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Samuel Evan Powell
Pennsylvania Sixty-Fourth Regiment Volunteers,
Fourth Regiment Cavalry, Company A
His Civil War History...

Documents and Sources

The Military History Institute at Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013. Military history researcher, Alfred W. Farris, Jr., wrote me the following from his research at the Institute:

"Now, my findings are that Samuel was a member of the 4th Cavalry, Company 'A', as indicated by the roster of Company 'A', 4th Cavalry. But he was part of the Sixth-Fourth Regiment. This regiment was recruited under the direction of David Campbell of Pittsburg, in compliance with authority granted by Governor Curtin, on 4th September 1861. Company 'A', was recruited in Northampton County. It shows Samuel Powell enlisted on 16 Feb 1864, called to duty the same day, he was mustered out of service 7-1-1865. He was 20 years of age at his time of enlistment, and he enlisted in Philadelphia, PA. This information is from the 'Bates Book of Pennsylvania Volunteers', Volume 2, Page 535."

General Reference Branch (NNRG-P), National Archives and Records Administation, 7th and Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washingtion, D.C. 20408. Civil War veteran pension and miliary records can be obtained from this archive. Write to them for two application forms. Pension and military records have to be applied for separately. Cost for me several years ago was $10.00, but this can vary.

Veteran's Pension Records

Pension records contain more genealogical information than military records. The following is a summary of Samuel POWELL's pension records.

______________________DECLARATION FOR PENSION:

Samuel POWELL's application is dated May 17, 1912. He gives his current age as 68 and his current address as 20 South Harrisburg St., Steelton, Pa. He states that he was enrolled at Philadelphia February 16, 1864, as a private in Company A, 4th Regiment Pa. Cav. and was discharged at Lynchburg, Va. on July 1, 1865. His personal description at enlistment was: 5'6", dark complextion, brown hair. At the time of his enlistment he was a laborer; he was born April 29, 1844 in Pine Grove, Pa.; that since leaving the service he has lived in Coaldale, Pa., Lansford, Pa. and Steelton, Pa. He is a pensioner under Certificate No. 818376.

On a separate form he states that his post office at the time of his enlistment was Summit Hill, Carbon Co.; he was born April 29, 1844, in Pine Grove, Schuylkill Co.; his wife is Catherine Rees Powell and they were married August 5, 1865 in Nesquehoning by Lyshon Thomas. On this same form he lists his children as:

James S. Powell...born....Oct. 31 - 1866
David L. Powell...born....Oct. 09 - 1868
Jane Powell.......born....Sept.05 - 1871
Ida Powell.......born....Sept.17 - 1873 (dead)
Sarah Powell......born....Dec. 01 - 1875
Samuel R. Powell..born....Mar. 03 - 1878
Elizabeth Powell..born....Aug. 18 - 1880
Verlie R. Powell..born....Jan. 06 - 1887

The following is not from an official form, but from a personal type-written record officially stamped May 9, 1914, included in Samuel POWELL's application for a pension.

"Record of births and deaths of Joseph and Mary Powell's children, late of Lansford, Carbon Co., Pa.

John.............born Jan 16, 1840...died Mar 16, 1842
James Lloyd......born Mar 12, 1842
Samuel Evans.....born Apr 29, 1844
Isabella.........born Sep 14, 1846
Johnathan Tudor..born Oct 27, 1848...died Dec 6, 1876
Elizabeth........born Dec 26, 1850
Vassar Erasmus...born Jan 02, 1853
Evor Aneurian....born Jan 07, 1855
Abigail..........born Dec 02, 1856
Ida Amanda.......born Jun 23, 1859...died Dec 23, 1887
..........Father died Feb 10, 1881
..........Mother died Jan 04, 1890
A handwritten note on this same paper states:
David Reese Sr. died Feb. 24, 1899, (illegible word) Feb 27, 1899, aged 79yrs, 11mo, 26days.

Samuel POWELL's pension was granted June 3, 1914. He was to receive $20.00 per month from April 29, 1914, and $24.00 per month from April 29, 1919.

______________________DECLARATION FOR WIDOW'S PENSION:

Catherine POWELL's application is dated March 15, 1917. She gives her current address as "20 So. Harrisburg St., Steelton, Dauphin Co., Pa. Her son James has also signed the application (as Jas. S. POWELL) and gives his current address as 632 Olive St., Coatesville. The lawyer is E.Ross Feehrer, 131 S. 2nd. St., Steelton, Pa.

