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General Information

The genus Phelsuma includes all day geckos. Their basic colour is green but this genus (one of the many genera) in the Family Gekkonidae is one of the most colourful.
The species in the genus Phelsuma are diurnal (active during the day). That is why they are called day geckos but also because they make an exception in the Family
Gekkonidae while the most other genera are nocturnal (active during the night).
In the genus
Phelsuma there are about 90 species and subspecies who have been given a scientific name. Through the years a few determined species (subspecies) were found the same. According to the international rules they get the first given name. There are about 75 species and subspecies known of what there are 73 still alive and two, Phelsuma edwardnewtoni and Phelsuma gigas, are extinct or endangered species. Phelsuma guentheri is said to be threatened in his continue to exist.

The distinction between the sexes can be seen by taking a close look at the anatomy of the animals. The males have a wider head than the females. Often the male has an edge of large scales with pores at the underside of their thighs. Some of them also or have plain yellow like scales at their belly in front of the cloaca. Behind the cloaca there are two pouches for the hemipenisses of what sometimes the openings can be seen when you shuffle the edge of the cloaca smoothly towards the tail.
The females often have calcium pouches in their neck. This might be a storage place for the necessary element for the making of eggs. Therefor they lay eggs with a hard scale.Some of the species stick their eggs alone or with two together on a sub-soil other species lay theur eggs seperated from each other at a hidden place.

All day geckos have flattened toe pads that are covered on the bottom with keratinized lamellae.

The lamellae scale surface is made up of setae (bristles or firm hair-like structures) and each seta is divided and subdivided. At the end of the hairs there is a hook or a sucker. The hooks are used at rough surphaces and the suckers do their job at smooth surfaces. That is why healthy animals moves fast and easely across smooth surfaces. So the setae make it able to climb smooth walls like glass walls and even they can walk on ceilings. At every step they take their toes must be lifted with a scroll movement. This goes very fast so you can hardly observe it.
Day geckos do not have eyelids. A fixed plate is covering their eyes. They keep their eyes clean and bright by licking them with their tongue.

In the wild the day geckos feed on small insects, other invertebrates, nectar and pollen. Especially Phelsuma ornata likes the last two nutritions in their diet.

The habitat of the most day geckos is the island Madagascar and the surrounding islands and islets in the Indian Ocean. There are three species who live at a further distance. Phelsuma ocellata comes round in Namibia and South Africa. Phelsuma dubia has been introduced in Tanzania. East of India in the Bay of Bengal there are the Andaman Islands which is the habitat of Phelsuma andamanensis.
The species live in different climates (like the anolis) from moisture (50-85%) till dry places and in some habitats there can also be a difference in day and night humidity levels. Each habitat has it's own temperature (sometimes with enormous day and night differences).

Arne Bakker
Last updated 21 Dec 1997.