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Petar Simeonov



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In the CONTACT write-ups which Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev creates there are also SYMBOLS from the universal script on which ancient and most ancient human civilizations create in the COSMOS - as a SPIRITUAL contact. These SYNBOLS /a little more than eleven million/ form the named SENS-AR.

The basic SYMBOLS which SPIRITUALLY determine SENS-AR have a translation as follows :


1.     MENTAL-SPIRIT. The unknown to anyone ENERGY in the COSMOS in which there is coded an incredibly large CONSIOUSNESS /knowledge for everything/. SPIRIT is foundation of everything in the COSMOS  !!! !!! !!!

2.     SPIRITUAL SOUL of the COSMOS /CREATOR/- the large part of SPIRIT /in all human civilizations in the COSMOS there is the   SPIRITUAL name GOD/ !!! !!! !!!

3.     KARMA - the segment SPIRIT which is being led by GOD
of the COSMOS, CREATOR/ in an endless road of SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION /that is why it is named SPIRIT-PATH/ !!!  !!! !!!

4.     COSMOS - four class /products, plants, animals, human beings/ and the two supplements to them on the basis of ASTRAL ENERGY /luminaries - your human civilization on the Earth calls them stars and astral bodies/. Every class /and the smallest component of it/ and every supplement are being led by KARMA /SPIRIT-PATH/ !!! !!! !!!

5.     ASTRAL ENERGY- the highest ENERGY in the COSMOS on the basis of SPIRIT /it is light/ !!! !!!

6.     MENTAL SOUL - the most incredible creation of GOD/SPIRITUAL SOUL of the COSMOS, CREATOR/. Leads only a human being !!! !!! Base /nucleus/ is KARMA/SPIRIT – PATH/, which is wrapped with seven covers /low ENERGIES with different density which goes down from the first cover to the last one/. They are named KARMIC spots.

     The MENTAL SOUL inhibits the brain inside the head of the human being.
      Its sequent pass through human beings /from the creating offspring inside
      the womb of the mother to the moment of the human death and after a special
path the same happens again - the indicated as cycle of
reincarnation/ as a result there is the sequent fall away of the KARMIC
spots /it starts from the first one/.

      In a particular SPIRITUAL path there is space for inhabitance of the
sphere - above the seventh
globe /here in KARMA of the MENTAL SOUL there is a
exchange with other MENTAL SOULS – as a preparation
      for the next

     The MENTAL SOUL is named SOUL being !!! !!!

7.     SPIRITUAL Teacher - a SOUL being that leads a human being /or a human being and SOUL beings/ !!! !!!

     Two classes of SPIRITUAL hierarchy of SOUL beings
/SPIRITUAL Teachers/ create in the COSMOS :


a.      Globularseven SPIRITUAL globes, covering every place inhibited with human beings.

     The SPIRITUAL Teachers from these globes /as it is in their
lead human beings /as it is in their PERSONAL KARMA,
      FATE/ !!! !!!

     Above the seventh SPIRITUAL globe there is a small SPIRITUAL
sphere - SPIRITUAL School /named ,,GOD’S temple/. Here are
      taught MENTAL SOULS of the human beings that have
an obvious
gift /in some of the four classes - small, big, very big,
huge/!!! !!! SPIRITUAL Teachers lead the teaching.


b.     SUPREME MINDseven levels.

The first level /angel layer/ - preparatory /the SOUL being is
      being taught for a SPIRITUAL

           The next six levels are Teachers’ - grouped in two triads :

-      lower triad / 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th levels/.

-      upper triad / 5 th, 6 th , 7 th levels/.

           The SPIRITUAL Teachers from the two triads lead human beings
the whole COSMOS !!! !!!

           The SPIRITUAL Teachers from upper triad :

-      are named AKASHA notes.

-      Create human beings /as civilizations/.

-      Lead all human civilizations in the whole COSMOS.

-      Lead SPIRITUAL Teachers from lower triad, the seven

          SPIRITUAL globes and the SPIRITUAL School /to every
          place inhibited with human beings/ - many thousands in

-      Lead SOUL beings from the first level /angel layer/.

-      Are being led directly by GOD/SPIRITUAL SOUL of the
          COSMOS, CREATOR / !!! !!!