EVIDENCE for claim #1,096,228 of Catherine POWELL and Samuel POWELL, Co. "A" 4 Pa. Cav. Affidavit of Mary E. Richards and Mary Ronemus. Filed by Thomas M. Sykes, pension attorney, Harrisburg, Pa.

The following GENERAL AFFIDAVIT was given March 23, 1917, by Mary E. RICHARDS, aged 74, and Mary RONEMUS, aged 77, both of Nesquehoning, Carbon Co., Pa.

"We are personally acquainted with the claimant in the above cited case and we knew her before she became of marriageable age. Her maiden name was Catherine Reese, and we know that she was never married prior to the date of her marraige to Samuel Powell, and had she been previously married we would have known it. We know that the claimant lived with the soldier from the date of their marraige to the date of his death and was not divorced. We know that the claimant has not remarried since the death of the soldier. We gain the knowledge to which we testify from personal acquaintance and association."

The following GENERAL AFFIDAVIT was given by Catherine POWELL on July 20, 1917.

"I am now 71 years of age having been born on March 14, 1846, in Wales: There is no Public record of the date of my birth: There is no family Bible record of the date of my birth: There is no Baptismal record of the date of my birth: My father's name was David Reese: My mother's name was Jane Reese: They came to America when I was about 5 years of age and resided in Beaver Meadows, Carbon Co., Pa. During the year 1860 I resided with my father and mother in Nesquehoning, Carbon Co., Pa. There is no public record of the date of my marraige to the soldier, but there is a Private record that had been kept by Leyshorn R. Thomas, J.P., now in possession of his son: This Memorandum Book contains the original entry of the record of my marraige to the soldier as that of August 5, 1865. I have a marraige certificate. The soldier's correct name is that of Samuel Evan Powell, but when he enlisted he gave his name as 'Samuel Powell'. He was generally known as Samuel Powell: When my son Samuel R. Powell gave the information for Public record of the date of death of the soldier, he gave his name as 'Samuel Evan Powell', hence the name appears as such on the Public record, a copy of which is filed as evidence in the case."

The following GENERAL AFFIDAVIT was given by Richard L. Thomas, aged 70 and living in Nesquehoning, Carbon Co., Pa., on July 20, 1917.

"I am a son of Leyshon (sic) R. Thomas, formerly a Justice of the Peace, located at Nesquehoning, Carbon Co., Pa., and he held said Office during the year 1865: I have in my possession his old Memorandum Book, wherein there is recorded record of marriages performed by him during the year 1863: 1864: and 1865: There appears of record in said book the following entry:

'Married August 5, 1865:
Mr. Samuel Powell of Sumet Hill, Carbon County, Pa.,
to Catherine Reese, of Nesquehoning, Carbon County - by
me-Leyshorn R. Thomas, J.P. August 5, 1865.'

I further certify that said entry of marriage is in the hand writing of my father - Leyshorn R. Thomas, now deceased, and that from the appearance of the writing I believe that entry to have been made many years ago. The entry does not bear any marks of erasure or alteration, and I have every reason to believe the entry to be original and to bear the correct date of said marriage."

Veteran's Military Records

In the following retyped documents, I have enclosed handwritten words and numbers between quotation marks.


STATE OF "Pennsylvania"............TOWN OF "Philadelphia"

I, "Samuel Powell" born in "Schuylkill Co." in the State of "Penna." aged "twenty" years, and by occupation a "labourer" DO HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE to have volunteered this "sixteenth" day of "February" 186"4" to serve as a Soldier in the Army of the United States of America, for the period of THREE YEARS, unless sooner discharged by proper authority: Do also agree to accept such bounty, pay, rations, and clothing, as are, or may be, established by law for volunteers. And I, "Samuel Powell" do solemnly swear, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whomsoever; and that I will observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War.

Sworn and subscribed to, at "Phila. Pa." this "16"" day of "January" 186"4"
Samuel Powell's signature

Before (signature illegible)

I CERTIFY ON HONOR, That I have carefully examined the above named Volunteer, agreeably to the General Regulations of the Army, and that in my opinion he is free from all bodily defects and mental infirmity, which would, in any way, disqualify him from performing the duties of a soldier.

