LATEST PRESS RELEASE!              OTHER VOICES!              OPINION!    

Living American Chestnut trees at Rim Rock!

Friends of Rim Rock

Welcome to ""! Our group is called the "Friends of Rim Rock", and our website is "". We are a coalition of groups, and private citizens who call ourselves "Friends of Rim Rock". Some of our members are from the groups: the Allegheny Defense Project, Allegheny Outdoor Adventure Group, and the Tionesta Snowmobile Group. And "regular people" who want to help save Rim Rock from the proposed oil and gas drilling, so future generations can enjoy is as many in the past have.

Rim Rock is undoubtedly the "Crown Jewel" of the Allegheny National Forest. It is the most advertised and most visited attraction our area has to offer tourists.

On any give day, hundreds of visitors can come to this scenic overlook/picnic area, just to enjoy it's breath taking beauty.

The Friends of Rim Rock wish to save this gem from the total destruction that drilling oil and gas wells will bring to this area.

Please sign our petitions or our on-line petition that will tell those in charge that we want this area saved from the destruction drilling will do.

Please help us and you too can be a "Friend of Rim Rock".


Contact Reg Darling, Friends of Rim Rock

Upcoming Trip:

Cross Country Ski, Snowshoe, Hike at Rim Rock this Sunday!

 Sunday February 22nd-

Cross Country Ski Trip to Rim Rock!

As many already know, the Rim Rock overlook is the "crown jewel" of the Allegheny National Forest. But what you might not know, is that the access road that is normally closed during the winter, has been groomed for us skiers to use! The Atwoods, from the Tionesta Snowmobile Club, graciously used the snowmobile trail groomer to groom the road in to Rim Rock! Snowmobiles are not allowed on this road, just hikers, snow-shoers and Cross Country Skiers! We will meet this Sunday, Feb 22nd at the gate to Rim Rock (a plowed parking area) at 10AM SHARP! for a cross country ski trip to the rock area/overlook for a bag lunch. Rim Rock is incredibly scenic in the winter! Every time I go out there, I call it a "once in a lifetime" experience. The road is 2.8 miles ONE WAY!

The gates open at Rim Rock sometime after April 1st and we are likely going to join members of the Friends of Rim Rock for a "spring cleanup" to rake leaves from the steps and walkways to make the area safe for visitors. Keep an eye out for our announcement, if you would like to participate.

We will meet at the Rim Rock Scenic Overlook at 10AM. This trip will likely last until about 2PM or so.  Bring enough to eat and drink for the day. Binoculars, GPS units and cameras are a plus.

Come join us for a fun winter picnic! 

Here is a page on the Snyder Brothers Oil Spill

Sign our on-line petition!


We now have over 500 signatures on the on-line petition!

The Alleghey Defense Project homepage


Our new "Tee" Shirt stores are OPEN FOR BUSINESS!

Save Rim Rock T Shirts-CLICK HERE!

And we even have "plain" NO DRILLING SHIRTS!



Here is how it all started for us ....


Save Rim Rock Picnic June 22nd 2008

Another great Save Rim Rock Picnic!

We got hundreds of signatures on our petitions and talked to a lot of concerned citizens who, like us do not want to see Rim Rock drilled for oil.

We had some people who came all the way to Rim Rock from great distances, just to sign our petition!

The day started slow, but people continually showed up. Highlights of the day included "free lessons" in rappelling, first on a smaller wall (at the picnic table), then on to the bigger 25' wall, and then we tackled the "big wall" that's about a hundred feet or so.

We also had several demonstrations of John's Hydrogen Booster, that runs his car partially on water. Many people were amazed at the bursting of the bubbles.

Later in the day a photographer from the Bradford Era showed up, and took some photos of our information table. The reporter repeatedly tried to get us to use the term "protest", which this was not.

We did not organize or advertise this as a protest. It's an informational picnic. We were there to socialize and to inform those who are unaware that there are plans by Papco (Papco in the news!) to drill oil and gas wells here. We also provided informational leaflets and petitions to sign.

It turned out to be a very busy day, where people came out in a steady stream of activity. We got hundreds of signatures on our petitions, and several people told us they heard about our petition drive and came out specifically to sign our petition.

However, our "food drive for millionaire oil producers", while being a very popular "attraction" is not collecting anywhere near the volume of food we thought we would get. Go figger! No sympathy for the people at Papco.

