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Rules of Coding



Private: Used whenever no other qualifyer is necessary

Protected: Used when a subclass should be allowed to overwrite the value

Public: Used for methods that should be called from outside


All variables in a class are private or protected. Write setXXX() and getXXX() methods to access them from outside, if necessary.

Exception: Global constants are defined as public static. Do not use final, unless it is absolutely necessary! Do not declare static variables if you do not use them as global constants!

All public methods must be safe to be called at any time, from any place.

Whenever possible, don’t use class variables.

Always use a qualifyer! Package structure might change, then all unqualified variables change their accessability. We don’t want that!




All final variables use uppercase letters and underscores only (FILE_MAX).

All variables that are meant and used as global static variables use uppercase letters and underscores only (FILE_MAX).

All variables have meaningful names, exceptions are loopcounters, enumerations and  exceptions, which might have only 1-letter-names.

All Labels or JLabels start with l_.

Only Labels or JLabels start with l_.

All Panels or JPanels start with p_.

Only Panels or JPanels start with p_.

All Buttons or JButtons start with b_.

Only Buttons or JButtons start with b_.

All Textfields or JTextfields start with t_.

Only Textfields or JTextfields start with t_.

All methods start with lowercase letters.

All classes start with uppercase letters.

All variables start with lowercase letters.

Use different names for different values. The only variables, that might change their meaning during the program, are 1-letter-names used for loopcounters, enumerations and  exceptions. When recycling variable names, make REALLY sure the variable is no longer in use before you reuse it! 

When using nested loops with 1-letter-variables, variables of inner loops should be direct successors of variables of outer loops.


for (int i = 0; i < WHAT_EVER; i++) {

      for (int j = 0; j < WHAT_EVER; j++) {

for (int k = 0; k < WHAT_EVER; k++) {

doAnything(i, j, k);





Declare loop variables inside of loop headers whenever possible, to make sure, the variable is only used in the loop.


for (int i = 0; …) {


Arrays are declared by putting the brackets to the type, not to the name of the variable:


private Hashtable[] data = new Hashtable[10];


instead of


private Hashtable data[] = new Hashtable[10];




All classes are commented with JavaDoc-Style comments like that:



 * Description of Class (Functionality, possible errors, anything of

 * interest to a user of the class)


 * Main author

 * primary Version number (of the first release the class is in)

 * Further version numbers ( of further releases, which use changed

 * versions of this class)



public class MyClass extends MyBaseClasse implements MyInterface {


All methods are commented in JavaDoc-Style like that:



 * Description of Method (Functionality, possible errors, anything of

 * interest to a user of the method)


 * first author

 * for each change: Name of Changer, Release which last used unchanged

 * method, Type and Reason of change  (if you change code used in v1.1 and

 * release it in v1.2, comment looks like Author: v1.1: reason)


 * Parameters that go in

 * Return Values that go out

 * Exceptions that might be thrown



private static Boolean myMethod (String parameter) throws MyException


All variables are commented in JavaDoc-Style like that:



 * name and usage of the variable



private static boolean myVariable;


If there are many variables declared globally, a shortened style may be used:


/** name and usage of the variable */

private static boolean myVariable;


Use this method ONLY after you made sure, so many global variables are necessary!


The following case-sensitive Javadoc-tags should be used in the appropriate places:

@author for the name of the author of a class. Multiple authors mean multiple lines starting with @author

@version for the version of the class

@param for all incoming parameters

@return for all return values that are not void

@exception for all exceptions that might be thrown by that method. Multiple exceptions mean multiple lines

@see for references to other methods or classes



 * Class description here…


 * @author        Name of first author

 * @author        Name of second author

 * @version       v0.1

 * @see           java.lang.Object





 * Method description here…


 * @param         name                    the field name.

 * @param         column                  the field column.

 * @return                               a field with the specified name and column.

 * @exception     NoSuchFieldException    if a field with the specified name is not found.

 * @exception     SecurityException       if access to the information is denied.



public Field getField(String name, int column) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException


JavaDoc Style ( /** … */ ) is used for comments that are directed at the user of the code

C++ Style ( // ) is used for comments that are directed at the programmer/developer  of the code

C Style ( /* … */ ) is used to comment blocks of code, that are not used at the moment, but might be used later.


Comment as much as necessary. Rule of thumb: If you don’t understand your code at the morning after a really good party, you did not comment enough!



Coding Style:

Similar code that appears at two or more positions wants to be a method of its own.

Code that initially constructs the GUI belongs to the init()-Method.

The init()-Method looks like that:


new Container

      new Subcontainer

            new Component1

            new Component2   





Beginning curly brackets ({ ) are in the same line as the code that opens it. Ending curly Brackets ( }) are always in a new line. Exception: Empty exceptionhandlers that only throw away the exception.



try {

      if (true) {

            doSomething( );


      else {

            doSomethingElse( );



catch (Exception e) { }


Don’t use bracketless shortcuts like that:


if (true)

doSomething( )


doSomethingElse( );


For indentation use 1 Tab, equivalent to 4 spaces. Don’t mix usage of space and tab!


Use empty exceptionhandlers ONLY if you expect an exception to happen and you are sure you don’t need to react to it. Exceptionshandlers for unexpected exceptions should at least contain one line of output to simplify debugging.



When you get a class interface to implement, NEVER change public methods without asking for permission. Other people might already write code that uses this methods.

When you get a class interface to implement, NEVER change other classes without asking for permission. Other people might already write code in this classes.

If you think a definition is especially stupid or useless, ask for reasons! Other people make mistakes too.

If you feel the need to throw an exception, ask for permission. All other people using your method must change their code because of that!

Catch all other exceptions. Don’t forget RuntimeExceptions, which you don’t have to declare in your method signature, but should catch in your method if you could expect them to arise!



Don’t use Enumerators or Iterators with Vectors. Although it is a possible and working way, it’s usually easier to go through a Vector using a for-loop. Enumerators and Iterators should only be used with Hashtables.