(illegible signature)


I CERTIFY ON HONOR, That I have minutely inspected the Volunteer "Samuel Powell" previously to his enlistment and that he was entirely sober when enlisted; that, to the best of my judgement and belief, he is of lawful age; and that, in accepting him as duly qualified to perform the duties of an able-bodied soldier, I have strictly observed the Regulations which govern the recruiting service. This soldier has "Brown" eyes, "Dark" hair, "Dark" complexion, is "five" feet "six" inches.

signature of Capt. Chas (?) Cadwallader

"(illegible number)" Regiment of "Penna" Volunteers

Recruiting Officer


I, "Samuel Powell" desiring to VOLUNTEER as a Soldier in the Army of the United States, for the term of THREE YEARS, Do declare, Taht I am "twenty" years and "~" months of age; that I have never been discharged from the United States service on account of disability or by sentence of a court-martial, or by order before the expiration of a term of enlistment; and I know of no impediment to my serving honestly and faithfully as a soldier for three years.

Given at "Philadelphia"
The "16"" day of Feby 64
Witness: signature of "(?)Moses (?)" signature of "Samuel Powell"

The following is a copy of a large framed decorative discharge record with colored and patriotic Civil War illustrations. On the original, the text all runs together, line after line. For ease of reading on this page, I made breaks every few lines and have underlined the place names/ assignments and altered the text fonts. You're welcome.

This is to Certify That Samuel Powell

Enlisted February 16th 1864 from Carbon County State of Penna. and was mustered into the United States service at Philadelphia Penna. as a Private to serve for a term of 3 years in COMPANY A 4TH REGIMENT PENNA VOL CAVALRY - Under Captain J. Andrews and William Hyndman Colonel G H Loude and Samuel B. Young. The regiment

was assigned to the 2nd Brigade and Division Cavalry Corps Army of the Potomac. Comrade Powell participated in the following engagements: Sumners Bridge May 3 Todd's Tavern May 5 to 8.64 Sheridans Raid to Richmond North Anna River May 9.10.64 Yellow Tavern May 11 Richmond Fortification May 12.64 Pamunkey River May 26.28.64 Hawes

May 28 Tolopatomay May 28-31. 1864 Cold Harbor May 31 June 1.64 Trevillion Raid. Trevillion Station June 11.12.64 St. Peters Church June 21.64 Siege of Petersburg June 1864 to April 2.65 Charles City Cross Roads June 29 Warwick Swamp July 12.64 Malvern HillJuly 28 Warwick Swamp July 30 Deep Bottom Aug 13-20. Gravel Hill Aug 14

Strawberry Plains Aug 16.1864 White Oak Swamp Aug 18 Weldon Railroad Aug 18 to 21 Dinwiddie Road near Reams Sta Aug 23 Reams Sta Aug 25 Reconissance to Poplar Springs Church Sept 13.64 Reconissance to Dinwiddie CH September 15.1864 Belchers Mills Sept 17 Reams Sta Sept 29 Poplar Springs Church Sept 29 to Oct 2 Arthurs Swamp

Sept 30 to Oct 1.64 Boydton Plank Road Hatchers Run Va Oct 27.28 Reconissance to Stony Creek Nov 7 Stony Creek Sta. Dec 1.1864 Hicksfords Expedition Dec 7 to 12.1864 PROMOTED TO BUGLER Bellefield Raid Dec 8.1864 Engaged at High Hill December 10.1864 Rawanty Creek Feby 5.1865 Dabneys Mills Hatchers Run Va Feby 5.7.65

Appomattox Campaign Mar 28 to Apl 1865 Engaged at Lewis farm near Gravelly Run Mar 29.65 Dinwiddie Court House Mar 30 and 31.1865 White Oak road Mar 31.1865 Five Forks Va Apl 1.65 Baines Cross Roads and Amelia Springs

April 5.1865 Sailors Creek Va Apl 6.1865 Farmville April 7 Appomattox Sta Apl 8.1865 Appomattox Court House LEES SURRENDER Apr. 9.65 Expedition to Danville Apl 23 to 29.65 Expedition after extra Billy Smith May 20 to 28.65 at Lynchburg till July.


July 1st 1865 at Lynchburg Va by reason of Close of War


Aug 1912

Recommended Books

History of a Cavalry Company, A Complete Record of Company "A", 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry Capt. William Hyndman
The Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry Gen. William E. Doster

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