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HUGS are good to recieve

One of the most wonderful things to give to someone is a Hug,
For they are so Beautiful to recieve coming from someone who really cares,
For caring is in us all as is the love of Jesus,
I love it when I feel the love above touching me,
For it fills me with happiness that I pass onto others around me,
For Hugg's are one way of showing the love we all have inside,
Try passing around a Hug it will get back too you an fill you up
with happiness, For if we show our love with Hugg's big HUGG'S
you'll feel better than you ever did before,
For Jesus loves seeing us show our love to one another,
An Hug's is very important to show unto others,
Believe in Jesus an you will see how much more Hug's feel to you,
They warm you inside an out, Making you glow with happiness
for others too see, Just try it an you will be more joyful I promise,
For Hugg's is a part of showing your love to others,
You'll see in time of need that a Hug will make
all the difference on how it makes you feel inside,
Jesus I Pray to you let everybody show their cares
by showing a Hug to someone they care so much about,
For we are Blessed by the love of Jesus in more ways than we know,
Pray for ALL an you will be Blessed in His Glory,
As I do the same in return ,AMEN

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Ah friends what would we do without them,
an love what would happen if nobody showed either,
it would be a dark an lonely world, cold an bleak,
we would probably be afraid of light,
think about what I just said,for without friends,
we would have no one to give us guidance or assurance,
we would be plain an dull,
remember the ole saying
all work an no play makes Johnny a dull boy,
so look to others for friendship,
in time that freindship will grow into something wonderful,
an if nobody showed love,
we would all be fighting one another,
an that wouldn't be any good,
love is felt from inside,
it is up to you to let that love radiate out to others,
an don't push for love it will only cause you pain,
let it happen on it's own,
for God never rushed at creating what we have inside of ourselves,
this is a writing from the Bible
some of you will know what book it is from here goes;
" What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels?
If I did not love others,
I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a some more,"
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud or rude.
Love isn't selfish or quick tempered.
It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
Love never fails!" an at,the end of this chapter,"
For now there are faith, hope and love, but of these three,
the greatest is love." Words of our God praise be written
Cor. 13:1,13:4-8,13:13 Paul spoke of these things to the people

