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Pike County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs


Hunting Predators in Pike County

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Pike County is loaded with predators!  With abundant animal life, lots of habitat, and road kills galore; foxes, coyotes, and other furbearers are enjoying record numbers.  With the decline of sport trapping, predator hunters have never had it so good.

License Requirements

Before going predator hunting, make sure you are properly licensed!  You may hunt coyotes using a resident or non-resident hunting license.  All other predators require a furbearers license regardless of whether you choose to hunt them or trap them.

Species Available

The following species may be lawfully hunted in Pike County:

Coyote   Red Fox   Gray Fox   Raccoon   Opossum       Skunk   Weasel

In addition to the above, the following species may be trapped:

Mink   Muskrat   Beaver

It is unlawful to hunt or trap the following species:

                Otters   Bobcat   Fisher


The  Pennsylvania Game Commission sets the hunting and trapping seasons.  Currently, coyotes, opossums, skunks, and weasels may be hunted year round but with restrictions during deer and turkey seasons.  Raccoons and foxes may only be hunted in designated seasons.  Trapping of coyotes, opossums, skunks, and weasels along with the other lawful species may only take place in designated seasons.  Contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission for the most current information on hunting and trapping seasons and limits.

Public Lands Open to Predator Hunting

Pike County has thousands of acres available for predator hunting.  While many game clubs and private land owners welcome predator hunters, Pike's large tracts of gamelands, state forests, and the national recreation area provide fantastic predator hunting.  The ample access to Pike County's public lands allows for predator hunters to move around so that the animals are less wary than the would be in heavily hunted areas.




Pennsylvania Game Commission

 Pennsylvania Trappers Association

National Trappers Association

Furbearers Unlimited

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