I don't really listen to the radio, I never have, but I remember the day I first heard BUOS. I was sitting in the "computer room" at my house, my sister was listening to the radio and "I Wanna Be There" came on. At that time I owned probably three cd's. I really wasn't into music, after that song was over I HAD to go by the cd. I was never so compelled to go out and buy a cd like that before. I was hooked. After listening to all of "Blessid Union Of Souls" I was informed that they had a cd out before that, three days after buying the second album I went out and bought "Home." Those were the only cds I ever listened to. On May 31, 1998 I had the pleasure of seeing them at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ. I didn't make a scene like at the concerts I'm about to tell you about, I was fairly calm at my first concert ever, a Blessid one, of course. The next time I saw them was July 2, 1999 at the Meadowlands in East Rutherford. It was at the Meadowlands fair, I showed up 2 hours early and got my picture taken with Jeff, Tony, and C.P. before the show. Since I had so much time I checked things out around the fair and there was a booth that was airbrushing stuff, so I had a t-shirt made that said "I Love Forever For Tonight" because, in my opinion, "Forever For Tonight" is the greatest song ever recorded. The guys saw my shirt, Eliot commented on it from up on stage, and in the middle of the song I screamed out Forever For Tonight, because I really wanted to hear them play that song, the later told me that liked to keep things more up-beat at shows. During the show I was up and dancing and Eliot came off the stage and I went over to give him a high five and he never let go, so we just kept dancing, that was really cool. Later in the show I was up onstage when they sang their updated version of "I Believe" and I got to sing 2 lines of it w/ Eliot. After the show I got to meet all the guys and talk to them, and get my picture taken with them. One of the security guards gave me C.P.'s guitar pick, so I got him to sign that.

Well it's now 12:40 am, and I have to get up at 8 for class tomorrow.so this will have to be Part 1 of my "Fan Comments Section"

Talk to you later!!!