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In converse with GOD; the intercourse of the soul with GOD,not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to Him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. It is a beseeching the LORD" (Ex. 32:11); "pouring out the soul before the LORD" (1 Sam. 1:15); "praying and crying to Heaven" (2 Chr. 32:20)' seeking unto GOD and making supplication" (Job 8:5); "drawing near to GOD" (Ps. 73:28); "bowing the knees" (Eph. 3:14). Prayer presupposes a belief in the personality of GOD, His ability and willingness to hold intercourse with us, His personal control of all things and of all His creatures and all their actions. Acceptable prayer must be sincere (Heb. 10:22), offered with reverence and Godly fear, with a humble sense of our own insigificance as creatures and of our own unworthiness as sinners, with earnest importunity, and with unhesitating submission to the divine will. Prayer must also be offered in the Faith that GOD is, and is the hearer and answerer of prayer, and that He will fulfill His word, "Ask and ye shall recieve" (Matt. 7:7,8 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 14:13, 14), and in the name of Christ (16:23, 24; 15:16; Eph. 2:18; 5:20; Col. 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:5). Prayer is of different kinds, secret (Matt. 6:6); social, as family prayers, and in social worship; and public, in the service of the sanctuary. Intercessory prayer is enjoined (Num. 6:23; Job 42:8; Isa. 62:6; Ps. 122:6; 1 Tim. 2:1; James 5:14), and there are many instances on record of answers having been given to such prayers, e.g., of Abraham (Gen. 17:18, 20; 18:23-32;20:7, 17, 18), of Moses for Pharaoh (Ex. 8:12, 13, 30, 31; Ex. 9:33), for the Israelites (Ex. 17:11, 13; 32:11-14, 31-34; Num. 21:7, 8; Deut. 9:18, 19, 25), for Miriam (Num. 12:13), for Aaron (Duet. 9:20), of Samuel (1 Sam. 7:5-12), of Solomon (1 Kings 8; 2 Chr. 6), Elijah (1 Kings 17:20-23), Elisha (2 Kings 4:33-36), Isaiah (2 Kings 19), Jeremiah (42:2-10), Peter (Acts 9:40), the church (12:5-12), Paul (28:8). No rules are anywhere in Scripture laid down for the manner of prayer or the attitude to be assumed by the suppliant. There is mention made of kneeling in prayer (1 Kings 8:54; 2 Chr. 6:13; Ps. 95:6; Isa. 45:23; Luke 22:41; Acts 7:60; 9:40; Eph. 3:14, ect.); of bowing and falling prostrate (Gen. 24:26, 52; Ex. 4:31; 12:27; Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:35, ect.); of spreading out the hands (1 Kings 8:22, 38, 54; Ps. 28:2; 63:4; 88:9; 1 Tim. 2:8, ect.); and of standing (1 Sam. 1:26; 1 Kings 8:14, 55; 2 Chr. 20:9; Mark 11:25; Luke 18:11, 13). If we except the "LORD's Prayer" (Matt. 6:9-13), which is, however, rather a model or pattern of prayer than a set prayer to be offered up, we have no special form of prayer for general use given us in Scripture. Prayer is frequently enjoyed in Scripture (Ex. 22:23, 27; 1 Kings 3:5; 2 Chr. 7:14; Ps. 37:4; Isa 55:6; Joel 2:32; Ezek. 36:37, ect.) and we have very many testimonies that it has been answered (Ps. 3:4; 4:1; 6:8; 18:6; 28:6; 30:2; 34:4; 118:5; James 5:16-18, ect.). "Abraham's servant prayed to GOD, and GOD directed him to the person who should be wife to his master's son and heir (Gen. 24:10-20)." "Jacob prayed to GOD, and GOD inclined the heart of his irritated brother, so that they met in peace and friendship (Gen. 32:24-30; 33:1-4)." "Samson prayed to GOD, and GOD showed him a well where he quenched his burning thirst, and so lived to judge Israel (Judg. 15:18-20)." "David prayed, and GOD defeated the counsel of Ahithophel (2 Sam. 15:31; 16:20-23; 17:14-23)." "Daniel prayed, and GOD enabled him both to tell Nebuchadnezzar his dream and to give the interpretation of it (Dan. 2:16-23)." "Nehemiah prayed, and GOD inclined the heart of the king of Persia to grant him leave of abxence to visit and rebuild Jerusalem (Neh. 1:11; 2:1-6)." "Esther and Mordecai prayed, and GOD defeated the purpose of Haman, and saved the Jews from destruction (Esther 4:15-17; 6:7, 8)." "The believers in Jerusalem prayed, and GOD opened the prison doors and set Peter at liberty, when Herod had resolved upon his death (Acts 12:1-12)." "Paul prayed that the thorn in the flesh might be removed, and his prayer brought a large increase of spiritual strength, while the thorn perhaps remained (2 Cor. 12:710)." Prayer is like the dove that Noah sent forth, which blessed him not only when it returned with an olive-leaf in it's mouth, but when it never returned at all.",written by: Robinson's Job.

"Learning what it means to have Faith in our Lord"

It happened just yesterday when me an my husband where going to the store. A truck full of teenagers were driving an lost control of the vehicle hitting our car on the drivers side. I was lucky only to get a few bruises but my husband wasn't so lucky he's still in the hospital. The doctors don't expect him to live with the injuries he has suffered. And my daughter is all shooked up and went to stay with my older sister. I'm about to have a nervous break down I never felt this alone before.

So I went to my friends house this morning an told her about the bad news who said she would go to her church an say a prayer for him an asked me to join her. I told her what good will that do, she told me that the power of prayer is very strong to those who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Well I wasn't much of a church goer myself, but my husband went every sunday morning an evening.

