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Julian G. Pratt

1st. Lt., Co. H. born 3/06/1843. Attended VMI and UVA. appointed 1st. Lt. 12/11/62; Formerly served in Co. G. 59th. Virginia Infantry ., and on Roanoke Island, N.C. were he was captured. Admitted to C.S.A. General Hospital, Charlottesville,VA. 7/30/63, Returned to duty 8/9/63. Readmitted to hospital 2/15/64, Returned to duty 2/24/64. Commanded Co. H. after the capture of Capt. Imboden 6/5/64 at the battle of Piedmont,VA. Had three horses shot out from under him at Third Battle of Winchester,VA. 9/19/64. General Imboden stated after the war that he "commanded with the highest credit one of the best companies in the regiment". Postwar livestock breeder near Waynesboro,VA. Died 12/25/1924 at his home"Walnut Grove", near Waynesboro,VA.

Photo provided by
Mark Anniballi.

Thanks Again Mark!