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NEWS FLASH: Our Preemie is a Preschooler!!

Welcome to David Jeffrey's Page

Our Baby Boy! (who's getting to be a big boy!)

David's Adventures into the world & other pages too!....

My Birth Story
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DAVID is almost four years old. We never thought that our little three pounder would grow so big and independent. And independent is the key word. The potty training is nearing complete *finally* and he is Mama's little helper in the house and Daddy's in the yard (so much for stereotypes?!?! *smile*) On another note---Since we have settled into our first house for several years now, we have been toying with some expansion soon. But for now our PumpkinHead is loving his sandbox and other play things in the back yard.....
We couldn't wait for him to talk and now he will talk your ear off with questions about everything in his world. I love his curiosity. We ask him if he wants a brother or sister sometimes and he always says he wants both (now mama, now!) and of course, I remind him that he would have to share his bedroom. My explanation is that Mama and Daddy share our bedroom with each other and the kitty cat and it would be David's turn to share with a new baby. His response....."You get baby...I'll get kitty cat!" Smart kid! *snicker*
Developmentally, he has completely caught up. He is still a little thing, but we were recently thrilled that he reached the thirty pound mark. He's come a long way from being the teeny tiny 3 pounder! He's our little boy. We just love him more than we could ever imagine. Time will tell about the brother or sister. Personally, I think that he needs some competition. Maybe. We'll see.

UPDATE: I regret that I haven't updated as much as possible. God willing, David's page will be going through a makeover in the upcoming months (Yep! It will take me THAT long!) So pardon the chaos once changes begin.... All baby pictures are on the attached pages to this site (CLICK the "begin David's Journey" button)

We hope you enjoy seeing our little Pumpkin Head as much we enjoy having him in our lives.

Click here to begin your journey into David's World!



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