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Infinite Combo Page

    Infinite Combos
  • Life: moonlightwake w/ fanatical devotionw/ a 1 mana creature -- sac the 1 mana creature to fanatical devotion and cause of moonlight wake gain 1 life, ur creature comes back into play and continue
  • Creature Power: 1 keldon battle wagon w/ 2 gravediggers w/ 3 thunderscape familiars w/ 1 phrexian altar-- keldon battle wagon in play three familiars in play one gravedigger in graveyard one in your hand and altar in play play gravedigger for one black return other gravedigger tap it give battle wagon +2 +0 and sacrifice gravedigger to add one black mana into your pool and repeat process(
  • Damage: Aluren w/ Pandemonium w/ Horned Kavu(or any gating creature) cast alluren and pandemonium. Then cast Horned Kavu and return itself to your hand, dealing someone 3 damage. (
  • Life: 2xApprentice Necromancer w/ 2xSoul Warden w/ Carnival of Souls - get one necromancer in your graveyard. Once you do that get 2 wardens in play, with carnival. When that happens you can play the other necromancer, the turn after that you can use the ability of the necromancer to return the other one from the graveyard to play putting the one in play into the graveyard, gaining 2 life from the wardens losing one from carnival, and gaining black mana from carnival to do it over. (
  • Saprolings: Nemeta, Grove Guardian w/ Intruder Alarm w/ 3 Mana From Creatures (Llanowar Elves, Quirion Elves, etc.) -- Pay three with creatures for the Nemeta, a saproling token comes into play. All creatures untap because of the Intruder Alarm. (
  • Damage and Life: Aluren w/ Recycle w/ Mogg Fanatic w/ Bottle Gnomes w/ Mortuary: Have the mogg fanatic in play, the enchantments in play, and the gnomes in your hand. Then sacrifice the mogg for 1 to your opponent, and it goes on top of your deck. Then, play bottle gnomes, pick up the mogg, then sacrifice bottle gnomes for 3 life, it goes on your deck, play mogg fanatic and pick up the gnomes... (
  • Mana: Sneak attack w/ Palinchron w/ 7 land (
  • Life: Nomads en Kor w/ Task Force w/ Diamond Valley (
  • Turn: 2 anarchist w/ time walk or time warp w/ recurring nightmare:Get 1 anarchist in your grave and 1 in your hand. Play a time walk/time warp. Then play the anarchist to get it back. Use recurring nightmare to switch the 2 anarchists and return the time warp to your hand. (
  • Damage: Goblin Bombardment w/ Enduring Renewal w/ 0 mana cost creature. You get the goblin bombardment and enduring renewal out. Then you sacrafice the 0 mana cost creature for 1 and then it goes back to your hand. (
  • Damage: Iridiscent Drake w/ False Demise w/ Goblin Bombardment. Sack Drake then comes into play and gains false demise do it again as many time as you please. (
  • Mana: mana vault w/ power artifact (
  • Life: soul warden w/ aluren w/ 2 shrieking drakes- play aluren, play soul warden for free, then keep playing either one shreiking drake for free using aluren and returning the other one to your hand, each time you do you gain one life from soul warden and since it costs you nothing, you gain infinite life (
  • Life: juniper order druid w/ maze of ith w/ reverse damage w/ seizures: attack with a juniper order druid, then use maze of ith to untap it. use the druid to untap the maze and use the seizures/ reverse damage combo again. (
  • -1/-1 counters: Phyrexian Plaguelord w/ Lifeline w/ Any Creature-- sac creature to plaguelord to put a -1/-1 counter on opponent's creature and continue (
