Allegheny Outdoor Adventures Bradford, PA

Welcome to "Marcellus Lies, a website dedicated to propagating the truth about the "Marcellus Gas Play"

Websites to visit!

  • Un-natural Gas dot org

  • Wells Near You
  • TDS Standards
  • Allegheny Defense Project
  • Marcellus Shale Protest
  • Clean Water Action
  • Catskill Citizens Safe Energy
  • Marcellus-Shale.US

  • The Atlas deep well site at Stickney!

    More interesting sites:

  • Marcellus Maps from Penn State
  • Marcellus Links from Citizens Voice

  • What's in the woods?

    Marcellus Lies!

    This is a new website that will shed the light of truth on the lies about the "benefits" of drilling for Marcellus Shale Gas. We will focus on Pennsylvania and New York, but also include information of interest from other states with Marcellus Shale reserves under them.

    Just some of the lies we will expose is the environmental impact, the big job lie, the lie about "them" drilling for Marcellus Gas to help US, and other big lies that the oil industry (quickly becoming the "gas industry", as in natural gas) is spreading in the hopes that the gullible public will believe.

    Another big lie is that there is no radiation danger associated with the flow-back or "produced water" that comes back out of the deep Marcellus Shale wells. And we will expose the "company line" that "no water well was ever destroyed by a fracking operation"! THAT, my friends is a whopper! Some in the industry tries to claim that no water source anywhere was ever ruined by fracking gas or oil wells!

    These are just some of the lies we will explore. I will add links to websites, and news articles daily if possible.

    This is a brand new project so stop back and if you have a suggestion for a link or article, please e-mail me with the link below and let me know!


    The Atlas deep well site at Stickney!

    Order your own TDS meter!

    Click for Warren, Pennsylvania Forecast

    Photos from the Marcellus Shale Gas Field

    Click photos below to see a bigger version. Use you browsers back button to return to this page.

    Thumper Truck with no plates!

    The Atlas deep well site at Stickney!

    Use this to contact us! If you want us to ad a link, or to ask quesitons or make a comment:
    What is your name?
    What is your email address?

  • Big lie #1: "our area will get tens of thousands of high-paying, family supporting jobs".

    The truth is, the majority of the jobs are being filled by out-of-state or even in some cases, out-of-country workers! The Warren Times Observer reported that about 70% of the jobs around here are being done by workers "imported" from other states.

    All the local Republican politicians are "bragging" about thousands of good, long lasting jobs, but what are they? Challenge them to tell you exactly what a high paying, family supporting job will be? Call them out when you hear them spewing these lies! "Name for me which companies are hiring tens of thousands of workers, and for what jobs and what pay rate"? Don't let anybody get away with spreading this empty rhetoric!

    Most of the jobs right now are drilling hands. "Roughnecks" slinging pipes for relatively low pay. In some cases they are even importing Mexican workers and in at least one case an "illegal" Mexican worker. One was arrested in Potter County for being wanted in the state of Texas!

    They shouldn't "brag" about providing thousands of jobs in the area, and then bringing in thousands of workers with them to do the jobs!

    When you consider all the potential tourism that COULD HAVE COME HERE for the natural beauty of the state, or to see our natural resources, who may not come when this is a big gas field, we may end up loosing jobs overall!