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My Groovy World (Brought to you by Retrogirl)


This is me. Known to the internet as Retrogirl, Known to the world as Bethany ( known to Jess as Goddess). You can learn alot about me by checking out the links to my other pages and my friends' web-pages too. I graduated from a small Christian school as Valedictorian of the 2001 class. I love my family and friends very much, and I love hanging out with them and going shopping. I love dogs although I own none. And I totally love God! Right now I am eighteen. I quit college because it wasn't where God wanted me. Now I am living in Florida. I have a wonderful boyfriend who lives very close to me. Click on the link below called "The Story of My life to learn all about me! If you e-mail me, I will be as prompt as possible to get back to you! Click on "For My Grandma" to see the page I made in her memory. The rest of the links will tell you about my friends and my other various interests. And feel free to sign the guestbook! Enjoy! *smile*

This is my friend Nikki and I in our 70's mode. We were partying at my house with loud music and make-up. Ain't we cute?

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The rest of My Webpage and My Friends' Pages

The story of My life
My Friends
Drawings By Me
Poems I Wrote
My Monty Python Page
For My Grandma
My Favorite Bands
My Friend Dan's Page
