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In the Past Year, U.S. Figure skater Tara Lipinski

Tara's schedule was as dizzying as one of her triple loop-triple loop jumps. But Tara isn't dizzy. She is enjoying the ride.

"The attention on me went through the roof last year," says Tara. "But I kind of liked it. If you're not on top, you'd miss it."


Tara is known for her spins and jumps. She can whip her 4'10", 80-pound body around like a blur.

Tara has been skating all her life. She started roller-skating when she was 3 years old. She laced on figure skaes at the age of 6. Tara was a natural. Within an hour, she was doing the jumps and turns she had learned on roller skates.


Tara and her mom moved from their home in Sugar Land, Texas, to Bloomfield Michigan, so that Tara could get expert training. Tara's dad still lives in Texas. He talks to Tara on the phone and sees her whenever he can.

Tara practices four hours a day. She also does four hours of schoolwork with tutos every day.

Tara has been training hard to reach the 1998 Winter Games.

"Just to get o the Olympics would be perfect," says Tara. "To kno that people all over the world are watching -- it's the biggest event there is."
