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The sins of my youth

At the time of the drafting and publishing of this website, I was unaware of the permanency of these statements, and the internet is eternal... I do not know enough about the internet to terminate my page.. and do not seem to have to time to edit it. I want to say.. read this page if you want.. it might be good for you. But this is not who I am any more (by a long shot). Take care!

This page is always under construction. This is much like the Pennsylvania State Highway System. You see, though this site is always under construction-- work NEVER GETS DONE... but not because I'm taking a 3 hour lunch break...

(Today is May 9, 2000 I think anyway...)

Usually here I have a little blurb excuse type thing about why I leave this image up all year (am I lazy? hmmm or is it just a GREAT decoration?)


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This is information about my past that should never be used as blackmail, under any circumstance.

Sort of recent information about me. This is never updated, and I've changed a bit since high school.. maybe it's updated-- try it

A tragic yet true story that has changed my life forever.

Other places to go:


Some humorous things... would like to update this someday

PICTURE ALBUM, last update 1-19-99. Unforetunately, all these pics are outdated. I've even lost some weight just to make them really outdated.. soon, soon :p

Something that can change YOUR life:

don't forget the construction thing

Also-- there might always be something new so please be sure to reload this lovely page each time you end up here!!

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