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Stef's Mostly-Pictures Page's my resume (the non-pictures section of my site). Have a look if you're interested.


Now...on to the pictures! Some old, some new. All treasured.


Hermana Bluth, myself, Hermana Chlarson, and Hermana Martin at the temple on our last Wednesday ("p-day") together.

Hermana Bluth & me under the arbor (or whatever it's called) between 1M & 4M at the MTC.

Hermana Chlarson & me under the arbor.

Hermana Martin & me under the arbor.

Two districts of the branch I was in in the MTC entered on the same day--16 July. On our last Sunday in the MTC, we both went up to the temple and sang hymns in Spanish. The other district was actually up there singing before we got there, so we just kind of joined them. A lady we'd seen up at the temple many Sundays we'd done 'temple walks' was up there that day & she took pictures for us. She cried, too, as we sang. It was pretty special.

Kristy Witt and myself in front of the Wilk on the BYU campus. Kristy was one of my EFY girls during Summer 2002 at SVU & I ran into her one day while I was on campus at the Y, before my MTC date. She was out there going to EFY. Pretty cool to see her again, especially since she and her family live in Saudi Arabia!

Me, Hermana Lunt, Hermana Weed, and Hermana Martin the night before Lunt & Weed went to their mission fields. Those hermanas had become our good friends...we were on the same schedule, but they were about a week or so "older" than us, so we went up to say goodbye to them the night before they left. Hermana Lunt went to Honduras San Pedro Sula & Hermana Weed went to Guatemala Guatemala City South, I believe. Hermana Lunt had actually been to PA before--her parents were mission presidents in Pittsburgh in the mid-late 1990s!

Me at one of the 'required' MTC photo op spots!

Me & two of my friends, Hermana Durtschi & Hermana Larsen, the night before Hermana Durtschi left for Chicago. Hermana Larsen went to the Oakland Temple Visitors Center. We had some great times together in the MTC choir. They were both on the same schedule as my district, too.

The Provo Temple...our 'place to be' Wednesday mornings around 7 (for our first 7 weeks) or 1 PM (our last two weeks).

Sister Abney & me. She was the wife of one of the counselors in our branch presidency (the ultimately-cool KC Abney). They got transferred to a different branch when the "big changes" happened 2 weeks before we left the MTC, so this is a picture from the last Sunday they were in our branch. She was so awesome...came to visit us (the sisters) every Tuesday night after the General Authority fireside. Told great stories (her story about how she met Pres. Abney was awesome!) and took great care of us. Loved her a lot. Their son got called to the Philippines Cebu Mission & entered the MTC back in October, so he's probably out in the field now. Pres. & Sister Abney were very excited about their son going on a mission...good for all of them.

About a week and a half before our departures began (some of us in the district left on Monday, one on Wednesday, and the rest on Friday), we got our travel plans. It's a big deal when you're in the MTC--especially if you've been there for a long time 'cuz of learning a language (like we were). So...this is the four of us with our travel plan sheets...excited and scared at the same time.

And those, my friends, are some of my favorite pictures & memories of my time in the MTC. I hope you've enjoyed seeing a little bit of my life July-September 2003. Those were great days. I miss them very, very much.

NEWBIES are @ Since I've been in Texas...