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EDA 591 / Summer 2000 / 3 credits

Monday & Wednesday, 6:00-9:45 p.m.


WILLIAM MARTIN SLOANE, Assistant Professor -- (717) 249-1069

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BOOK: Alexander & Alexander, American Public School Law, 4th edn. (West/Wadsworth, 1998)

"When any Scholar is able to read Tully or such like classical Latin Author ex tempore, and to make and speak true Latin in verse and prose . . . and decline perfectly the paradigms of nouns and verbs in the Greek tongue, then may he be admitted into the College, nor shall any claim admission before such qualifications."

--Admissions Standards, Harvard College, c. 1650


Mon 5 June
xxxv-95 and 859-862 Preface; The Legal System; Historical Perspective of Public Schools; Role of the Federal Government; Governance of Public Schools
Wed 7 June
95-146 {Meet in Library Lounge}; Governance of Public Schools [continued]; Church and State
Mon 12 June
146-247 Church and State [continued]; School Attendance
Wed 14 June
248-348 The Instructional Program; Student Rights
Mon 19 June
2nd ½ of Class:

Mid-Term Examination
Student Rights [continued]

covering Chapters 1-8
Wed 21 June
396-499 Rights of Disabled Children; Desegregation; Torts
Mon 26 June
499-602 Torts [continued]; Defamation and Student Records; Governmental Immunity; Certification, Contracts, and Tenure
Wed 28 June
602-704 Certification, Contracts, and Tenure [continued]; Teacher Rights and Freedoms; Due Process Rights of Teachers; Discrimination in Employment
Mon 3 July
705-807 Discrimination in Employment [continued]; Collective Bargaining; Finance
Wed 5 July
2nd ½ of Class:

Final Examination
Finance [continued]; Property

covering Chapters 9-20

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course in Educational Administration studies the major areas of school law. Specific topics are listed above under "Reading Assignments." Federal and state constitutions, statutes and caselaw will be related to responsibilities and duties of teachers, supervisors, principals, superintendents, school board members and others. The course will introduce the student to methods and means of researching legal issues that relate to education.

REQUIREMENTS: (1) Students should read all of the casebook assignments according to the above schedule. (2) Students will take two traditional, in-class, closed-book examinations consisting of several essay questions, each weighted equally. The questions will be based on issues raised in the casebook and/or class discussion. (3) Students will complete a number of oral and/or written case briefs as assigned and explained by the instructor.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: The Department of Educational Administration and Foundations acknowledges the importance of interaction, interpersonal relations, collegiality and networking, as well as the primary function of teaching and learning. Attendance in class is important to the accomplishment of these outcomes. If, in the opinion of the professor, after consultation with the Department chair, a student's absence is excessive (two or more classes), adjustments may include, but not be limited to, additional written work in lieu of class(es) missed, reduction of the course grade, or recommendation to drop the course.

LEARNING-DISABLED STUDENTS: Instructional accommodations will be made for students who, at the beginning of the semester, identify themselves to the instructor and have registered with the University Office of Social Equity as having been professionally evaluated as learning disabled.

COMMUNICATION: Students are encouraged to contact the instructor at any time via email or phone. Individual meetings can be arranged at a mutually convenient time and place.

GRADING: The course grade will be determined by the grades received on the two examinations (40% each) and on the oral and/or written case briefs (20%). The resulting grade may then be raised or lowered by one grade (e.g., from B+ to A-, or from C to C-), at the sole discretion of the instructor, on the basis of the student's class participation. The instructor will be available later in the Summer and in the Fall to review the final exam with any student who is interested and to suggest means for improvement in writing successful essay answers.

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