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Unidentified Photos

Unidentified Photos

These photos were found at my great-aunt's house when it was being sold after she moved to a nursing home. Some of the people represented are unknown to any of us; they may be DeHavens, Steeles, Andersons, Pyetts (Pyott/Piott), Healds, Douglases or other connected families. If you recognize anyone, please contact me at and tell me who they are. Thank you!

I have many other family photographs dating back to the first Abraham Rhoads DeHaven and coming forward in my line and some cousins so if you are related or have Anderson, Steel, Heald etc. relations, please ask if I have any you can use; I am slowly assembling them on my web site but it'll be a while before I finish.

Abject apologies to all of you who experienced a horrendous download time; thanks to Joe Patterson, I have broken this up into five pages which you can click on from here or from each page. Thank you, Joe! : )

Page 1   Page 2   Page 3   Page 4   Page 5

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