-      Are a supplement to GOD/SPIRITUAL SOUL of the

          COSMOS, CREATOR/ !!! !!!


The 7 th level is named ,,the highest” /written with capital letters  – after the number 7/ !!! !!!

    All SPIRITUAL Teachers have a SPIRITUAL name - given

    A SPIRITUAL Teacher from one of the two classes of SPIRITUAL
    hierarchy /Globular, SUPREME MIND/ always leads only one
    human being !!!

    A human being, led by a SPIRITUAL Teacher from an upper triad :

-         Has a visible SPIRITUAL gift in fourth class /immense/.

-         Is named a SPIRITUAL Teacher - a human being, devoted.

-         Has a SPIRITUAL name /given by his SPIRITUAL Teacher/.

Every news received from a human civilization is from an incredibly immense CONSCIOUSNESS of a SPIRIT as GOD/SPIRITUAL SOUL of the COSMOS, CREATOR/ continuously enriched from the SPIRITUAL contact with KARMA /SPIRIT-PATH/ !!! !!!


A CONTACT write-up of the Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev with his SPIRITUAL Teacher Divitìn Tistevòl from 7 th /THE HIGHEST/ level of SUPREME MIND.



The book The SPIRIT - foundation of everything in the COSMOS. was written as CONTACT write-up /on the Earth it is incorrectly named by your civilization as ”automatic writing”/. It is under the ENERGY leading of Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev by his SPIRITUAL Teacher from the COSMOS - SUPREME MIND. He has the SPIRITUAL name of Divitìn Tistevòl and is stationed on the 7 th level of  SUPREME MIND - named ’’THE HIGHEST’.

The SPIRITUAL contact of Divitìn Tistevòl with his Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev started on 25 July 1993. The SPIRITUAL gift of the Disciple includes: ENERGY - HEALER, medium, writer of the COSMOS SENS-AR  universal script /used for creation by ancient and the most ancient human civilizations in the COSMOS/. As in the case of the PERSONAL KARMA /FATE/ of the Disciple and in KARMA of Divitìn Tistevòl, amazing messages - which have never been sent before are being transmitted to your civilization on the Earth. These messages are the basis for a new vision of the COSMOS. They are the ones described in the titles:


1.  The SPIRIT - foundation of everything in the COSMOS.

2.  How is the COSMOS structured?

3.  What is a MENTAL SOUL?

4.  Reincarnations of the MENTAL SOUL.

5.  What is a SPIRITUAL Teacher?

6.  What is a SPIRITUAL School?

7.  How does the human being create when led by a SPIRITUAL Teacher?

8.  Where do human beings receive knowledge from?

9.  How is the KARMA carried out?

10.How is the human being structured?

11.How many are the stages of creation of the human being?

12.At how many places human beings are created in an approximately same structure?

13.What is the path of SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION of the created human beings at every place inhabited by them in the COSMOS?

14.Should the human being have SPIRITUAL religion and how is it being created?

15.Does the human being have an own double and what is it like?

16.What is the ENERGY protection of the human being?

17.What is human death?

18.Why does the human being self-ignite?

19.How many classes of healers-human beings are there in the COSMOS?

20.What does the script of a nation represent and how is it created?

21.Where are the human civilizations that have left their traces on the Earth?

22. What are the places on the Earth having more peculiar ENERGY /on the surface, in the water basins, in the atmosphere/?



In the second edition of the book the title Text with SYMBOLS from the COSMOS SENS-AR universal script.” contains translation of the SYMBOLS. This text is an appeal by SUPREME MIND /the upper triad - levels 5th, 6th, 7th/ to your civilization on the Earth - in the plan of GOD/SPIRITUAL SOUL of the COSMOS, CREATOR/.


This whole text is a CONTACT write-up of the Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev, with his SPIRITUAL Teacher Divitìn Tistevòl. It is attached to the titleText with SYMBOLS from the COSMOS SENS-AR universal script.”.











Translation of the SYMBOLS in the title Text with SYMBOLS from the COSMOS SENS-AR universal script.”.



Second stage human beings on the Earth.

