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Clover Riot


so i've had this page for almost a year now, and i still haven't added anything since it's launch. i feel like a big dissapointment...however i plan on updating it soon, and then quite often after that. so hopefully i'll have somthing to be proud of before my birthday (july 12). in the meantime if you have ANYTHING that you want to see, any suggestions, any banners, and anything else you can e-mail it to me. or if you have AOL or AIM my screename is: cloverskies. and i AM serious, please e-mail me or IM me, i ever-so-much enjoy talking to people and hearing good suggestions. -greg

hey, i got an award..isn't that cool? although i don't know why, i mean my site is far from complete...perhaps it's some sick, twisted joke or a conspiricy against me...or maybe it isn't...either way, it's inspired me to work on this page 'o mine. so thank you danielle...i'll link to you asap..-greg

Tina the Troubled Teen