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"When it comes to Imagination,
A child shall lead them."

To you, 
whose words flow from the lips of parted lovers,
and lonely souls, 
and depressed beings,
and normal everyday people...
for you are a poet.

To you,
whose emotions flow from your fingertips,
intercepting my mind and my soul,
healing the nonexistant wounds of people I’ve yet to meet,
for you are a friend.

To you,
whose words pierce my heart
and leave untouchable scars 
which even a friend can not heal,
for you are my past.

To you,
who spit on the ground 
where people unlike you inhabit
caught up in your own vain self-worth,
for you are prejudiced.

To you,
who hide behind masks 
made of lipstick and eyeshadow and rouge, 
because you don’t even know who you are,
for you are vanity.

To you,
who lie and steal and fight
with anyone who dared to speak to you,
because your heart has left you long ago,
for you are hatred.

To you all,
who roam the streets forever;
during not only the night but also the day,
and only sometimes in vain,
for you are inspiration. 

If you visit any branch of my page while your here, click here, and make it be this one.

ME stuff

All About the Poet
Daily Journal type thing
Quotes, Songs, and Such
kindof Current songs
Will I graduate from Highschool?
Ranting and Raving


Depression's Autobiography
My Fantasia Theory
Work In Progress (short story)
Short Story
The Most Recent Additions to My Page

BY THE WAY- you're my friend for life if you sign the guestbook :)

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