The last second stage:

1.  You receive a KARMIC message.

2.  You have your own civilization.

3.  There is another civilization together with yours.

4.  You are still creating evil.

5.     You are creating good as well.

6.     You do not recognize the significant yet.

7.     Your creation is different.

8.     There is no goodness in your relationships.

9.     Everything around you is related to you.

10. You are creating evil to other human civilizations as well.

11. Each your creation is monitored.

12. SPIRITUALITY is the foundation of everything.



MENTAL SOUL as an individual one is a SOUL being.

The SOUL being /the MENTAL SOUL/ has reincarnation in a human being as a cycle.




The SYMBOLS in the above mentioned title have been drawn on a
square grid paper.

Four classes of SYMBOLS have been drawn on this square grid paper:

1.       Small – expressing everything that connects the other three classes.

2.       Medium – expressing the relation between the other two (higher) classes.

3.       Big – expressing everything related to the upper triad of SUPREME MIND.

4.       SUPREME (the biggest) - expressing everything related to GOD/SPIRITUAL SOUL of the COSMOS, CREATOR/.


The SPIRITUAL Teacher Divitìn Tistevòl.






















ENERGY Protection


              Thyroid chakra vent


               Skull vent


         Skull outlet vent


         Spine (spinal cord) vent


         Pelvic joints vent


               Soles vent


         Palms vent.



Interlinks in the human being


        Astral counterpart


      Astral body


                Astral link


                Bioenergetic body


                Human body


      astral soul /“Solar Plexus”/


          astral soul  vents /“Solar Plexus”/.



Special ENERGY focuses






          Intereye focus




          Focus above kidney


          Focus above navel




          Focus under navel


          Feminine energy point


          Masculine energy point


          Feminine energy focus


          Masculine energy focus


         Feminine principle


         Masculine principle


         Rudimentary genitals /left palm/ - for a feminine human


                Rudimentary genitals /right palm/ - for a masculine human


                Rudimentary genitals /in the brain/ - for a feminine human


                Rudimentary genitals /in the brain/ - for a masculine human


          Focus above left nipple


          Focus above right nipple


          Left nipple


          Right nipple


          Spare cardiac chakra


          Bioenergy ring


       the 7 Bioenergy rings



















          thyroid, pituitary, pancreatic, cardiac /4 chakras/ - with
addition spare cardiac chakra.

         thyroid, pituitary, cardiac /3 chakras/.



Special ENERGIC Places








                 Great toe




         ENERGY dividing surface.






               1st /thumb/


                2nd /forefinger/


                3rd /middle finger/


                4th /fourth finger/


          5th /little finger/.





                1st /big toe/








                5th / little toe/.



 Location of everything on the human body of a human being








eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev

“SPIRITUAL creation” of my “astràl double” in close-up - “SPIRITUAL supplement” to “SPIRITUAL gift”

16.02.2000 year - Sofia, CC “Slavianska beseda”, 127, “Rakovski” Str.

/presentation by eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev of “SPIRITUALITY” of the written by him book “The SPIRIT – foundation of everything in the COSMOS”/

eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev

“SPIRITUAL creation” of my “astràl double” in close-up - “SPIRITUAL supplement” to “SPIRITUAL gift”

08.06.2000 year - Sofia, CC “Slavianska beseda”, 127, “Rakovski” Str.

/presentation by eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev of his “SPIRITUAL gift”/

eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev

“SPIRITUAL creation” of my “astràl double” in close-up - “SPIRITUAL supplement” to “SPIRITUAL gift”

08.06.2000 year - Sofia, CC “Slavianska beseda”, 127, “Rakovski” Str.

/presentation by eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev of his “SPIRITUAL gift”/



 SPIRITUAL gift of the human being Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev.

Address:  83, Belomorski Bld.

                Block ,,Chaika-1”, Ent. B, 2 Floor, Apt.5

                KARDZHALI, BULGARIA

                Tel. +359 361 88019


2. Medium.

3.  CONTACT write-up /,,automatic writing”/.

4. ENERGY EMISSION brain conversation /a voice sounding in the
brain, brain hearing/.

5.  A music performance through movements of the hands /the fingers and
their segments/ in front of the head and the body, above
the head, beside and behind the head, beside the body – all
performed with closed eyes.

