My Information

Steven Day
Chief Instructor
Day's Karate School
1001 W. Whitley Ave # B
Corcoran, CA 93212

About the Chief Instructor Master Steven Day, 6th Degree Black Belt Chief Instructor, and founder of Day’s Karate School. Master Day has been training in the Martial Arts for over 25 years and is recognized as an Top knoch instructor in Goju Ryu. As the chief instructor on board the USS Kitty Hawk (cv-63) he has won over 25 National and 8 International Gold Medals from June 1990 - September 1993 and has Coached The USS KITTY HAWK FIGHTING TEAM in competitions in Saint Thomas The Virgin Island, South America, Pacific Rim Cup Challenge, Singapore, Hong Kung, and Puerto Rico, Malaysia, Guam, and Japan in 1999.

"The Career Sensei's Oath"

By Maestro Urban, "The American Lion of Gojuryu Karatedo" Circa March 1997 1. We do solemnly swear, each Sensei to: "DO NO HARM" to the minds and bodies of our students in schooling them in all things within our scope. 2. Be always loyal to the Profession of our chosen "Artful-Science" of Martial Combative Studies and all their Cognates. 3. To reward the diligently-deserving swiftly and to correct the willfully sub-standard properly, lawfully and permanently. 4. To lead our personal and professional lives in uprightness and honorably. 5. To teach by example of virtuous-conduct and behavior at all times of the day and night. 6. To impart the "Social Values"; law-abiding Ways and expected responsibilities for the good of all others of our citizenship to the very best of our individual abilities. 7. To always conduct ourselves and our pupils far aloof from wrong, from corruption and from the tempting of all others to vice as is expected by our ancestors and values of our country. 8. To always exercise our teachings solely for literacy, modesty and self-confidence in the defense of our lives, safety and pursuit of progress and self-reliant prosperity of the "Work-Ethic" in the "Here & Now" of ordinary and extraordinary life. 9. To teach no badness, perform no unlawful operations of crime or evil purposes, even if solicited as an "Unlawful Order" by our superiors in our work or civil duties as properly law-abiding individuals of our country's ways, mores and/or constitutional rights and responsibilities. 10. To keep ourselves conscientiously incapable of suggesting or advocating that which is known to be morally wrong as a crime or as a sin in transgression against others of our common humanity within the realm of the realities of organized society. 11. To never speak ill of the living and to glorify the goodness of the dead. 12. To always practice courtesy and respect for all living persons and animals and the environment of our mother "Earth" and all its living organisms of nature. 13. To never keep that which is not useful or beautiful in our homes and schools. 14. To keep the good and discard the bad in the content of our own characters. 15. To respect the children, the elderly and the helpless of all societies. 16. To respect the ways, customs and cultures and obey the laws of any and/or all places, areas, states, nations and countries of all the regions of our world by teaching the very best of our abilities and to never" Throw a Bad-Punch" or not work for the mutual-prosperity of our own employment as professionals and to help ourselves first so that we can be of more useful value to others for whom we work and/or serve for our very best efforts in exchange for the very-best pay-scale of everyone above and/or below our earned positions. Now, we must remember that in the accurate world of the spirit of "Life must and always go on"; through thick and thin, through the travails and troubles, through the joys of life and the successful accomplishments of goodness as a forever ongoing and upwardly changing thing in the direction of human progress from the time of: "Our first breath in" of the air of our new environment; all the way to the old-age time of our lives, wherein: :The very last act of our bio-degradable human bodies is called" The last breath out, and knowing that we left this world and our students in better shape than when we became a member of its invited guests of honor. 17. We shall always pay our own way throughout life and always practice: "The artist of life's vow: To become, be and stay self-reliant as humanly possible while we are still children or adults and/or elderly persons and mostly to avoid dependency and/or toxic relationships. 18. To cherish punctuality in the self and others. 19. To keep breathing, keep eating properly and keep busy everyday and sleep not in excess nor not without the purpose of healthful daily regeneration. 20. We shall always be proud to be ourselves only and not desire to be or act as if we were some other person, place or thing. 21. We shall always be the very last to start a fight and the very first to end a fight or a war! 22. We are always aware that "misunderstandings kill" more than anything else in this world and that is why we the "Career-Sensei's" of the world only judge what we do understand before we do anything. 23. When our swords are out, we shall withdraw our tempers and when our tempers are out we always shall withdraw our swords. 24. We shall always be masters of our machines and servo-mechanisms to be our slaves and never work our families, animals and/or other human beings without good pay for work and love and care and lifetime commitment to our God-given noble four-footed friends, pets and companions. We accept their unconditional love in exchange for our unconditional servitude for the needs of everyday life. 25. We shall always teach our students that it is more blessed to stay out of natural and/or human troubles than it is to get out of such matters once we have gotten into them. 26. We shall always correct ourselves immediately instead of forgiving our shortcomings; because to forgive is to condone. We shall always correct and not always forgive our errors and wrongs on the road to life. These things do we swear as each of us as men and women bow our heads in sign of Acquiescence. The End. Always, Urban March 1997 . Thank you come again