The Anti Women Drivers Association Web Page

Welcome to the Official Anti Women Drivers Web Site. This web site will be dedicated to putting the spotlight on bad drivers, on Women drivers that is. We all know that cars and all motor vehicles are man made creations, and NOT for women. NO woman should ever be put behind the wheel, as this would be guaranteeing another road accident, possibly a fatal one.
Be sure to sign and view the guestbook for regular comments on who loves us, who hates us, and all the rest!

To beat the scourge of the "Bad Women Driver's", we must first learn to understand them. It is obvious that with the current laws we can never deny them the right to drive unless we marry them and keep them away from the car.
However, we CAN try learn what way they think when driving and thusly learn to avoid the accidents they cause.
Lesson1: click here

Women even make really bad back seat drivers, they are control freaks and if they aren't driving in a car (however badly) constantly harass the driver of the car. Click here:

New FORUM just opened Sunday May 13th 2001, check it out, let your voice be heard!!!
Go to our *new* Message Board Forum
Voice your opinion, Tell us how crap women drivers really are! Let us know what you consider a bad driver and tell us if you enjoyed our web site:
Click Here

Women Driver's Educational: click here

Shotgun Rules (very important): click here

Click here to view the destruction resulting from trying to teach, yes, TEACH a woman how to drive. Also, download some clips that show the difference between a woman's driving and a man's: Click Here

Women who know their place when it comes to carsClick Here

An Objective on the situatons Women always get themselves into when in a car: Click Here

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Report Bad Women Drivers
we will do an expose on who they are, where they are and what they have done.Please help us save ourselves from the scourge that are women drivers.

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 Have you experienced bad driving? Comments or suggestions?

Send a mail and Join the Anti Women Driver's Association NOW

It's Funny Cause It's True