     The hands /the fingers and their segments/ draw signs /SYMBOLS/. This
     is named RITUAL-SYMBOL performance of music.

6. Drawing /as CONTACT write-up/ of SYMBOLS  /from the universal
script of the COSMOS/ - named SENS - AR.

7.  Drawing /as CONTACT write-up/ of:

          -  SYMBOL healing means.

          -  Healing means based on grass and herbal elements and cold
/by exact recipe/.

8.  Way of conversation with the fingers.

9.      Published book /as CONTACT write-up/ - ,,The SPIRIT - foundation
of everything in the COSMOS..


Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev is always /at any time/ available to demonstrate his SPIRITUAL  gift /as described in the items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8/. To present his written work as well.

The SPIRITUAL gift of Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev is led by SPIRITUAL Teacher from the 7th /THE HIGHEST/ level of SUPREME MIND - Divitìn Tistevòl.



 Eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev from Bulgaria.


I transmit information for human beings seeking information. It is time now for our human civilization on the Earth to know about the miracles and for the unexplainable things !!!


The human being Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev led by his SPIRITUAL Teacher from SUPREME MIND – level 7th /THE HIGHEST/ relays SPIRITUAL INFORMATION for the human civilization on Earth /created fourteen million years ago appr. – as a second stage of the third time of creation of human civilizations on Earth/ as questions to which there is an answer:


1.     What is the unknown to anybody energy /and its creation/ SPIRIT?

2.     What is SPIRITUAL SOUL of the COSMOS, CREATOR /called by all human civilizations in the COSMOS with the name GOD/?

3.     How the COSMOS is organized?

4.     Which are the seven kinds of beings as parts of the COSMOS?

5.     What is KARMA /SPIRIT- PATH/?

6.     How the SPIRIUAL SOUL of the COSMOS, CREATOR /GOD/ leads the COSMOS?

7.     What is ASTRAL ENERGY?

8.      What is bioenergy?

9.     What is ASTRAL SOUL?

10. What is MENTAL SOUL?

11. What is SPIRITUAL Teacher?

12. Why the MENTAL SOUL is named MENTAL being?

13. How the MENTAL beings are set up in two classes of SPIRITUAL hierarchy in the COSMOS?

14. How the MENTAL beings create /in one class of SPIRITUAL hierarchy - seven SPIRITUAL Teachers’ globes, winding round each place populated with human beings as a human civilization/ as SPIRITUAL Teachers?

15. How the MENTAL beings create /in the other class of SPIRITUAL hierarchy – seven levels of SUPRIME MIND/:

     -First level /angel layer/ is not Teachers one .

          -Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh levels are  Teachers ones, grouped into two triads:

a.    down triad /second ,third, fourth levels/.

b.    upper triad /fifth, sixth, seventh levels/.

16. How the human being is set up?

17. How the MENTAL SOUL inhibiting the brain in the head leads the human being?

18. How the second MENTAL SOUL inhibiting the brain in the head of the human being /named guide, guarding angel/ creates?


20. How a human being is led by SPIRITUAL Teacher?

21. What is SPIRITUAL gift?

22. What feeds the human being?

23. What is the human death?

24. What is a non-aligned astral body?

25. What is a non-aligned astral double?

26. How the human beings are been created as a human civilization?

27. What is SPIRITUAL religion?

28. How the COSMOS in KARMA /SPIRIT-PATH/ walks upon the seven globes of the SPIRITUAL evolution?

29.  How the human civilizations create in some of the three classes /developing, ancient, most ancient/?

30. How the two civilizations on Earth /as such created for third time/ in the first class /developing - up to two billion years/:

       - Created hundred and twenty million years ago approx. /inhibiting    three places - under the surface, on the bottom of the larger water basins, the atmosphere/, as a first stage.

           - Created fourteen million years ago appox. /inhibiting for the time being the surface/, as a second stage – yours one.

31. How the human civilization on Moon creates in the second class /ancient – from two to seven billion years/ already four billion and three hundred million years approx.?

