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The Smith family didn't begin with Dan Sr. & Mary Smith, or even when Jonas married Johanna and Michael married Hanna. Somewhere in the archives of Ireland are birth, marriage and death certficates for our ancestors.

Our family tree is thick with loved one. It branches beyond our Mom Mom and Pop Pop, Aunt Anna, Aunt Frances & 'The Brothers', Aunt Ella or 'The Aunts'. Uncle Gerarld's family and the very heavy limb of Uncle George's family.

There are very few of us who don't have coal dust in our blood, because that small corner of Pennsylvania, Mahanoy Plane and surrounding areas holds our recent history in homes of family, in church records and revered graves.

Closer still are our memories. Today we have an opportunity to give the children a constantly growing changing document of our lives, our histories, our families, our church, our communities, our political beliefs, our world and all that is important to us.
Today we can share in an electronic medium, the same hopes our ancestors had, that these children will have at the very least as good a life as we have had from the strength of their roots through the warmth of our love.

Jonas and Johanna Smith rest in the "Old Frackville Cemetary." tombstone In Smith tradition their sons who died in childhood and their unmarried daughters rest with them.

Our Family is ever growing, always changing,