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Paddington Sai Group

Two Paddington Sai Group Members lead some other
Aussies into Interview at Kodaikanal - April 97

About The Paddington Sai Group

In the short year or so since the Paddington Group was formed, it has become known throughout Sydney and elsewhere for its vitality, invention and deep devotion to Sathya Sai. It has displayed this devotion through singing and service. The Paddington Group Singers are invited to many functions and events, while their Seva has broached new ground (see Care Bears) and is spreading around the world.

A Minister of a Balmain Christian church, asked the Paddington Group to sing in his church - to bring a higher spiritual atmosphere to his parishioners. At major Sai Baba gatherings in or near Sydney, they have been asked to share their fine voices in Bhajans. And have already cut a tape of improvised music, done during one of the monthly Music Nights, held at the centre (see times below). They intend to produce a more professional edition in the future, as well as possibly spreading their songs around to Nursing Homes and other Centres or Group meetings. One such event was the Seminar for the Year of Peace, held on 21 February, 1998 - to which this group hosted the Passport To Peace conference jointly, with the Strathfield Centre. It turned out to be - a Peaceful Celebration.

Meeting Times: Each Saturday evening at 6 p.m. at 216 Glenmore Rd Paddington, near Five Ways Round-about (2 doors from Clancy's store).

The first Saturday of the month, after Bhajans, a Music Night is held. Members of the group, along with many visitors, adjourn to enjoy some supper, then rally into song.

The second Saturday of the month, after Bhajans, Study Circle is held.

The third and fourth Saturday of the month, after Bhajans, supper and sharing of fellowship takes place. Although, it is possible, a second Study Circle will be arranged for the fourth Saturday, in the near future.

An Information-Drop In Centre is also being considered for the future. It is hoped that the above address will be open to the general public from Noon on Saturdays, allowing people to come by, pray, buy or borrow books, gain information on Sathya Sai or just share in the fellowship. The Sai Paddington Group has a wish to serve the greater community, rather than simply being a place for Sai Devotees to gather once a week.

Healing through Sai's instrument is now available. See here for Sai's gift to one of the Paddington Group's members, who is willing to freely give healing to any who ask, either in person or via email.

For further information, please contact us at our group address, above - or - snail-mail - PO Box 313 Edgecliff NSW Australia.
For a more swift response, please do not email the address below - instead - - this address is checked daily whereas the listed email address below might only be checked once a week.
Email us, below -

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