32.  What is the universal script, on which create ancient and most ancient/ most ancient – from seven to forty nine billion years/ human civilizations in the COSMOS as a SPIRITUAL contact /CONTACT write-up of human being with his guiding SPIRITUAL Teacher from SUPRIME MIND - 7th level, named the highest“. It is written in capital letters after the figure seven/. It contains a little more than eleven million SIMBOLS and is named SENS-AR.

33. What are the places with more-particular ENERGY /on the surface, in the water basins, in the atmosphere/ on Earth?

34. What is the particular place in a vast region around “The Bermuda islands“?

35. Where is the named for over several thousand years Atlantis?

36. Where are human civilizations that have left their traces on Earth?

37. What is CONTACT write-up /named incorrectly by your human civilization “automatic writing”/?

38. What human being is medium?

39.  The transmitted SPIRITUAL INFORMATION by the human being Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev   is in KARMA /SPIRIT-PATH/ for the whole your human civilization on Earth !!! !!!



Explanation :


-         The whole text is CONTACT write-up of the Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev with his guiding SPIRITUAL Teacher with the SPIRITUAL name Divitìn Tistevòl.


I seek contact. For English language I need a translator.



As ENERGY - HEALER Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev is led by  SPIRITUAL Teacher from the 7th /THE HIGHEST/ level of SUPREME MINDDivitìn Tistevòl.

The SPIRITUAL ENERGY of Divitìn Tistevòl creates through his Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev everything that is contained in his SPIRITUAL gift !!! !!!

ENERGY - HEALER creates at the highest level !!! This is unknown to your human civilization on the Earth !!!

Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev heals without payment – he can only receive a donation /this is in the framework of a SPIRITUAL gift of human beings in human civilizations that have gone through a much longer way in their SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION !!! !!!/!!!

The received donations are divided in three equal parts which is described in the attached “Visiting card of the ENERGY-HEALER”.

ENERGY - HEALER creates:

1.  In contact with the ill human being.

2.  At a distance from the ill human being.

3.  On the basis of:

a.      SYMBOL HEALING means /SYMBOLS from the universal script on which ancient and the most ancient human civilizations in the COSMOS create, as SPIRITUAL contact. These SYMBOLS – a little over eleven million, form the named SENS – AR/.

b.     HEALING means based on grass and herbal elements and cold water /by exact recipe/.

c.     A sequence of other HEALING means /the description of which the Disciple will create in his second book ,,KARMA of the MENTAL SOUL.”/.

Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev  as an ENERGY - HEALER can heal diseases /of your human civilization on the Earth/:

1.    Incurable.

2.     Hardly - curable.

3.     Curable.

A connection with the Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev is established on the basis of:

1.     A letter.

2.     E-mail in INTERNET /on the web site of Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev/.


Visiting Card of the ENERGY-HEALER


Eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev

An ENERGY-HEALER of illnesses:

1. Incurable.

2. Hardly – curable.

3. Curable.

Connected with the ENERGY-CURE are the following HEALING means:


2. On the bases of grass and herbal elements and cold water /on exact recipe/.

All instructions of the ENERGY-HEALER are to be implemented !!!



Eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev


1. Free of payment.

2. Responds with a donation /in envelope */ !!!

3. Ready money I don't accept !!!

* On the envelope must have been written a personal name and
     family name.



Eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev

A donation - a SPIRITUAL worthy answer !!! !!!

Formation* of the donation:

1. For every ENERGY-CURE session.

2. For the level of heaviness of the illness.

* The inconsideration with the points 1 and 2 means:

- The giving away of the donation !!!

-         The complete cease of the ENERGY-CURE !!!

For each donation a GIFT DEED is provided !!!



Eng. Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev

The donations are to be separated into 3 equal parts:

1. One third is deposited into a personal charity fund.

2. The other third - for charity from hand.

The SPIRITUAL Teacher of SUPREME MIND - level 7th /THE HIGHEST/, who leads the Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev indicated, as well, the need of a donation /place/.

3. The 3rd third - help for the Disciple.

CONTACT write-up of the Disciple Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev /incorrectly named by your human civilization on the Earth ,,automatic writing”/ with his SPIRITUAL Teacher Divitìn Tistevòl.

                                                                                                                                    Same page on Bulgarian >>
