Friends of Rimrock

Living American Chestnut trees at Rimrock!

Friends of Rimrock Third Annual Spring Clean Up- 2011

Hey everybody! The "Friends of Rimrock" will do it's third annual spring clean up on Sunday, May 15th 2011.

Everybody is welcome to come out and help. "Friends of Rimrock" is a coalition of different outdoors and environmental groups. Some of our members are from: the Allegheny Defense Project, Allegheny Outdoor Adventure Group, Save Our Streams Pa, and the Tionesta Snowmobile Group. And, we are joined by "regular people" who just want to help clean up Rimrock, which is undoubtedly the "Crown Jewel" of the Allegheny National Forest. It is the most advertised and most visited attraction in the ANF.

We will rake the leaves from the parking lots, the walking paths, the Indian Stairs, and the overlooks. We also clean out the drainage pipes and vents at the overlook decks and we pick up litter from the area. If you want to join us, bring your own tools (broom, rake, shovel and garbage bags) and wear good boots and gloves! After the clean up (or perhaps during) we will have a nice picnic lunch and a discussion of forest issues. You are welcome to join us even if it's just for the picnic!

We will meet at Rimrock in the second parking lot, at 10AM on Sunday May 15th 2011. Bring your own food and drink if you plan to join us for lunch. Our clean up may last until the mid afternoon or so. All like-minded individuals are welcome to join us (conservationists, environmentalists, and just plain caring individuals!)

Bring your friends!


Photos from Sunday April 20th-Rimrock Earth Day Clean-Up 2010

What a fun day! We cleaned up Rimrock, had a nice picnic, went into a cave, had a picnic lunch, hung out and socialized a bit, and left a much better, cleaner place for other visitors.

Here are some photos:

The group raking and cleaning


Clearing leaves


The groups cars


John sweeping stairs


Bill B, "The Foreman"


More sweeping


Ed and Walt working


Denny working below


Reg sweeping


The group at lunch


What a fun day! This was our second "Earth Day Clean-Up" at Rim Rock. I'd like to thank everybody for coming out. We had about 20-25 people or more all though out the day.

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