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Shel's Strand on the Web!

I guess I should tell you all a little bit about me. Let's see what's printable....I'm 36 (I survived 30!), bred, born and raised in Pennsylvania. I'm truly in love with the man pictured below. He is my Everything!! He is an extension of me and I'd be lost without him. On August 28,2004 we finally got married! You can follow the link provided below to view some of the pictures! Life continues to throw us many twists and turns but we're hanging in there. We just recently moved back to my hometown of St. Marys so that my family can help us raise Jackson, our new baby boy who was born on April 2, 2007. We still have our neurotic but loveable dog, Otis. You can follow his link below to his page! Jackson also has his own webpage liked below!! I hope you enjoy my pages and drop me an email or sign my guest book PLEASE!!!

This is Jackson and me with Dave Tango from Sci-fi's show "Ghosthunters" at the Dubois Mall (Halloween ,07)

You are a Precious Child Created out of love,
a blessing from above.
I've adored you from the start,
when your little footprints touched my heart.
A single teardrop represents the millions I have cried
My life never the same since you died.
I wish you could have stayed longer with me,
I'd watch you grow into all you could be.
Although we are no longer together,
Your beautiful spirit will endeavor.
I dream of a joyful time when
we will be reunited once again.
Thoughts of you make me smile.
You will always be My Forever Child™
~© S. Mosquera~

I'd Rather

I'd rather have bad times with you
Than good times with someone else
I'd rather be beside you in a storm
than safe and warm by myself
I'd rather have hard time together
than to have it easy apart
I'd rather have the one
Who holds my heart.

--Luther Vandross--

This is me and my honey Eric! He has come into my life and brought nothing but Joy and Happiness to Me. He's all I could have ever asked for in a Man! I guess good things DO come to those who wait!!? I love you Honey!! Can You believe it's been 7 years already!!!! Je t'aime mon petit ami!!!

Please Support Autism Research!

I think this picutre is so truly amazing that I had to post it on here. Look closely at the doctor's left hand...closer at his finger....what a way to say thank you........truly breath-taking!

Ok, here's where I give my shout-outs! How could I not do these without first thanking Eric for his life, love and all the happiness that he brings me! Big thanks to my family and all they've done for me in this crazy thing called life! To Eric's family for allowing Eric and themselves to become a part of my life and me in theirs! To all my friends, reality and cyberwise, Sharon, Sara (my wonderful "daughter"), Monica, Colleen (and lil' Josh and now baby Cassie),Alex aka Basho, Johna, "Aunt" Beth, Jenn (My new Sister-in-Law), Jada, Pam, Raven, ToppDawgg, Firemedic, Dluv, Dreamy_Lizard, Lt.Cuffs, Hillbily, and all the rest of you cyberfreaks who's aliases I've used to protect the guilty errrrr innocent! You have all played a part in my life whether you are aware of it or not! And if I've forgotten someone I sincerely apologize!
Love, Peace & Hair Grease,

I would like to send my condolences to of the families and friends who lost loved ones on that tragic day. I would also like to thank the firefighters, EMTs, and police officers who have bravely gone where no one else would dare. When everyone else runs out, they run in. THANK YOU! September 11, 2001--Our Loss Will Not Be Forgotten!!!!!

Please take some time and look at my pages, there are links at the bottom of this page to follow. Merci Beaucoup! Je t'aime mes amis!

Feel free to email me as much as you want! :~)

Don't want to email??!! Then Sign my Book!!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!

Remember---NO Glove NO Love!

Take a trip on my Link Ride Baby!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Our Wedding Day!
Eric, Sara, and Me!
My Family!
My Best Friends!
Otis Leroy Showlater!
Bubba, Beezer and Zoe!
Some Funny picks of my Pics!
Picture Page-May be slow to load!
Jackson's Webpage
My MySpace Page
