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Ideally a medium-size hunting dog, the Golden is a British breed that was developed in the mid-19th century by a Scotsman, Sir Dudley Marjoribanks, later Lord Tweedmouth. The breeder's records show that the dog has a mixture of sporting breeds in its background: retriever, Tweed Water Spaniel, setter and, to sharpen scenting power, no doubt the sandy-colored Bloodhound. After several generations of selective breeding, type was standardized, and in 1913 the Golden Retriever was sanctioned as a purebred by The Kennel Club (England). Among the most ingratiating of breeds, the Golden's manners win friends wherever it goes. In addition to being a reliable, gentle-mouthed retriever, the breed excels in obedience and as a guide dog for the blind. It is reported that at guide dog training schools there are fewer rejects among Golden Retrievers than among any other breed. Strong and upstanding, males measure from 23 to 24 inches at the shoulder and weigh from 65 to 75 pounds. Females are somewhat smaller. The Golden's dense, water-repellent coat comes in various shades of gold and can be wavy or straight. As a family pet, especially with children, the breed has few equals. It does best in suburban or country environments where it gets lots of outdoor exercise.

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