Following are some photos and some articles from the Warren Times Observer and the Bradford Era.

Here is the announcement that appeared in the Warren Times Observer:

Click to Enlarge

Here is an article from the Bradford Era


Click to Enlarge

Here are some photos:

Our "food drive for millionaire oil producers in full swing. And the "please save Rim Rock for me to enjoy" baby girl.


Bill explaining the impacts of drilling to some early birds


Some of the group manning tables


Relaxing toward the end of the day


More Friends of Rim Rock


Bill about to rappel


Jim on his first "big drop"


Linda on a smaller wall


Bill near the bottom


Bill afraid?


Here is a petition you can print out to gather signatures to help out!

Click Here and then print out!

Here is our Save Rim Rock Flier

Click to Enlarge

Please click on this, print it out, and circulate it among your friends!


PAST VISITS: Sunday April 20th-Rim Rock Earth Day Clean-Up!

What a fun day! We cleaned up Rim Rock, had a nice picnic, went into a cave, had a picnic lunch, hung out and socialized a bit, and left a much better, cleaner place for other visitors.

This was the Friends of Rim Rock, the ADP, Tionesta Snowmobile Group and the Allegheny Outdoor adventure Group.

Here are some photos:

The group raking and cleaning


Clearing leaves


The groups cars


John sweeping stairs


Bill B, "The Foreman"


More sweeping


Ed and Walt working


Denny working below


Reg sweeping


The group at lunch


Sunday April 27th-Rim Rock Earth Day Clean-Up!

What a fun day! This was our second "Earth Day Clean-Up" at Rim Rock. We had a bigger group this week than the week before. I'd like to thank everybody for coming out. Last week we had between 15 and 20 people throughout the day, and this Sunday we had about 20-25 people or more all though out the day.

It never ceases to amaze me that so many people can go to a spectacular scenic attraction like Rim Rock and just throw litter over the rock cliffs. Or hike through the area and throw their water or beer bottles along the trail. Thankfully there are others who don't mind carrying their garbage back out.

We may do another picnic hike at Rim Rock again next Sunday ... Watch for our announcements!


Here are the Friends of Rim Rock handing out information and then the signs that were ripped down.

Rim Rock June 8th

What a great day!

No half-witted, coked-up, oil goons shouting obscenities or nonsensical, nearly-incoherent death threats out the windows as they drove by.

A great day was had by all.

The very first person I handed a "stop the drilling at Rim Rock" flier to was none other than Leanne Martin the Forest Supervisor! She graciously accepted it and then proceeded to her car, and pulled out going the WRONG WAY on a one way street! LOL!

Can we all now go the wrong way around the one way loop at Rim Rock, or can only "special people" disregard the laws? LOL!

Everybody we talked to seemed enthusiastic about our efforts to stop the drilling at Rim Rock. We got several figurative "pats on the back" and a few surprised us.

What a great day!

Our new and improved signage didn't get trampled down. Nor did God blow them down despite the very high winds this week. Much higher winds that the week before.

The only unfortunate part of the whole day was our fairly unsuccessful food drive.

Since last week, when we found we were "taking food off the tables" of the local oil producers, we decided a food drive to collect food for them would be a good idea (THANK YOU MINERAL RIGHTS OWNERS FOR YOUR IDEA!). So, from now on, when we are at Rim Rock we will be collecting food for hungry millionaire oil producers. Not sure how we will go about distributing the food yet, but it might in itself be a newsworthy event! LOL!

Most people thought it was a joke, attempting to collect food for oil producers and one older lady couldn't stop laughing!

Hopefully the word will get out! "local oil producers need food for their tables".

Not to worry, THIS will get some big attention real soon! LOL!

No visits from the "oil community" this week ... too bad, we sometimes enjoy their interactions!

There was one "oil worker" who walked through the area, but he didn't seem to be in a car ... Just walking a loop through the area checking things out.

He was probably the only one who didn't take a flier, but he never got close enough to us for us to offer one.

Well, more fun planned for next Sunday ... and remember or mark you calendars, the 22nd will be a bigger picnic at Rim Rock with lots of fun events planned!

.... And bring some canned or boxed food items for our "Oil Producers Food Drive" !!!

A sign of the times!



Contact Reg Darling, Friends of Rim Rock

The Allegheny Outdoors Page :