  • Deck Discard: 2 anarchist w/ 1 priest of gix w/ 1 alter of dementia w/ 1 victimize-Have one anarchist in play along with an alter of dementia. Have priest ofgix, and other anarchist in graveyard. Play victimize, sacking the anarchist, bringing the priest of gix and other anarchist into play. Bringvictimize back into your hand with anarchist, and you can also play it againbecause the priest gives you three black mana. Sacrifice the priest to thealter, making opponent take two cards off the top of library and discarding them. Sack the only anarchist in play bringing the p.o. gix and other anarchist into play. Repeat until all his cards are gone and he dies. (
  • Damage: Lifeline w/ Ball Lightning w/ Pandemonium: You decide when the ball stops. What WOC calls an "arbitrarily large" loop. (
  • Life: Reconaissance w/ Angelic Protector w/ Worthy Cause: here's how it works,play Recon. for 1W, then get the Angel out there which gets a defense bonus when targetted. Declare an attack with her then target her a million timeswith Reconaissance. Worthy cause her and gain that much life. (
  • Mana: Quirion Elves w/ Intruder Alarm w/ Shrieking Drake w/ any mana producing creature (
  • Tokens: Equilbrium w/ Deranged hermit w/ Cloud of Faries w/ Gaea's Cradle w/ Island (
  • Draw: Jasmine Seer w/ Necropotence (
  • Mana: Grim Monolith w/ Xenic Poltergeist w/ Heartstone (
  • Damage: Blood Vassal w/ Cathodian w/ Anarchist w/ Phyrexian Plaguelord w/ Living Death w/Mogg Fanatic: first get a Blood Vassal and Cathodian in play and Anarchist and Phyrexian Plaguelord in the graveyard, then use the blood vassal and cathodian mana to cast living death, then use the anarchist to bring back living death, kill the blood vassal and cathodian and sacrifice mogg fanatic and use the mana from the blood vassal and cathodian to cast Living death again. (
  • Turn: Magistrate's Scepter w/ 3 Voltaic Keys w/ 15 Mana (
  • Mana: Equilibrium w/ Aluren w/ Cloud of Fairies (
  • Mana: Grim Monolith w/ Karn, Silver Golem w/ 2 Heartstone -- Tap Monolith to get 3 colorless use one to use Karns ability and turn monolith into a creature (now it only costs 2 to untap it) use the 2 left to untap it--tap again get 3 more colorless use two to untap-got one left in pool--tap get 3 use 2 to untap got 2 in pool--repeat
  • Life: cloud fearies w/ saphire medalian w/ equilibrium w/ soul warden w/ 2 islands w/ 1 plains - cast saphire medalian, equilibrium, and soul warden. then cast cloud faeries for 1 mana (saphire medalian ability),gain 1 life and untap 2 lands use one for equilibrium and return faeries etc. (
  • Slivers: Sliver Queen w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Heartstone w/ Coat of Arms - pay 1 mana make a 2/2 sliver, sac to Ashnod's Altar for 2 mana, make 2 3/3 slivers, sac to Ashnod's Altar for 4 mana, make 4 5/5 slivers, etc?(
  • Life: Memory Crystal x2 w/ Enduring Renewal w/Aluren w/ Venerable Monk w/ Worthy Cause - Cast Venerable Monk for free, gain 2 life, sacrifice to Worthy Cause, gain 2 life, Monk goes back to your hand, Recast Venerable Monk for free, etc...(
  • Mana: Palinchron w/ Tolarian Academy w/ 6 Islands in play w/ 6 or more artifacts in play w/ any X draw spell (Braingeiser, Stroke of Genius, etc...) - Tap 6 Islands and Tolarian Academy (12 or more mana in mana pool), cast Pali (5 or more extra mana), untap the seven lands, return Pali to your hand using 4 Islands, recast Pali using the other 2 Islands and Tolarian Academy (now have 6 or more extra mana in mana pool), untap the 6 Islands and Academy, repeat process for infinite mana. (
  • Mana: Iridescent Drake w/ Abduction w/ Ashnod's Altar
  • Draw: Iridescent Drake w/ Abduction w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Braingeyser or Stroke of Genius
  • Damage: Iridescent Drake w/ Abduction w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Fireball
