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Welcome to the Battlestar Olympia. Here you will find a list of all the Battlestars in Battlestar Galactica. This is a guide to where each Battlestar was built and their date of destruction.

Galactica: Caprica Not Destroyed

Bellephon: Scorpia 6531

Argo: Sagittara 6549

Atlantia: Aries 6549

Columbia: Virgon 6549

Olympia, Valiant: Taura 6547

Pegasus, Triton: Gemon 6551

Poseidon: Aquarius 6539

Prometheus: Libra 6538

Solaria: Leo 6549

Pacifica, Acropolis: Cancer 6549

Rycon: Pisces 6547

Names of the Battlestars in Battlestar Galactica