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Marvel Universe: RPG!

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have checked out the MURPG site since February 14th, 1998!

Browse around our various areas and then follow the steps in "Apply Now!" to join MURPG!!

If you are interested in joining MURPG,  then click on "Apply Now!" and follow the simple instructions located on that page.  We're now only accepting original (made-up) characters for the Savage Land,  so please only apply for characters who are on our roster, not ones you make up yourself. If you have further questions about MURPG,  check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) by clicking on "MURPG FAQ"

To check out the various teams and cities in MURPG, click on "Explore MURPG" There, you can also access our in-depth character database. To learn more about MURPG History where we began,  and what we've done since then, click on "MURPG Timeline" To learn about our talented staff, click on "Meet The Staff" If you are interested in joining the MURPG staff, mail

MURPG is also blessed with talented writers.  The staff of Scribes Press edits our newsletter, so you can check out their site for additional info! You can get current and past issues of our weekly newsletter, click on "Weekly Bugle" Another aspect of MURPG writing is our novels. These novels are created by taking posts from our message board and organizing them into storylines.  These novels give an in-depth view on happenings in MURPG,  and are also a great showcase for future comic talents!

MURPG also has a tournament that goes on throughout the year.  Members participate in daily Marvel Trivia sessions, and participate in special events to gain points and move up in the rankings.  The winner at the end of each month recieves a pack of cards of thier choice,  and the winner at the end of the year recieves an enormous prize! To see the rankings and past winners, click on "Awards" Many of these prizes are sponsored by Wizard World, where our forum and message board are housed. To go there, click on "Wizard World Forum"  You can check out the Wizard World HOmepage by Clicking Here.

We also have a links area, in which you will find a wide-variety of MURPG Links. We have sites where you can research characters for your MURPG application, sites create by members of the club,  and various other sites of importance to the club and/or any of its members

MURPG is also proud to offer our Interactive games, including trivia, and wizard written games in which you can portray your favorite Marvel characters in an interactive story.  Also,  make sure to check out the awards this site has won in the MURPG Trophy Room!

Well, thanks for browings around our site,  there is a list of various areas on the site listed at the bottom of this page for the non-image inclined =)

Apply Now! * MURPG FAQ * Explore MURPG

MURPG Timeline * Meet The Staff * Weekly Bugle * MURPG Novels

Awards * Wizard World Forum * Links * Trophy Room

Character Database * Interactive MURPG Games

If you would like to join: click here and follow the instructions.   If you have questions that are not answered on the FAQ, then e-mail for additional assistance.  

All Marvel characters are used without permission,  don't sue us,  we have no money =D

Thank you for visitng the MURPG World