  • Creatures: Sliver Queen w/ Carnival of Souls w/ Soul Warden w/ Heartstone
  • +1/+1 Counters: Aluren w/Junk Divers(x2) w/Extruder--Play Extruder, then play aluren. Put junk divers in for free use extruder to saca junkie, sac the other one return one to your hand, put it down for free, sac it return other one....repeat. (
  • Discard: Aluren w/ 2 Junk Diver w/ Altar of Dementia
  • Life: Aluren w/ 2 Junk Diver w/ Extruder w/ Spike Feeder
  • Damage: Aluren w/ 2 Junk Diver w/ Extruder w/ Molten Hydra
  • Mana: Sliver Queen w/ Heartstone w/ Ashnod's Altar (
  • Draw: Palichron w/ Braingeyeser or Stroke of Genius w/ High tide with Islands (
  • Creatures: sacred mesa w/ earthcraft w/ fertile ground w/ plains-- tap plains enchanted with fertile ground, for WW to produce a pegasus, tap the pegasus, to untap land,repeat (
  • Mana: 2 shrieking drake w/ Earthcraft w/ fertile ground on island, and a creature already in play on your side-- tap island,play drake,return creature in play,tap drake to untap island,play 2nd drake,continue (
  • Mana and Creatures: Intruder Alarm w/ Lab Rats w/ Natures Revolt
  • Mana: Earthcraft w/ Vernal Bloom w/ Brass Man-- tap forest for 2 mana,untap forest by tapping man, untap man for 1 mana,repeat
  • Mana: Enduring Renewal w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Ornithopter-- sac ornitopter for 2 mana and then sac again
  • Mana: Fastbond w/ Storm Cauldron-- tap a land and put back it back into play, to tap again
  • Damage: Enduring Renewal w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Kobolds w/ Hematite Talisman w/ Mountain w/ Lightning Cloud
  • Damage: Enduring Renewal w/ Magma Mine w/ Hematite Talisman w/ Kobolds w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Xenic Poltergeist
  • Misc: Enduring Renewal w/ Jester's Cap w/ Hematite Talisman w/ Kobalds w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Xenic Poltergeist
  • Misc: Enduring Renewal w/ Atog or Fallen Angel w/ Ornithopter-- pump up the angel or atog by re-sacing the thopter
  • Life: Dark Heart of the Wood w/ Enduring Renewal w/ Living Lands w/ Fastbond w/ Forest
  • Life: Enduring Renewal w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Kobalds w/ Iron Star
  • Misc: Enduring Renewal w/ Ashnod's Altar w/ Abyssal Gatekeeper w/ Initiates of the Ebon Hand
  • Mana: Ley Druid w/ Coral Atoll w/ 2 Wild Growths w/ Chain Stasis
  • Damage: Direct Damage Spell w/ Infinite Mana Combo
  • Life: Living Plane w/ Fastbond w/ Zuran Orb w/ Enduring Renewal
  • Turn: Time Walk w/ Time Elemental w/ Forbidden Crypt - Play Time Walk, at end of turn play Forbidden Crypt,next turn return Forbidden Crypt to your hand w/ Time Elemental
  • Turn: Timewalk w/ Demonic Consultation w/ Soldevi Digger-- have digger in play, play time walk, put walk in library, cast consultation, get walk in hand and cast again
  • Turn: Second Chance w/ Erratic Portal w/ Monk Idealist-- sac the chance for extra turn, play idealist and return chance,return the idealist to your hand with portal,play chance again (
  • Discard: Any creature with casting cost 3 or less w/ Aluren w/ Enduring Renewal w/ Altar of Dementia-- play aluren, creature comes into play for no mana, sac it to alter, opponent discards,creature comes back to hand
  • Misc: Stasis w/ Kismat w/ Instill Energy w/ Birds of Paridise-- feed the stasis to keep it running forever
  • Misc: Chronotog w/ Stasis w/ Feedback
  • Damage and Life: Radiant's Dragoons w/ Culling the Weak w/ Drain Life w/ Memory Crystal w/ Corpse Dance
  • Damage: 2 "En-Kors" w/ Furnace of Rath w/ Mogg Maniac w/ Mogg Fanatic - redirect damage from mogg back and forth to "En-Kors" until enough to kill opponent,then redirect to maniac

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