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Amy's Webpage

Hi,my name is Amy. I am 25 years old and a Christian. I have been a Christian for five wonderful years now! God has gotten me through a lot of tough spots this year! His grace is just awesome and best of all it is free! Some other things about me:I like Looney Tunes-Roadrunner is my favorite. I love to read especially my bible. I love people and like to be around them! I like to make people laugh with my weird antics! Some other facts about me:I attended Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. I graduated December 15th 2001 with a bachelor of arts in social work. Some more about me: For the past four summers I worked at The Crayola Factory as a Visitor Services Representative located in historic downtown Easton. It is a good way to meet people and sometimes I saw up to 2,500 people a day! Good thing that I like people! Check out their website at: Here is another one of my favorite bible verses: Proverbs 10:12 "Hatred Stirs Up Dissension,But Love Covers All Wrongs". I felt that it was time for a new verse and what a verse this one is!! It reminds me how important love is and that we are to love each other and model Christs love in all relationships!! They are the most important part of our walk with God! We must guard our heart when it comes to male-female relationships and in everyday life. we must keep our hearts pure for Gods work!! Lets see as I said before I am a Christian and came to know the Lord four years ago and what an awesome day that was! It was because of my ex-boyfriend that I came to know the lord. He had attended a confrence at church and kept telling me that I needed a personal relationship with God and needed to love Jesus. I would tell him that he was crazy. He told me that we couldn't date anymore as believers and unbelievers can't be yoked together.(2 Cor.6:14) So we were "just friends". He kept on me for a while and finally I thought about what he had said. So August 17th 1997 I accpeted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and if you haven't done so I encourage you to. At first I was a Christian in name only and than my dad got sick and I realized that I wasn't living the life that I was called to live. From than on I couldn't stop talking about God and all that he had done for me. I grew so much. Than I had a pretty rough semester(Fall'99)and was at the point where I just wanted to quit school. He got me through that and I have been on fire for him ever since and hes all I can talk about. This is one fire that I hope will never be put out! I love to serve him and to reach out to the unsaved so they can know him. How will they know who he is unless we share? Its what we are called to do! Here is a poem that I have wrote. He has blessed me with that ability. DESIRE:With fire in my eyes and desire in my heart I will follow Jesus. What ever the cost may be I am willing to do it,even if it means leaving my family and friends behind. I never felt such peace and love until the day I said I do,I accept you Jesus as my Lord and Savior. All that I desire is to be a servant of Christ and to serve others. I desire to live a lifestyle that pleases God above all else. He gave me life and hope and I can't thank him enough for those gifts that he bestowed upon me. It still amazes me that he saved a wretch like me but God is good. Each day I thank him for another chance at life and that I can serve him. He has the plan not me!(Jeremiah 29:11) Can't go wrong trusting him:) <><><> Here is another poem that I wrote recently:ABC's of being a Christian:A-Abide in him as he is the vine and we are the branches. B-Believe in Him. C-Christ,son of man,aspire to be like him. D-Deliverance;he delievers us from evil and danger. E-Evangelism is how to reach the unsaved,do we do it? F-Freedom from sin. G-Grace,where would we be without it as it is Gods gift to us and its free. H-Holy Spirit is what we live on and fills us up. I-Incomplete is what we are without him. J-Jesus the son and Joy that we have in him! K-Knowledge is what he gives to us and the more we seek the more we know! L-Love is what we are full of and it conquers us all. M-Mercy is also free,We deserve hell and he gives us heaven. Noble-The type of character that we should strive for. O-Omnipotent-all powerful! P-Power to overcome sin and Prayer which is our life-line Q-Quality of time we spend with him shows in our life Quest-we are on one to serve him R-Repentance;repent of our sins S-Salvation,saves us and delivers us from evil.Strength is what he gives us to get by. Serve what an honor to serve him and our brothers and sisters in the lord. T-Tender-he is a tender father who loves us dearly. U-Undeserving;we are undserving of all he gives us ans we deserve much worse. V-Victory is what Jesus death was,we have the power to have victory over our sin W-Wretch is what we are and he saved us anyway! X-Xpress is what we can do with him and xpress to others. Y-Yearning is how we shall seek him;yearn for him to come to us and help us. Z-Zeal is how we should serve him and we should be zealous(Romans 12:11) is definetly at work there. God taught me many things this summer. Most importantly to give him glory in all I do. This was especially obvious when I won an award at work for having good customer service skills in the summer of 2000. 2 tickets to Great Adventure. Thats what we are created for to give our father glory in all we say and do-AMEN for that!(1st. Cor 10:31) Well,the first semester of my senior year Fall 2000 is over and what a semester it was!! So much happened. I grew leaps and bounds in my walk with the lord!! Many of my friendships were deepend as i grew closer to him. I also had my first car accident and unfortunately that was what I needed to get my life back on track with him. I escaped with only a minor wrist sprain but the car didn't. oh well:) I am excited next semester to do his work in Bloomsburg and have been praying diligently about where I will be when I graduate next fall. He has shown me several options. Well I have one more semester left and than adios to Bloom! My spring semester flew by! I will be doing an intership at Big Brothers and Sisters and I am excited for that as it is a good way to model Christs love. Summer will be fun and a great way to read and grow closer to him! Summer of 2001 has been fun and trying. I worked at The Crayola Factory for the 4th summer and I had many interesting conversations with visitors. I have spent some quality time with my family members and we really grew closer as a family this summer. My grandfather passed away July 20th of this summer. So we went out to Ohio for his funeral. It was a trying time and continues to be so. I know one thing though he is in Heaven! I am honored to have been called his grandaugther. This is it for me at Bloom and my faith will be tested once again as I graduate in December and look for a job. God will be there though and life is exciting with him in charge of it! Well I am a college graduate-watch out world. Soon I need to download some pictures of my friends at Bloom and my wonderful boyfriend. My internship went really well. I learned so much and loved what Big Brothers Big Sisters stand for. Well God provided a job-of course! I started at Community Service Group's day program Concepts Feb 5th 2002. I work with 11 mentally challenged senior citizens. They are great. I also have my own car a Honda Civic 2002 Lx. I even met a guy. More about this great guy. His name is Bryan and he lives in Lititz, Pa and is a blessing to me. He is everything I want in a guy and most importantly he is a man of God. He likes cartoons and football. I don't deserve someone like him but I don't deserve life either thats grace!We have been dating for 5 wonderful months now. He is so great and I love him so much-he is the man I have been waiting for my whole life and Bryan if you are reading this-I love you and am sorry that you are at the end of all this writing but you know what they say save the best for last which God did as you are the best thing that happened to me! Adios all till next time:) Well another monumental event happend in my life. I got engaged to Bryan. August 24th 2002 he asked me to become his wife. He proposed under the stars. It was very romantic. I of course said yes. How could I not say yes to someone whom I am deeply in love with? I will become Mrs. Bryan Horne April 24th 2004. We have lots of work ahead but God will give us the strength to do it all!