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Welcome to the Kingdom of Forestgard

Forestgard was actually the name of the kingdom where the main character in a fantasy book I was writing came from. The whole book idea really didn't take off like I wanted it to. I had like 10 chapters finished and then I put off writing for a while then I went back and began re-reading it and there were so many things I wanted to change that I just dropped the idea altogether. I may try it again sometime but not now. It was just one of many dreams that didn't come true.

For anyone who has never been to this site before, It started out as The Basement which was my morbid little dark site. It was kind of an introduction into making a simple little webpage. When I realized that I didn't really like the content of that site I completely changed it around into the Forest of Illusion. I put some stories there and a couple nice pictures then I let it go for a while and didn't really do anything with it. Now I'm feeling particularly ambitious and I'm changing it around again. Maybe I can do something a bit better with it this time. =)



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