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Castlevania: The Adventure
Secret 1-Up

This is a very simple tip that will allow you to raise your reserves of lives by one. When the game begins, ignore the first torch that you see. Whatever you do, don't wip it! If you collect all the torches after that, you'll descover that one will be a 1-Up instead of just being another coin.

Hidden Rooms

Hidden in each level are secret rooms filled with weapon and health power-ups, not to mention free lives! to locate these rooms, you must continuse to climb the rope to the right of the first big tree stump (level one), then jump off the rope to the right in the middle of the stone shaft just one screen after escaping the horrizontal spikes (level three). Now go kill Dracula!

Castlevania II
Extra Lives

In the begining of the game go to the Password Option in and there will be four boxes. Press UP to scroll through different icons. Put a candle in the first two boxes and a heart in the last two boxes. Now you will be able to start you adventure with a full supply of nine lives!

Sound Select

In the begining of the game go to the Password Option. Put a heart in all four boxes. You will see a box that says "Sound Select." now you can scroll through the games three different musical selections as you prepare to play.

Secret Password

Go to the Password screen and put a heart in the first box, an eyeball in the second, a candle in the third, and leave the fourth box empty. Now press START. You will be put in front of Dracula's Castle. Put an eyeball, heart, candle, and heart in the boxes and you will be put in a room with the finall Boss, Dracula!

Contra: The Alien Wars
Level Four on Easy Mode

Now you can go to Level Four on Easy Mode (you normally will end the game at Level Three.) After the cinema, you will reach the Title Screen. At the Title Screen, move the cursor DOWN to "Password" and press START. On the Password screen, enter the code 21LN. You will be sent to the Fourth Level of Easy Mode with this trick.

Cosmo Tank
Sound Test

On the Sub-Screen at the begining of the Quest Mode, simultaneously press and hold DOWN, A and B. While holding these, press START. If this is done correctly, the message "Sound Test 01" will appear.