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A brief history of Palestine


  600,000 - 10,000
Paleolithic and Mesolithic period. Earliest human remains in
 the area(found south of the Lake of Tabariyya), date back to
 ca. 600,000 BC.
  10,000 - 5,000
 Neolithic period. Establishment of settled agricultural
  5,000 - 3,000
 Chalcolithic period. Copper and stone tools and artifacts from
 this period found near Jericho, Bi'r As-Sabi' and the Dead 
  3,000 - 2,000
Early Bronze Age.Arrival and settlement of the Arab Canaanites
 (3,000 - 2,500 BC)
  ca. 1,250?
        Israelite conquest of Canaan.
  965? - 928?
King Solomon (Sulayman), construction of the temple in Jerusalem.
        Division of the Israelite state into the kingdom of
Israel and Judah.
        Assyrian conquest of the kingdom of Israel.
        Judah defeated by Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar,
 deportation of its population to Babylon and destruction of the
Persians conquer Babylonia, allowance of deportees to return
 and construction of a new temple.
Alexander the Great conquers Persia and Palestine comes 
under the Greek rule.
Alexander the Great dies, alternate rule by Ptolemies of
 Egypt and Seleucids of Syria.
        Maccabees revolt against the Seleucid ruler (Antiochus
 Epiphanes) and establish an independent state.
 Incorporation of Palestine into the Roman Empire.


        Destruction of the second temple by the Roman
 Emperor Titus.
Suppression of the Bar Kokhba revolt. Jews barred from 
Jerusalem and Emperor Hadrian builds a pagan city on its ruins.
Palestine under Byzantine occupation, Christianity spreads.
Muslim Khalifa Omar ibn al-Khattaab liberates Jerusalem and
 ends the Byzantine occupation.
Palestine administered by the Umayyad muslim chaliphs from 
Damascus and construct the Dome of the Rock ('Abd al-Malik,
 685-705) and Al-Aqsa in its current shape (al-Walid, 705-715).
Palestine administered from Baghdad by the'Abbasid muslim caliphs.
Palestine administered by the Fatimids.
Muslim Saljuqs (originally from Isfahan) rule Jerusalem and parts of
 Palestine (officially still under the 'Abbasids).
The Crusaders occupation and establishment of the "Latin Kingdom of
Great muslim leader Salah al-Diin al-Ayyoubi (from Kurdistan)
 conquers the  crusaders in the battle of Hittin, kicks
 them back to Europe and frees Jerusalem. Plaestine 
administered from Cairo.
The Mamluks succeed the Ayyubis, continue to administer Palestine 
from Cairo and kick the Mongols in the battle of 'Ayn Jaluut near
The Mamluks (Khalil bin Qalawuun) conquer the last crusader
 stronghold in Akka and Qisariya.
Palestine incorporated into the Ottoman state and administered from 
Moh'd Ali Pasha (Egypt) rules Palestine, Ottomans take over
First Palestinian deputies from Jerusalem attend the first Ottoman 
First Zionist settlement (Petach Tiqva) established under the
 guise of agricultural community.
First wave of Zionists (25000 strong) enters Palestine as illegal 
from Eastern Europe.
French Baron E. de Rothschild starts backing Zionists activities
 in  Palestine financially.
Ottomans divide Palestine into three districts: Jerusalem (follows 
Istanbul), Akka and Nablus (follow the 'wilaya' of Beirut). 

1895 - 1917


The total population of Palestine was 500,000 of whom 47,000 were Jews who owned 0.5% of the land.


Following the appearance of anti-Semitism in Europe, Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism tried to find a political solution for the problem in his book, 'The Jewish State'. He advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Argentina or Palestine.


The first Zionist Congress was held in Switzerland, which issued the Basle programme on the colonization of Palestine and the establishment of the World Zionist Organization (WZO).


Fourth Zionist Congress decided to establish a national home for Jews in Argentina.


The Zionist congress decided the Jewish homeland should be Palestine.


With the outbreak of World War I, Britain promised the independence of Arab lands under Ottoman rule, including Palestine, in return for Arab support against Turkey which had entered the war on the side of Germany.


Britain and France signed the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned to France, Jordan and Iraq to Britain and Palestine was to be internationalized.


Lord Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary sent a letter to the Zionist leader Lord Rothschild which later became known as "TheBalfour declaration ". He stated that Britain would use its best endeavors to facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. At that time the population of Palestine was 700,000 of which 574,000 were Muslims, 74,000 were Christian, and 56,000 were Jews.


1919 - 1967


The Palestinians convened their first National Conference and expressed their opposition to the Balfour Declaration.


The San Remo Conference granted Britain a mandate over Palestine and two years later Palestine was effectively under British administration,and Sir Herbert Samuel, a declared Zionist, was sent as Britain's first High Commissioner to Palestine.


The Council of the League of Nations issued a Mandate for Palestine. The Mandate was in favor of the establishment for the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine.


The outbreak of Al-Boraq uprising .


The muslim syrian leader Izz-aldeen Alqasam killed in Palestine by british occupation(a biginning to 1936 strike)


The Great revolution; Palestinians held a six-month General Strike(longest strike in history )to protest against killing of Izz-aldeen Alqasam & the confiscation of land and Jewish immigration. But the strike was stopped by arab leaders thinking that Britain will give palestinians thier rights.But revolution continues: -146 palestinians excuted; -50,000 palestinians arrested for miscellanuous periods; -2,000 palestinians centanced for long periods; -5,000 houses detroyed; -leaders of revolution expeld.


