualism in Russia were almost totally suppressed and pure materialistic view of the world was widely prevalent. Kirlians developed the high frequency photographic equipment and introduced holistic concepts into the science. In the 70s the work of Kirlians became known in USA. Since that time hundreds of enthusiasts all over the world are involved in reproducing Kirlian photos. But Kirlian photography is an inconvenient method as it requires bulky equipment, dark room, long processing time and considerable operator skill. Moreover, difficulty in reproducing published result, complexity of the Kirlian image and lack of theoretical background prevented acceptance of the Kirlian camera by the mainstream scientific community.

Few years ago a new instrument came to being - Computerised Gas Discharge Visualisation technique, based on the Kirlian effect. Dr. Korotkov has developed this technique after more than 20 years of scientific research and after acquiring deep knowledge of how to interpret auras and in-depth understanding of human nature. In contrast with the Kirlian camera, the GDV technique is very convenient, it offers high reproducibility of results, it allows the direct real-time viewing of changes in the aura and reveals the features of an object that cannot be determined by other techniques. This has extraordinary implications for Medicine, Psychology, Biophysics, Forensic Science, Agriculture an Ecology.

An apparatus based on GDV technique is called the "Crown TV" system. It consists of Crown TV, GDV software, aura software and supplementary and peripheral devices (such as Acu-Point mouse, Palm Camera) Crown TV is mounted in briefcase, its weight is about 5 kg. It requires to be connected to a computer equipped with special software for analysing and creating a picture of an aura. Without going into technical details, the device is equipped with a glass plate composed of many special layers, which is actually an optical lens. Under it there is an electrode, to which a high voltage from "Crown" generator is applied in short impulses (10 microseconds). A person puts his finger on the plate at a 450 angle and the glow around the finger is captured. In this manner impressions of all 10 fingers are taken and then sent to the computer. The computer interprets the aura around the fingers then converts the data into a picture of the aura around the body (front and side elevations). It takes only about 3-5 min. to get a colour picture of the aura. (It is important to note that different colours are assigned artificially depending on vibration frequency). According to Dr. Korotkov, there is a precise holographic relationship between the aura of different fingers to health of various organs in the body. We were shown a video recording of a talk show, where Dr. Korotkov very accurately interpreted auras of a number of participants. His interpretations were in agreement with patients' medical history.

Once the colour picture of the aura is created, one can immediately see the strength of the aura, holes in it, distorted energy field, redistributed energy pattern, outbreaks etc. In this way a picture of the aura can give a lot of detailed information about a person. Dr. Korotkov stressed that some expertise is required in reading auras correctly.

Mr. Korotkov has developed a special peripheral device called acupuncture "mouse". It allows to scan along a surface of the skin to determine minute acupuncture points. There is another device in the process of development by scientists that will allow one to see meridians on the computer screen. (This device will be shortly available commercially). Thus, with the help of Crown TV an ancient Oriental wisdom is presented in a manner acceptable for Western scientific community.

Here are some applications of the GDV-technique as elaborated by Dr. Korotkov :-

In the convention Dr. Korotkov showed striking results of an impromptu experiment. The evening before his speech he kept a bottle of plain water in front of Master Choa Kok Sui's photograph for several hours. Several readings were taken of water samples before and after. The GDV-grams of water samples showed a more than 200% increase in the fluorescence of water samples after being kept in front of Master's photograph.


In relation to Pranic Healing, progress of healing can now be monitored scientifically and healers can see results of their treatment immediately. During the convention Dr. Korotkov demonstrated practical application of his instrument. He took a picture of an aura of a delegate. No special knowledge was required for anyone to see that the aura of a delegate. No special knowledge was required for anyone to see the aura was not a very healthy one. Then this person received a 2-minute healing from Del and his aura reading was taken again. There was an amazing transformation of the energy field around the body after the healing. The area of glow increased, the holes disappeared, the energy pattern was well distributed - it was the aura in the process of transformation. Dr. Korotkov mentioned that it usually takes 30-60 minutes for an aura to normalise or to "solidify" after a healing.

In the centres of alternative therapies this equipment is usually used for making a general conclusion regarding a patient's condition and on that basis some form of treatment is recommended. During the treatment the changes in the aura are monitored in order to determine effectiveness of the treatment. However, it should be stressed that the aura picture depicts a patient's state of health on the energy level only and the patient is expected to consult a conventional doctor for a medical diagnosis.

This technique also proves that illnesses first manifest themselves on the energy level and that we first react to everything with our energy body. It is also shows how negative emotions (e.g. anger, which is seen on the picture as energy outbursts) can become an inner cause of illness. It makes clear the importance of balance in everything, because imbalance produces distorted energy field.

This technique clearly shows shallowness of conventional approach to treat isolated diseased organs. There is a need for holistic approach to scientific methods, we have to come on another level of understanding of a human nature, only then it is possible to reveal inner reasons for health problems. Every person is not only a physical body, but is an informational-energy pattern, a wave in the ocean, which is not a metaphor, but a very precise description from the point of view of quantum mechanics.

In 2 years Dr. Korotkov has sold more than 100 devices around the world. This technology is open for everyone. Dr. Korotkov has stressed that he has no military or secret service obligations. The equipment costs around USD 6000. Dr. Korotkov mentioned that in the European centres they charge an equivalent of USD 20 per diagnosis, thus the cost of the instrument is recovered in 3-4 months.

One can foresee that in a short period of time this device will be used widely in medical establishments on par with ultrasound for diagnostics as well as for research purposes.

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