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Assassination Combos

These are combos that specialize in killing creatures.

  • Avatar of Woe w/ instill energy(
  • Avatar of Woe w/ many Seeker of Skybreak (
  • fire whip w/ lowland Basilisk (
  • Death Pits of Rath w/ Rod of Ruin: (
  • Seeker of Skybreak w/ Bounty Hunter: Destroy a creature every turn.(
  • Spinal Graft w/ Chime of Night: Play Spinal Graft on an opponent's creature, and then play Chime of Night on that creature. This knocks out two of your opponent's creatures for 4 mana. (
  • Sway of Illusion w/ Perish - Sway your opponent's creatures to green than kill em all with Perish (
  • Royal Assassin w/ Icy Manipulator (the classic)
  • tidal bore w/ royal assassin or rathi assassin (
  • Nettling Imp or Imp's Taunt w/ Pacism-- creature can't attack so it dies
  • Sylvan Basilisk w/ Lure- first strike kills all the blocking creatures (
  • merfolk assassin w/ war barge-- make the creature have islandwalk and kill it (
  • Bounty Hunter w/ Instill Energy -- 2 counters in one turn
  • Minion of Leshrac w/ Bone Shredder w/ Disturbed Burial -- destroy 2 creatures each turn (
  • dauthi trapper w/ dauthi cutthroat-make his creature have shadow and kill it with the cut throat(
  • Dauthi Embrace w/ Dauthi Cutthroat
  • netting imp w/ sorceress Queen w/ sengir vampire:use imp to make a creature attack then use your Queen to make it a 0/2 then block with the sengir (
  • Vhati il-Dal w/ Prodigal Sorcerer (
  • Breeding Pit w/ Attrition - 3 mana per turn to kill one creature (
  • Siren's call w/ turnabout. Tap all the opponents creatures, then cast a siren's call finishing off all the creatures. (
  • Time Ebb + Eye Spy (
  • Unsummon + Remove Soul or Counterspell (
  • Unsummon + Memory Lapse + Eye Spy (
  • Ensnare (on your opponents turn) + Righteous Fury (your next turn) (

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