I told her maybe later an she told me later could be to late, so I told her ok that I would. An she told me that we'd better pick my daughter up an take her with us, I told her she might not want to go. my friend looked at me funny and said well pick her up anyways, I agreed an when we got to my older sisters house. I was surprised to see my daughter an my older sister praying with a bible opened up in front of them.

It touched me so much that I dropped to my knees an started to cry the emotions I was feeling inside were to much for me. I never felt like that before, well we all got in my friends car an went to her church. I found myself kneeling in front of the alter not knowing how I got up their, it was like my mind went blank between my friends house an the alter at church.

They told me I was mumbling on the way over to the church not making any sense at what I was talking about, I felt different inside like something changed in me not a little change but a big change. I never prayed before and found myself asking God to heal my husband, so that we could be back together as a loving family again.

An I even promised God that I would start going to church, well I left the church feeling so great insidelike I was a different person. The next day me an my daughter went to see my husband, the doctors were looking happy an running around. I asked one of thenurses what was going on an she told me that my husband was awake an asking where he was.

Tears came to my eyes and me and my daughter turned to one another we hugged each other saying the Lord has answered our prayers then hurried as fast as our legs could carry us to be with my husband. We found him laying down with tubes coming from his nose an arms, his head was wrappedup an looked all bruised. I still had tears coming out when I walked over to him an picked up his hand and started sqeezing it.

He looked at me an smiled with tears forming, my daughter grab his other hand and we started to hug him an cried for awhile. I was so happy that right in front of my husband I looked up and thanked God for hearing our prayers, that made my husbands started crying even more for he knew I never prayed before for anybody. Well a few days later they put him in another room and had taken most of the tubes off him, a week later the doctors released him from the hospital.

I kept praying everyday for my husband and visited as much as I could while he was in the hospital, and we both even read the bible every time I visited him. And everyday I seen him getting better an new God was doing what He does best. The doctors couldn't believe how fast he was recovering, they told me they never seen someone heal so quickly as my husband.

I owe it all to the Lord I have been going to church every sunday twice an once every wensday, an even my husband has started to go with me on wensday I'm even joining the chior at church. And my husband an daughter are so proud of me, they look to me every time a prayer is needed for someone. And I'm so happy to say a prayer even if I don't know the person that I'm praying for.

Oh and I even got Baptised a few weeks after my husband got out of the hospital, me and my husband are planning on redoing our marriage vows, then were going on a second honeymoon in the Bahama's to the same beach and hotel we went to on our first honeymoon. Oh and my daughter meet this very nice Christian gentleman she is bringing him over for dinner.

They are making plans to get married and want me and my husbands blessings. This is so beautiful I have been praying to God to give her a husband who will love an cherrish her, and who is a true believer in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. They are planning their marriage at the church me and my husband go too they will be over here right after they get down talking with the pastor, so I must get ready with dinner.

Oh and the teenagers in the truck never even got any scratches, they were a bunch of Christians coming back from a Christian song festival. I found that out later so me and my husband and daughter along with her future husband plan on going to one right after we get back from our honeymoon. We already picked up the tickets for the next festival. Oh an thank you all for taking the time to read this story about my faith that I didn't have before.

writer of short stories an poem's : Louis Scot Mowry "Faith an love is what we all need without these two we might loose someone very close to us so always pray it just might be your loved one that needs it."

this is in loving memory of Cheryl's mother who died of cancer

Josephine G. George
November 26, 1997

The blow was great the shock severe,
We little thought the end was near,
And only those who have lost can tell
The pain of parting without farewell.

It broke our hearts to lose you.

But you did not go alone,
A part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

Nothing can ever take away,
The love a heart holds dear,
Fond memories linger every day.

Rememberances keeps her near.

We loose loved ones so close to us all, and are left with memories
it is those memories that we hold close in our hearts that keeps
them alive. No one can take those memories from us, Prayers and
blessings goes out to those who have lost someone so close to them.
Gods grace and love is felt in everyone of us.

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