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Variety Family Photo Gallery
(from family pictures sent to me or that I was able to have scanned in)
Site constructed 12/07/99  KA
Updated 12/3/2007

Bruce included me in a round of photos of Aunt Sweet's family -- her 8 children, their spouses and her grandchildren.  These photos are priceless.  Enjoy.

Aunt Sweet and family - all 35! (1999)

And more.

Aunt Sweet & her 8 children, 1999

Aunt Sweet and her grandchildren! (1999)

1999 wasn't a total waste - check out what dear friends Sharon& Gary did with me :   at Rockingham, NC, Me at the Winston NASCAR race, October 1999.

  My "brother" Didier was here from Oct. 3, 2000 to December 17, 2000. We shared Thanksgiving with my friends Sharon and Gary in Rockingham, NC. Look at the spread on their table in honor of Didier! And another, but this time with Sharon!
I spent Easter 2001 at Sharon and Gary's. See photo of Sharon, Winston, Chloe and me .


Various photos & information:

Remember, Kathie, in Belgium, summer 1987. I had returned to Europe for a special Berlin (Germany) anniversairy and took time before flying back to the States to visit my Belgian families -- chez famille Nothelier....

A fine photo of Nana and I, Summer 1997 I believe (taken at Olan Mills in Raleigh).

Party near Halloween time at my house - friends/neighbors October, 2000. (Mrs. Shepard, the Rodfords, Chuck and Melinda, Becky and Brock, Lisa, Didier, me)

Didier, me, Peter & Glennie at a NC beach, October, 2000.

Photo of Bernadette and her husband Jonathon who married November, 2000 in FL.

This is a link to my friend Maite's photos of her trips to Turkey and I think Italy (2002, 2003)

This is a photo of the dress I was married in, July 1992. Didn't attend the divorce. However, I have the papers: PDF of the divorce papers filed in Florida

Where I lived in North Raleigh, NC (1996-99) - 4925 Swisswood Drive house shot in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This is the information about the house we bought in Tallahassee (1994-1996) near Red and Betty at 4910 ? Rabbit Pond Road: PDF of our 1994 purchase

Here is a photo of Major M. Padgett (retired 2007) and his wife Jeannie as he prepares to be shipped off for war (first to Ft. Dix, NJ for preparation), spring 2003. The photo caption said: Maj._ Padgett of the 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion kisses his wife goodbye Friday as the Army Reserve unit leaves Fort Meade for Fort Dix, N.J. The battalion has been mobilized in the war on terrorism. (Source:

Part of the SoundOff! article reads: The battalion received its orders Jan. 16 and was on active duty five days later, he said. Now it is at Fort Dix, N.J., en route to the Central Command Area of Responsibility, which includes the Horn of Africa, and south and central Asia, as well as the Arabian Peninsula and Iraq. (Time frame: Jan. 16th or so, 2003). He wrote to me from Iraq (Green Zone) about being injured (CNN article on-line in March 2004).

Mark & Jeannie JoAnn (Enochs, then married name of Keith) Padgett were married in March 2001 in Maryland and built a house in Virginia. How ironic; she is from Kentucky. She was an Army nurse who has been based at Walter Reed Hospital and was also called up to serve in the US vs. Iraq quagmire. They met in Washington at Ft. Lewis the summer of 1999 when she was a cadat of his.

Old news:
from, part of the account which references Capt. Jeannie Padgett in August 2003:
"Operation Air Conditioner ( has already saved lives. When offered one of Mrs. Mayo's machines, Capt. Jeannie Padgett, a critical care nurse with the Army in Iraq, declined, asking instead for medical supplies. They arrived just in time to be used by Capt. Padgett to treat victims of the U.N. building bombing. For that reason alone, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should consider ordering an airlift of the air conditioners."

In late September 2003, Mark wrote me a letter from Iraq. He has been in 'theatre' since March (Green Zone in Baghdad). He has been injured (back), but is sticking with it. He has earned a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. He misses his 8-year old Honey Girl (chocolate female Lab).

September 2007: Mark and I met at a resturant in Raleigh ... guess it was closure.

2004 events: Went to Sharon & Gary's for Thanksgiving, 2004 with Rian. Me talking on the phone with Sharon's sister at Thanksgiving.

2005 event:
Changed jobs - left state government employment and joined a non-profit.

2007 events:
Went to Montanta in last March/early April
Went to Margie Lusher's retirement ceremony in July.
Went to Sharon & Gary's for Thanksgiving.