Friendship Forever Submission
Elizabeth Gia Lucky Maxie Nikolas Group

Emily Submission Guidelines Zander
Below are a few tips to follow if you're interested in having a story on this site. The guidelines are very lenient, so feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have.

1) What kind of fan fics: I'll pretty much accept any fan fic featuring one or more of the teens (see question two for more information). These fan fics can of course include the other citizens of Port Charles or their families, but the teen characters should be related in some manner. Please note that I am currently not accepting submissions for the Forever Family section of this site. Not sure if yours fits? Send an e-mail and I'll be happy to let you know.

2) The teens of GH: The fan fics can include any of the teen characters currently on GH, or teens that were (Sarah, Sly, Juan, etc). Past teens such as Jason, Robin, and Carly can also be included.

3) Categories: There are currently eight categories for the fan fics on this site - Elizabeth, Emily, Gia, Lucky, Maxie, Nikolas, and Group. If your story doesn't fit into one of these categories, then let me know and I'll set up a place for you and your story.

4) Ratings: Fan fics will be rated as I see fit and/or by the author's permission or request. Generally, this is in reference to the material of the fan fic, in which I find a notice neccessary for the younger readers. Anything under a PG-13 rating isn't noted. As far as submissions go - I will accept fan fics with PG-13 material or below, however because of most of the traffic and content of this site, I'll have to decline anything above this rating. I do thank you for your understanding with this.

5) What to send: Once you decide that you'd like your story up here, I'll need from you three things - a) The actual story b) A description of your story and c)The artist and title of any songs used in your story. These are covered more in depth below:
a) The story that you submit can be in progress or unfinished. There is absolutely no rush for new chapters and there will be no pressure for you to finish (except from the readers, of course!). I understand that writing new chapters may take time, so all I ask is that you send me new chapters for updates when you can.
b) A description of your story will be put on the Story Descriptions page. This only needs to be a brief summary of what your story is about. If you don't have one or don't want one - no problem! Just let me know.
c) For the purposes of the Music Lyrics section of this site, I ask that you send me the artist and title of the songs that are used in your fan fics (if any).

6) Number of fan fics: Who said that an author can only be limited to one story at a time? The fact is, no matter how much some of us wish this were true, it isn't very likely. So, if you have more than one story that you'd like on this site, feel free to send those too. There are very few limitations when it comes to General Hospital's Friendship Forever.

7) Where to send it: Just send an e-mail to me, Susan, at with the story and the information in number five. Chapters to the stories can be sent here as well, but please be sure that the title is in the subject heading. That's all there is to it!

Again, please note that I am extremely lenient when it comes to the guidelines above. If you have a question about anything that you have read here or anything concerning your fan fic, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I'd be more than happy to reply.

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