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Oh, but it is true. Billy is creating his own webpage, and there's nothing you can do about it. Well, unless you're Billy. Or someone he respects enough to listin to. Or if you're a really good hacker. Or just pretty good. Heck, you could be terrible and probably hack this. I mean, really, it's not like Billy's a genius.
HEY - stop making fun of me on my own page.
Sorry. Anyhow - here's the page.

(Who's not photogenic? Oh, yeah. Me.)

Well, I guess you're wondering why you're here. Isn't that what we all wonder, though? Why is it that we've been placed on this puny little star we like to call earth? And even more important, why did we name it earth? Why isn't it called brahchtel 9? Or splotzenwiggetniftelboreng? Why did we settle on such a truly boring title for our place of existance? One would think that the creative geniuses of the past would have been a little more creative. But I digress. (I know, I know. I'm a dork)

Since everyone wanted to know so much about me, I decided to finally make a page. It really sucks, but deal with it. I guess I should start by showing you some pictures of me. Well, here ya go - ME!!!!

And I guess you also want to see my friends, family, dog, hippo, rhin... Oh, wait. Stop after dog. My suggestion to you - PROCEDE WITH CAUTION!!!! Some of these people are so weird that it can rub off just by looking at pictures of them.

Something you can look at right now... I'm kind of a photo nut. Not insanely so, but it's a hobby. If you wanna see some of my pictures, here ya go - these suck

I have a few of my poems that you can look at. They aren't too good, but I'm only an amateur. Give me a break. I write them when I find time. That usually ends up being the time that I'm supposed to be taking notes, but I'm just trying to stay awake. Anyhow, here they are - poems

Ok, now to start talking about myself. I don't know what to say. Naturally blonde hair (it was dyed in the picture - which happens to be my college ID photo), blue eyes, 6'3", yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm 31 years old. If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. I'm actually 18 (unless it's past May 20th, 2003). My birthday is most definately not May 20th. Ok, ok. It is.

I would really like to be an actor, but since the odds of that are about as good as the odds of me getting abducted by aliens - actually, the odds of me getting abducted are probably better - I'm majoring in math. I love PSU. I didn't really like college at first, but it's growing on me. And yet, I miss my hometown of Milton.

On a sidenote - If anyone is stalking me, look no further for information. It's all here. If it's not, let me know what I need to write here.

Anyhow, back to my life story. My childhood was a lonely one. Ok, enough with the dramatics. I have to admit - as stupid as this is, it's gonna be really interesting for people to read. You'll finally finish and have no idea what I said. You'll be like, "What the heck was that? What have I been reading for the past ten minutes?"

I love to sing. If you somehow set up a hidden camera in my room, you would have a music video that would win America's Funniest Home Videos for the rest of eternity. I - of course - have to dance to complement the singing. While my singing is bearable, my dancing is... well... it sucks.

I almost enjoy singing as much as I like acting. Hence I was in 5 high school musicals (Pippin - as Theo, Fiddler on the Roof - as Nachum the begger, Children of Eden - as Abel, The Wiz, and Grease - as Johnny Casino/Teen Angel) and one drama (Mousetrap - Christopher Wren). I would have to say that honestly, Christopher Wren was my favorite character, because my director let me develop the character mostly on my own. People will probably remember me most, however, as Teen Angel - when I died my hair black and it wasn't until the end of the show that most of the non-cast figured out it was me.

Since we're on the acting theme right now, my favorite actor is Sean Connery, who will always hold the title as the best James Bond. My favorite actress is Julia Stiles. And God only knows what my favorite movie is.

As far as music goes, there are so many good vocalists and groups out there that it is difficult to narrow it down to one, but I think I would have to say Ben Folds. I think that his use of the piano and non-rhyming, yet very deep lyrics put him at the top of my list.

I think that I will stop there for now and add more when I find time. I hope to add a page of my poetry soon as well. Yes folks, he does it all. Unfortunately, he doesn't do any of it well. Peace, Love, and Hyperness. Buh-bye.

Look, there's three (that's right, three [3]) movie concepts now! None have any scripting done, but with college who has time for that? Hopefully at some point I will. Check it out - movie

Going along with peer pressure, here's my sub-journal type thingy. Read it if you want. It's not personal anymore.My Journal

You know you want to see where this link goes. It's just bugging you, isn't it? I know it has to be. Heck, I'm kind of curious and I made it. Just click anwhere on this link. Anywhere at all. Oh, come on. You're not even the least bit curious? What's wrong with you? Where's your sense of adventure? Well, fine then. If you're going to be that square, you don't deserve to see where this goes. Don't click it now. Don't even think about it. In fact, I set up this link so that if you take too long, it automatically closes. You're too late. You can't see it anymore. By now, the link has been closed for a while. Sucks to be you.

Yo, what up home fries? Y'all can send me some love here. And I really want to know what you think about my site. Do ya like it, hate it, think I should be tortured and brutally killed for making it? Let me know. Also, if there is anything else you would like to see on here (information about me, nude photos - I hope no one says nude photos), LET ME KNOW. If you don't tell me, it won't get put on. This is a no holds barred site, so if you do tell me, there is a very good possibility that it will get put on. Just e-mail me. I'm tired of only checking my e-mail just to empty the junk folder.