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Twins????? Lucky me! That is not what I thought when I found out at 10 weeks into pregnancy. I was 22 and trying to have 1 baby...not a litter! I would never change it now, but boy, was I nervous! I was the first of my friends to have kids, so no advice from them. I had a great pregnancy, gained 48 lbs. and worked until 36 weeks, I was induced at 38 weeks and after 15 hours of labor , they were born by c-section. Alexa weighed 5lb 13oz and was 18 1/2 inches long, and Brianna was 5lb 8 oz and 18 inches long. They were very healthy and slept through at 4 weeks, lucky me! I really don't remember the first year, too busy and too much of a blur. My only regret was going back to work at 8 weeks, but I had to. this was 2 weeks before delivery........WOW!!!!

My babes........

I returned to work as a hairdresser and where I worked allowed the girls in the nursery we built in the basement. My teen sisters would come and watch them. When they were 7 months old, they stopped coming and I took them to my moms. Here they were 2 months old......

And here they are at 7 years old.

And An addition to the family......

3 years later I decided to try again....but what if another set of twins?????? Oh well, try anyway and 9 months later Kayla was born. She was by c-section also and weighed 8lb. 5 oz. and was 20 inches long. I was home with her for 5 months and how different! I could actually enjoy her because I was less stressed. She is an angel and is potty training!