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Wel-Come to Shannon's Page


My page is now a few weeks old and this is the first MAJOR make-over so I am happy to say that I am proud of it! I have really put a lot of work in this to improve it. I thank you for coming and I want to ask you to sign my GUEST BOOK. If you have a homepage and sign my book I will be more then glad to visit your page. And I'll give you any points that I can to help you!

Here are some things about me....

Full Name: Shannon Lance

Birthday: November 16 , 1982

Age: 15

Nicknames: Shan, Cheeries .

Parents: Charles A. and Debra K. Lance ( Winters)

Siblings: Cricket Marie (9)

Schooling: Jr. High and now Sr. High Philipsburgh ,Pa

Hobbies: Collecting Jeff Gordon things ( hundreds of $s of things)

Best advice: Live life .. you only have one!

Words/Phrases I use too much: *whatever*

Special Skills and Talents: giving good advice!

Most Influential People: James Harper ( a Jr. high teacher), my parents ( even thought they REALLY make me mad sometimes), BOBBY PETROCELLI

Fav. Color: Blue and I do not know why.

Fav. Toy: I would have to say a teddy bear!

Fav. Books: Mr and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones, Trouble by Sea,

Fav. Actors: Joey Lawerence, Will Smith and Tom Cruise!

Fav. Actresses:Millisa Joan Hart, Sandra Bullick, and Julia Roberts

Fav. Cartoon: The Flinstones

Fav. Movies: Speed, My Best Friends Wedding, Twister, TITANIC (the all time BEST movie)!!!!!!

Fav. Music Video: You are the love of my life.Sammy Kershaw

Fav. Animal: Dogs!!!!! I love then they are SO cute!

Fav. TV Show: Home Improvement

Fav. Food: Pizza

Fav. Quote(s): “The amount of love you take is equal to thel amount of love you give, in the end ” “Any man can make love to a woman but it takes a real man to love a woman”

Fav.Song(s): You are the Love of my Life ( Sammy Kershaw)

Pets: 2 Dogs Cubby and Petty Girl

Well, now that I have gone on about myself for 10 minutes, I thinkI'll stop and say bye bye.

If you have Icq find me. My UIN # is 8862059

Also if you have Yahoo_pager find me there. My ID is snlance. I hope to see you soon!

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Well here is a GUEST BOOK!!! I"m asking you to PLEASE sign it!!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

ALL the best links!

The Clark/Lance Page
Chris's Page ( a GREAT Friend!!!)
Kj's ( Kage's) Home page
Andrea's Page ( another GREAT Firend)
Jeff Gordon ( NASCAR )
Dean Cain ( SUPERMAN )
Love Poems, quotes ........... ( Wisely's Page)
Do you love someone Cyber, see what this couple has to say about Cyber love!
I love beanie babies!
My poem PAGE!!!!!!!!!
Get Icq Download it here!
Homework Help!!!

My Friends -in NO order-

  • Brian ( Nike Guy)
  • Andrea (Royal Michievious)
  • Jerri ( Nike Girl )
  • Kj ( KAGE)
  • Drew (THE FIREMAN)
  • Colin ( BoardDoKter)
  • Ryan ( CHAOS)
  • Matt (M.G.)
  • Mike ( OG)
  • Scott ( Agent S)
  • A FEW MORE... Subline , Adems, finch, Jess, Master P, Sweet guy, Matt's bum friend ,007, VeNuS, Eigt -Ball, Jiggy Butt, Sex and Candy, Smokey, 2poor, ???!!!!, A sweet girl, buzz-68, clymax, Crawl, Curt, Desert Rain, FATTY, Fizban, ~kat~, Garion, ghostface, Gusto, Hany, Heather, HIDDEN, John, k d, Kydd, Lauren, Liz, Nikki, Mike, Mitch, Party Rocker, Playa Hater, Pinchook, Romeo, Samie, Sgt. Pepper, SWEETHEART, Tha Stud, twiggy, John Paul, Bad Boy, Sweet thung, You justin girl, Justindays,
