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picture of Steve

fast cat

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Steve Homan graduated from  Bellefonte high school in central Pennsylvania in 91' and continued his educational career at Penn State, Altoona. Steve wanted to party and study but it was difficult. So during his first year of college, Steve pledged Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. Steve got introduced to a brotherhood that soon became his best friends. Then from fall 92' to spring 93', Steve worked as a Resident Assistant. He recieved his own room and all the food he could eat.

Steve's social skills continued growing from the RA position and from all of the fraternal events but his academic goals were not. Then, one day he saw his callling. Steve found a powerful interest in working with personal computers and with people. Steve learned that Penn State did not offer this type of major but
Pennsylvania College of Technology did! Steve said good bye to Penn State and hello to Penn College. He immediately began pursuing the Microcomputer Specialist associates degree. Steve soon got experience working with many different programming languages, word processors, spread sheets, databases, Novell network, hardware, and different kinds of people in the computer environment.

On August 17, 1997, Steve graduated and received the Microcomputer Specialist degree. Right now, Steve working as a PC Specialist at Penn State in the Department of Eductaion - ITSS department
Goto Steve's resume Page.

Send E-mail to Steve at about the page.

His other pages are found at..

visitors since June 6, 1997