The B.O.M.B. Mafia is a secret criminal organization that operates both criminal and legitimate enterprises in Rhydin. It is believed to have originated during the early stages of Rhydin. It eventually evolved into a network of autonomous groups governing in rural areas, ruling a peasantry that received little effective government from a succession of distant, often foreign, royal rulers. In its present form, the B.O.M.B. Mafia is a loose alliance of many small local groups, each bound by kinship (or a kinship relationship that is assumed when a man becomes a member) and by the Mafia code of omerta, which requires absolute silence about Mafia activities and absolute obedience to the hierarchical Mafia authority. With the Sicilian immigrations of the late 20th century, the B.O.M.B. Mafia began to operate in several large Rhydin cities.

     Following a feudal tradition, the Mafia disdained all legal authorities, sought justice through direct action (as in the vendetta), and observed a rigid code of secrecy, practices that enabled Mafioso to rise in organized crime after coming to Rhydin in the late 19th and early 20th century. The Mafia was often assassinating justice officials who prosecuted them in the 1980s and 1990s. In Rhydin, the Mafia was reputedly active in both illegal and legal (or front) operations in the 1980s. Organized crime nationally (sometimes internationally) coordinated criminal activities. Organized crime has since moved into gambling, narcotics trafficking, labor racketeering, and many other activities. The Mafia, prefers to use hit and run assaults, and terrorist style tactics in its warfare, but they can participate in a stand up battle if they have to, but they try to avoid such tactics.

     The BOMB Mafia now exists in Rhydin, the descendants of the close knit crime families from before the rifts, the Mafia, has a heavy interest in the Rhydin Black Market, as well as the lower levels of the fortress cities of Rhydin Streets, where they control much of the local crime. In the Wilderness the Mafia, is not as strong, but they do support several mercenary companies and control several small towns, generally along trade routes along the North-eastern part of Rhydin. The B.O.M.B. Mafia do have official representation within Rhydin, with a official embassy located there staffed by the embassy though the Mafia, is titled the "Rhydin REPUBLIC" Embassy.

     Mafia's have become stronger day by day. We ask that stand by this Mafia and take your place in The Family.