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Shattered Hope

Da Costa
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Cassidy Grey- The youngest of the Greys I kinda feel bad for her really. Her older siblings have such powerful personalities that I'm worried sometimes that she might just get fed up and leave. Then again she is a Grey too so she could probably hold her own.
John "Bolt"Tomas- I'm not really sure what to make of Bolt really. His experience is definatly a plus but you can almost feel the tension building when he's around some people and a leadershiip type question comes up. BR>Jon Grey- The middle child and nowhere near forgotten. He's seeing Mae currently and I hear that we're all investing in a case of ducktape for them. He always was a screamer , even when he was a kid.
Keisha Drake- I really miss Kei sometimes. She was always cheerful and possitive and that's something this group seems to be lacking anymore.
Joey Drake- Speaking of lack of cheer I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen Joey actually laugh? Maybe now that Kei's safe he'll relax a bit.
Felindra- I haven't meet this person yet though I hear though the gossip column that my brother has. Apparently that's where he's been spending most of his time instead of chatting with his sister.
Josh Worthington- Our resident invisable shirt model. It's been said that Becca's stolen all his shirts. I could see why but that's no question. It's good to have him back though. I know it makes Becca happy.
Rebecca Grey- I know that there are a lot of new people out there that don't like Becca. She's gruff and short tempered half the time but I just wish they could see why. If it came down to it she'd stand in the way and save us all if she could and not because she wanted glory or to be a hero. Just because it'd be right, people would be happy, and things could return to normal.
Ash Wisdome- My older brother. He should know I love him but I just wish he'd take time away from his new 'friend' to say Hello or at least let me know in person that he's around.
Xan Summers- Interesting guy. Rude and somewhat short but then again he's related to Becca, Jon and Cassidy. I guess it's to be expected.
Maeve Guthrie- Mae's one of those people I can't help but admire sometimes. She knows what she wants and she goes out and gets it.
Sam Guthrie- Mae's Dad and a nice guy. I can see now where Mae gets her likable qualities. BR> Mateo Da Costa- Even though he was always off chasing skirts I miss Teo. Usually he could always at least give me a laugh or two.
Isobelle Da Costa- Though I miss her brother I'm rather glad she's gone. She's usually more trouble then she's worth but if it came down to it she'd be welcomed back. I just wish she wouldn't complaine so much.
David McCoy- I haven't really seen him. I hear he's rather smart however and that's a huge plus on this team.
Meghan Worthington- She's Josh's sister and so far I haven't seen her. I keep getting odd rumors back as well, some love her to death and others aren't that find. I have not a clue what to expect.
E.J. LeBleau- Prankster of the year with the stunt she and Cassidy played on Becca. Good color choice as well. It looks rather good on her.
W.S.-IThe other cajin twin. He takes after his dad and is as smooth as silk most times.
Kaine Creed- Who?
Shay Cheney- I haven't seen her yet but I've heard stories about her. Something with Mae in the woods and a lot of blaiming and ranting? Not sure what to really think.
Brink- Blink? But I thought she was taken too.....Oh Brink? Purple guy? Can't say I've seen him.
Amber Blaire- I personally like Amber and trust her. He's not the best people person we have but we're low on them as well. She'll stick up for you though and that means a lot. At least in my mind.
Persophone "Dreamweaver" Wyngaurde- I don't think I've seen her around yet.

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