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The old me...

The old me spent a lot of time hiding...hiding from my past, hiding from the world. My past is full of pain. When I was only 8 years old, my parents divorced, and I never saw or heard from my father again. To this day, I do not know who he is...My mother worked 2 or 3 jobs growing up, to support me and my older brother, who is now 25. (I also have a 3 year old brother now).

Well, I graduated in June of 2000, 3rd in my class of 221, with a GPA od 4.46. My grandmother, who has always been here for me (she lived across the alley from me while I was growing up)became extremely sick when I was in high school. She never made it to my graduation. She passed away from colon cancer. I felt like my world ended!! To escape my problems, I joined the military about a week after I graduated from high school. The same day I got home from Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (January 20, 2001), I met a man at the Unit that I attended. He will later be known as my husband...Matthew Michael Wood.

I was extremely happy during the dating period of our relationship. He treated me like a queen!! He pulled out chairs, and opened doors for me. I was genuinely happy. But 2 months after our wedding (November 26, 2001, Matthew voluntarily went Active Duty away from me. We had just moved to Virginia. I didn't know anyone here, and he left me...

Jennifer, giving Matthew a Noogie.

Just relaxing.

Us, posing for the camera.

Jennifer walking down the aisle, on her way to her gorgeous husband!

Another picture of Jen walking down the aisle.

And yet another picture of Jennifer walking down the aisle.

Here is the back of us, after Jennifer has made it down the aisle.

Here we are, both coming up the aisle after saying our vows.

Here we are, dancing at our reception.

Staring at eachother while dancing at our reception.

Dancing and Staring some more.

Here is a picture of our cake, before we got a hold of it LOL.

Here we go, tearing up the cake!

Smashing the cake in each other's face!

Kissing after the smashing.

Here we are, posing after the reception.

Us, in the clouds.

Us posing, looking good.

Us, posing some more.

This is me and my friend Terri, whom I have known since I was a very small girl

This is me and Misty

Me and Krista

This is me and John. He is such a great friend!!

This is me and my friend, Sarah

This is me and my friend, Marissa

This is me and my cuz, Shannon

This is me and Jes

Jes used to be my best friend, but she let a guy come between us so we hardly even talk anymore!
My brother is currently 22 years old and he is mentally handicapped, and he is my inspiration.
This is me and Carl when we were very young

Me outside with a flag:)
I can not sleep without my teddy bear, Dexter, which my close friend, Chris, gave me a few years ago. It is one of my most prized possessions.
Me and Dexter

Me and Dex again
I have a lot of pains in my life. I do not know my father really. Well, my parents got a divorce when i was 8 years old and i haven't seen him since, but i hope to one day find him because it is my dream to have him walk me down the aisle and give me away. I just met my baby brother while I was home on leave, and he isso adorable!! I got a few pictures of us. I look bad because I just woke up, but he is so cute, huh??
Don't we look alike?
Cute! His name is Brandon Lloyd
He loves his formula
He doesn't know if he wants to drink or talk to me
He loves his big Sister, too
He's pretty good at baby talk

Seems i lose everyone close to me--like my grandfather. we were the best of friends, then he started having all these heart problems and currently he lives in a nursing home--he is paralized and doesn't remember anything, he usually doesn't even remember my name! And my gram just died of cancer. She is better off now because she is in heaven, but she suffered for a long time before she died. I am going to miss her so much! She was like my best friend! She was always here for me, and she supported me in everything I did.
so check it out.
These are the most recent ones...

Me in Kennywood

The lady in the window behind me makes me laugh sooo much!!

Me and my pet ferret, Fayth

Another picture of Fayth

Here is Powder and his Bee Toy...

This is my new ferret, Powder. he is sooo bad!!

Another picture of Powder, trying to get my feet

Me hiding behind flowers:)


Me leaning on a tree
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