Timing with the outbreak of WW2 British government published a new White Paper restricting Jewish immigration and offering independence for Palestine within ten years.This was rejected by the Zionists, who then organized terrorist groups and launched a bloody campaign against the British and the Palestinians.The aim was to drive them both out of Palestine and to pave the way for the establishment of the Zionist state.(The white paper was banded by Britain after war)


The United Nations approved the partition under which the Palestinian Arabs, who accounted for 70% of the population and owned 92% of the land, were allocated 47% of the country.& for zionist who stole 5% allocated 50%of palestine & the rest is international zone(UN resolution 181)


British forces withdrew from Palestine in May (leaving weapons for zionists)and the Zionists proclaimed the state of Israel without defining its borders.Unprepared Arab armies moved to defend the Palestinians.Corruption in arab armies leads to a defeat for arab armies.Angry arab military officcers staged coup d'etat in thier contries against thier leaders (e.g Qasim in Iraq ,Zaiem in Syria& Naser & Muslim brotherhode in Egypt)


A cease fire was finally agreed. The Zionists controlled 77% of Palestinian land and over 1 million Palestinians were forced to leave their country. The West Bank was put under Jordanian control and the Gaza Strip under Egyptian control.


The Palestine Liberation Organization was established.


Israel launched a new war against the Arabs and seized the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai peninsula.UN issues resolution number 242

1973 - 1988


The October War between Israel and the Arab states broke out.UN issues resolution number 338


The Arab Summit in Rabat recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. At the United Nations General Assembly, the UN reaffirmed its commitment to an independent sovereign state in Palestine and gave the PLO observer status at the United Nations. Yasser Arafat, chairman of the PLO, addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations.


Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David Agreement under the auspices of the United States.


Israel invaded Lebanon with the aim of destroying the PLO. Tens of thousands were killed and made homeless in the wake of the invasion which culminated in the massacres of Sabra and Shatilla.


The United Nations called for the convening of a Peace Conference with the participation of the PLO on an equal footing with the other delegates as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.


In December the Intifada-the Palestine Uprising - in the Occupied Territories began.


Abu Jihad, Palestinian leader, was gunned down in his home in Tunis on 14April by the Israeli Mossad.

July 31

Jordanian disengagement - King Hussein of Jordan said he no longer considered the West Bank as part of his kingdom.

November 15

The PNC meeting in Algiers declared the State of Palestine as outlined in the UN Partition Plan 181.

Following the US government refusing Arafat a visa to enter the US, the UN General Assembly held a special session on the question of Palestine in Geneva.

US/PLO dialogue began

1989 - 1996


June 28: EEC Madrid Conference issued a new declaration calling for the PLO to be involved in any peace negotiations.

August 3: Fateh, the mainstream PLO organization, at their 5th Conference endorsed the PLO strategy adopted at the PNC in Algiers in November 1988.


May 20: Seven Palestinian workers from Gaza were massacred by an Israeli gunman near Tel Aviv.

Yasser Arafat addressed the UN Security Council In Geneva after the massacre in which he called for the deployment of a UN emergency force to provide international protection for the Palestinian people to safeguard their lives, properties and holy places.

The US vetoed a motion which called for the Security Council to send a fact finding mission to the area. At the end of their hunger strike, Palestinian leaders in the Occupied Territories decided to boycott the US.

The Arab Summit in Baghdad strongly denounced the settlement of Soviet Jews with in the Occupied Territories.

June 20: The US suspended its dialogue with the PLO after the PLO refused to denounce a military operation in the sea by the PLF.

June 26: The EEC in Dublin issued a new declaration on the Middle East which condemned Israeli human rights violations and the settlement of Soviet Jews in the Occupied Territories. It also doubled its economic aid programme to the Occupied Territories.

August 2: The Gulf Crisis erupted.

December 20: UN Security Council adopted Resolution 681.


January 16: War in the Gulf started.

February 17: Cease fire agreed in War in the Gulf. - 23 September: The PNC met in Algiers and paved the way for the Palestinian delegation to participate in the Middle East Peace Conference.

October 30: The Middle East Peace Conference convened in Madrid.

December 3: The bi-lateral talks between Israel and the Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians and Lebanese started in Washington.


June 23: Israeli Labor Party won the election in Israel and formed a Labor coalition government.

August 24: The sixth round of the bi-lateral talks ,W.


September 9-10: PLO Israeli recognition

September 13: Palestinian-Israeli Declaration of Principle


May 4: Gaza strip and Jericho Agreement in Cairo

August 29: Transfer of the power Agreement.


September 28: Palestinian Israeli Interim Agreement signed in Washington.


January: Election in Palestine

Israeli soldiers re deployed from major cities in the West Bank, yet Hebron is still controlled by the Israeli soldiers


January: Agreement of the redeployment from Hebron

February: Release of the women prisoners.

March: The construction of the new Israeli settlement of Jabal Abu Ghneim (Har Homa) started.

March: Cease of the peace talks because of the continuous of the settlements policy of the Netanyahu Government.

Palestine & U.N.(1)
Palestine & U.N.(2)
Palestine Diary

Designed by Feras Sallam 1999

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